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Verbal patterns

Like, hate, love and enjoy

DATE: _________, february ___, 2024

Learning goals:

● talking about hobbies and sports

● Writing: an article about a sport you like
Este verb pattern es muy importante, y se usa especialmente con estos cuatro “verbos de preferencia”.

like + gerundio

love + gerundio

enjoy + gerundio

hate + gerundio

El gerundio, como sabemos, es la forma del verbo que termina en -ing. Aquí tienes todo sobre los gerundios.

Claro, se pueden usar estos verbos también con un sustantivo. Pero cuando hablamos de verb patterns, hablamos de lo que pasa cuando usamos dos

verbos seguidos.

Si se usan con un sustantivo, no es un verb pattern. Aquí tienes unos ejemplos de verbo más sustantivo…

I like chocolate.

I love hamburgers.

She enjoys her English class.

She hates broccoli.

Ninguna de estas frases es un verb pattern, porque solo hay un verbo! En cambio, si usamos dos verbos seguidos, entonces sí es un verb pattern.
verb patterns with like, love, hate y enjoy

I like eating chocolate.

I love eating hamburgers

She enjoys going to her English class.

She hates eating broccoli.

I like reading.

He likes reading.


I don’t like swimming.

Do you like swimming?

A ffirmative form
Would comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another
Dad would sing to us every evening.
Negative form
The negative form of would is wouldn’t. We don’t use don’t, doesn’t, didn’t with
There wouldn’t be any food in the house.
Question form

The subject and would change position to form questions. We don’t use do, does,

Would that be a good idea?

We can use would and wouldn’t in question tags:

She wouldn’t be any help, would she?

They would enjoy that, wouldn’t they?


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