Work Measurement UJ

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Work Measurement

◦ Def. Work Measurement is the application of techniques designed to

establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a task at a Defined rate of

◦ Work measurement techniques

◦ Work sampling Structures
◦ Time study (most used – principle) PTS
(Predetermined time standards)- Standard time
Basic procedure for work measurement
◦ Select – job to be studied
◦ Record – relevant data
◦ Examine –the recorded data and detailed breakdown of activities
Measure – quantity work in each element
◦ Compile - standard time for work
◦ Define – the series of activities and methods of operation
Purpose of Work Measurement

• Investigate, eliminate and reduce ineffective time

• Develop standard times for doing a job
• Management tool – management/worker performance
• Compare efficiency of alternative methods (one that takes the
least time)
• Balance work of team members (and multiple activity charts)
• To determine the number of machines a worker can operate
Standard Time Purpose

• Provides a basis for production planning

• To compare efficiency of alternate methods
• Provides a basis for better plant layout and stock systems
• Provides information for selling price, delivery dates
• Set standards for machine utilization and about performance
• Provide information for labor cost control and performance
• Balance work of members of team
Time study

◦ Def. Time study is a work measurement technique for recording the

time of performing a certain specific job or its elements carried out
under specified conditions, and for analyzing the data so as to obtain
the time necessary for an operator to carry it out at a defined rate of

• Equipment
• Stopwatch
• Study Board
• Time study forms
• Calculator/computer
Selecting job to be studied

*Always a reason why a particular job is selected, could be

• New product, process or operation
• Change in material or method
• Complaint about time standard for an operation
• Bottleneck
• Std time req for Incentive scheme
• Excessive idle time
• Preliminary to method study
• Cost excessive as may be evidenced by Pareto Analysis
Selecting an operator

• If you have a choice of operator’s it is good policy to ask the

• If the job is going to be done on a large scale it is worthwhile to
study a number if qualified workers
• Important to choose a qualified worker
• Explain carefully and clearly to the worker’s representative and
• First observe as they work at normal pace
• Allow the operator to settle down before recording starts.
• Never do a study without the operator's knowledge
Time Study Steps

1. Obtain and record all info about job

2. Record a complete description of method – broken into elements
3. Examine the method, make sure it is the most effective one used
4. Measure the time to perform each element
5. Compare workers speed to std rating
6. Extend observed time to basic time
7. Determine allowances to be made above basic time
8. Determine std time for operation
Elements and Work Cycle

◦ Element: Is a distinct part of a specified job selected for

Convenience of observation, measurement and analysis

◦ Work Cycle: Is the sequence of elements which are required

to perform a job or yield a unit of production. The sequence
May sometimes include occasional elements
Importance of Elements
• To separate productive and unproductive work
• To allow accurate rating of work
• To identify different types of elements
• To separate elements with high fatigue and make
allowances more accurate
• To facilitate checking of methods
• To enable detailed work specifications
• To enable time values for frequently recurring elements
• Loading and unloading pieces from machine
Types of Elements
• Repetitive element - occurs in every work cycle
• Occasional element – does not occur in every cycle
• Constant element – basic time remains constant whenever performed
• Variable element – basic time varies depending on characteristic of
• Manual element – performed by worker
• Machine element – performed by machine
• Governing element – occupying longer time than any other element
• Foreign element – element observed that does not form part of
• Operations being studied

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