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Element Of A Story

D e f i n i t i o n a n d E x a m p l e s
The Story elements are what keep the story
running smoothly and allow the action to
develop in a logical way that the reader can
Key Elements Of A Plot

Story The Plot is the events or actions that drive your story.

The setting of your story refers to the actual place and
time where your plot takes place.
Key Elements Of A Story

Character Point Of View Conflict

The characters are the

individuals, creatures, point of view describes
the lens through which Conflict is what your
or personified objects
the story is being told. main characteris trying
that are the main plot
to overcome
devices in a story
To keep your reader engaged and interested, your story
should include these plot elements:

Rising Action
Falling Action
The setting of your story refers to the actual place and time where your
plot takes place.

Time Place Environment

The environment includes

Time can cover many Place also covers a lot of
geographical location such
areas, such as the areas, such as a certain
as beach or mountains, the
character’s time of life, building, room in a
climate and weather, and
the time of day, time of building, country, city,
the social or cultural
year, time period such as beach, in a mode of
aspects such as a school,
the past, present, or transport such as a car,
theatre, meeting, club, etc.
future, etc. bus, boat, indoors or out,
There are many different kinds of characters, but most stories
include these two common types:

The protagonist is typically the ‘good guy’ in your story

— the one the reader is rooting for. This main character is
super important and central to your plot.

The antagonist of your story doesn’t have to be a single

person. It can be any character, group, or force that is at
odds with your protagonist.
Point Of View
Types of Point Of View

A story told in the first person is most often told from the point
of view of the protagonist.

In the second person, the reader is addressed directly and may

even become a character of sorts in your story.

Third person POV is by far the most common point of view in

fiction writing.
There There are different types of conflicts you may choose to use, but the most common are character vs self, character
vs character, character vs nature, and character vs society.


character must overcome In a character vs character Character vs nature

something within conflict, someone is conflicts pit our
themselves to achieve their standing in our characters against some
goal. protagonist’s way. kind of natural force.
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