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Written Products
Logs, journals, and notebooks
Portofolios Projects

A log
A log - provides documentary evidence of events and

concise summaries of information, and it may show a progression of events.


- Scientific logs of science experiments: to record heights of the plants. - In school, logs may be used in assessment to verify students actions.

A detailed log can help convince the a teacher that

the student actually performed certain actions.

log can reveal the exact nature of those actions.

Journal - Used to provide a record of the progression of

Students can record thoughts, observations, and

questions and hold written dialogues with others.


the diary of student in writing subject.

Teacher may choose to use this assessment method

when requiring students to record specific information based on the learning targets.
It is better for teacher to use the journal only for

informal assessment to better understand the students, uncover prior knowledge, or check the effectiveness of instruction.

Notebook similar to a file folder in that it commonly

holds a collection of all information pertinent to a particular topic.

Example: - a cookbook: contains many recipes and informations

of delicious and nutritious food

A science notebook: contains lecture notes, copies of

science exams, lab reports and completed homework assignments.

Notebook is helpful in assessment purposes, as it

contains the totality of work produced by a student.

The data of the notebook can be analyzed to track student performance overtime,
Determine particular content areas or concepts in

which the students experiences difficulty, Serve as a basis for student self-assessment.
In this manner, notebook help students keep up with their work and enables later reflection on learning.


Portfolio is a purposeful, integrated collection of student work showing effort, progress, or a degree of proficiency.

Best work portfolio
Memorabilia portfolio Growth portfolio

Skills portfolio
Assessment, proficiency, or promotion portfolios


It is first and usually used by artists and models in arts

classroom. It is used in school as evidence of mastery of learning goals. In language class called creative writing portfolio.

The Implementation of Best Work Portfolio

The portfolios are displayed at parents conferences, during Open House Night, or in the schools display case or media center.

It is the collection of mementos such as scrapbooks

and photo albums. It is rare to be done in schools. It is used to record students school experiences and reveal much about student attitudes, interests, and self-esteem.

The Implementation of Memorabilia Portfolio

Students assemble personal memorabilia portfolio
Used to stimulate writing in language arts courses, as

students reflect on pieces or certain things in the portfolio and write a story about it.

It is emphasized on change.
It is common to be done in class. The intention of this portfolio are:

To help students focus on their own learning 2. To reveal to other the progress a student has made.

The Implementation of Growth Portfolio

Second grade teacher collects the student works of writing and make them into portfolios. After the second grade is nearly passed, the portfolios are given to the third grade teacher in order for him/her can review the portfolios. Then, the third grade teacher can make the planning of his/her curriculum for the year based on the portfolios.

It is used to verify the students proficiency at a

particular skill/a set of skills. It has the same purpose as resume.

The Implementation of Skills Portfolio

Students assemble the documentation/are encouraged

to collect them. Students can make a report and document their grades using a skill portfolio.


It is used to show student growth toward proficiency in

standards of learning. It is often managed in an electronic format. The evidence must be of high quality.

Portfolio Design Questions

Is the purpose of the portfolio to instruct, support

learning or assess? What is the goal of using portfolio? What types of artifacts will be collected in the portfolio? How will artifacts be selected for the portfolio?

How will students be oriented to the use of the

portfolio? How will the portfolio be assessed? How will the information in the portfolio be housed? What planning should be done before asking students to compile a portfolio?

How Projects Are Used in Assessment

Project should designed and selected to teach core curriculum

content standards and scored by using a rubric, which is shared with students in advance

Projects at different grade levels will vary in levels of difficulty Students should understand the criteria used in case that

follows both the process & product can be assess

Criteria of process & product Processes : use of class time, use of resources, engagement, & time management Product : content knowledge understood, method of presentation & accuracy of the information

Example of how projects are used in assessment

Elementary School Level

Students study the systems of the body & make life-size posters showing the location of major organ

Middle School Level

Students plan, write, & produce a video that addresses a historical event or presents a literature review

High School Level

Students in history classes plan & raise funds for a Roman Tour of Great Britain
Projects can be the result of both cooperative work and individual effort, no matter which type of project is implemented in the classroom.

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