Assignment 4-5 BIB

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Presented by:
Annastasya Nuraisyah Hermawan
1941320194 . 4MRK1

Drainage can be defined as a system of

channels, pipes, and structures that are
designed to manage and control the flow
of surface water or groundwater to
prevent flooding, waterlogging, or
Sidoarjo Regency has experienced high infrastructure
development. However, the development has been focused
mainly on internal housing infrastructure without much
consideration for external facilities such as drainage systems.
Tanggulangin Anggun Sejahtera II

The drainage system of Tanggulangin Anggun Sejahtera II

housing estate has poor water flow management, causing
the nearby river to overflow and flood the area during
rainfall. One of the reasons for the flooding is due to the
inadequate planning of the drainage system and the
dimensions of the channels that do not meet the
requirements. Additionally, the river's capacity is not
optimal, causing rainwater to be unable to flow properly
into the channels. the overflowing Sungai Brantas caused floods
in several villages in Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo, (
1. What is the condition of the existing drainage system and what are the dimensions
of the existing drainage channels in the Tanggulangin Anggun Sejahtera II
2. What is the planned flood discharge in the Tanggulangin Anggun Sejahtera II
3. What are the dimensions of the planned channels in the Tanggulangin Anggun
Sejahtera II housing?
4. How is the development of eco-drainage planning, including the dimensions and
planned discharge of the drainage system in Tanggulangin Anggun Sejahtera II
5. What is the cost estimate needed for the redesign of the eco-drainage in
Tanggulangin Anggun Sejahtera II Housing?
1. To understand the existing drainage system in the Perumahan Tanggulangin Anggun
Sejahtera II housing. This includes the layout, size, capacity, and condition of the drainage
2. To estimate the expected amount of water that the drainage system will need to handle
during a flood event.
3. To determine the optimal dimensions for the drainage channels in the area. This includes
determining the channel slope, width, and depth necessary to manage the expected flood
discharge while minimizing the risk of flooding.
4. To designing the eco-drainage of Tanggulangin Anggun Sejahtera II housing.
5. To estimate the cost of implementing the new drainage system. This includes the cost of
materials, labor, and any necessary permits or approvals.

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