Fundamentals of Database System

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Fundamentals of

Database System
Week 1 Topic

SY 23-24
Brief history/Description of DBMS

• A database, as collection of information, can be

organized so a Database Management System can
access and pull specific information
• In 19960, Charles W. Bachman designed the first
database known as the Integrated Data Store,
followed by the Information Management System
developed by IBM.
• In the very early years of computers, “punch cards”
were used for input, output and data storage.
• Punch cards offered a fast way of to enter data, and to
retrieve it.
• Herman Hollerith is given credit for adapting the
punch cards used for weaving looms to act as the
memory for a mechanical tabulating machines, in
1890. Much later, database came along.
Characteristics of DBMS
Traditionally, data was stored in file formats. DBMS
was a new concept then, and all the research was done
to make it overcome the deficiencies in traditional style
of data management. A modern DBMS has the
following characteristics:
• Real-world entity
• Relation-based table
• Isolation of data and application
• Less redundancy
• Consistency
• Query Language
• ACID Properties- Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation,
and Durability
• Multiuser and Concurrent Access
• Multi views
• Security
The Story of DBMS
• In 1990, Sun Microsystems began a research
project to extend the power of network
computing to consumer devices, such as video
cassette records (VCRs) and television.
• The belief was that the next wave in
computing was the union of digital consumer
devices and computers.
• In 1950s and early 1960s: Data processing using
magnetic tapes for Storage Tapes provided only
sequential access Punched cards input.
• In 1970s, release of a paper by E. F. Codd entitled "A
Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data
Banks." This paper marked the beginning of the
relational database, which shows the relationship
between different data records and is more space-
efficient, making it cost-effective for data storage.
• In 1980s, Structured Query Language, or SQL,
became the standard query.
• Emergence of Object-oriented database management
systems (OODBMS), which viewed data as objects
and worked with programming languages that
supported the object-oriented approach.
• In 1990s, rise of the World Wide Web, fueling
demand for client-server database systems, and the
exponential growth of the database industry.
• MySQL was created in 1995, offering an alternative to
the database systems of large companies like Oracle and
Microsoft. Object-oriented database systems also grew
more popular in the 1990s.
• The term NoSQL was coined in 1998, referring to
databases that use a query language other than SQL to
store and retrieve data. NoSQL databases are useful for
unstructured data and saw growth in the 2000s, allowing
for faster processing of larger, more varied datasets.
NoSQL databases are more flexible than the traditional
relational databases that had risen the decade before
• The 2010s saw a rise in data awareness, with the
emergence of big data and increased emphasis on
data protection. This led to the development of
automation software as a popular tool when
interacting with databases. With the need to collect,
organise, and make use of large amounts of data,
distributed databases became more popular, storing
data across multiple physical locations instead of in
one place.

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