Possessive Adjectives and Conjuctions

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Possessive Adjectives




• Which Possessive Adjectives did you see in the video? Mention them
 Fill in the blanks belows to complete the sentences.
our classroom? We can’t find it.
1. Where is ______
2. Susan, is that _______ pen on the table?
your name? B: My name is Thomas.
3. A: What is ______
her book. She dropped it on the floor.
4. I think this is _______
Their names are Kevin an Stewart. They are my friends.
5. _______
his name on the test!
6. Mario forgot to write _______
7. A: What is your pone number? _______ pone number is 555-9826.
its food?
8. Did the cat eat all of ________
their toys.
9. The children are crying because they can’t find ______
their new teacher
10. Mariam and Jennifer like _______
Whose car is this?
her car
It’s _____

Who does that hat belong to?

his hat
It’s _____

Who do those books belong to?

their books
It’s _____

Who belongs this bone?

It’s _____
its bone.

What’s is your thelephone number?

My telephone number is 555-0067

 Complete the sentences with: AND, SO, BUT or BECAUSE.

and football.
1. My friend plays tennis ______
because I love languages.
2. I am studying English __________
 AND  links two related things: I like burgers and chips. so she didn’t buy it.
3. The hat was expensive ______
 BUT  gives an opposite idea, mostly negative: I like watching but he plays the drums.
4. He doesn’t play the guitar ______
films but I don’t like going to the cinema. because he was tired.
5. David walked slowly ___________
 SO  gives a result: I was hungry so I cooked something to eat. but she can’t cook.
6. She can’t sing well, ______

 BECAUSE  gives a reason: I went home because I was ill.

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