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Unidad Educativa Juan

León Mera
“ La Salle”

Group members :
g u “ A ”
l i s h 2 B
E ng Kevin Lamar / Juan Diego Arizabala
Topic: Past perfect continuous
Puropose: Explain its rules about the past perfect
continuous and in which cases it is applied.
• It is formed using the auxiliary verb "had been“
• Actions that were taking place before an event in the past
• To describe a condition that was not met in the past
• It is used to ask if some action occurred in the past
1. Actions in Progress in the Past:
It is used to express actions that were in progress before a specific point in the past.
2.Duration of an Activity Before Another Action:
Indicates the duration of an action that occurred before another action in the past.
3. To Describe Conditions in Conditional Sentences:
It can be used in conditional sentences to express conditions that were not met in the past.
4. Intermittent or Repetitive Events in the Past:
It can be used to describe intermittent or repetitive events that occurred in a specific period
of time in the past.
I was exhausted because I had been working all day.
(Estaba agotada porque había estado trabajando todo el día)

He had been playing the guitar for years before he formed a band.
(Había estado tocando la guitarra durante años antes de formar una banda)

If she had not been sleeping, she would have heard the phone.
(Si no hubiera estado durmiendo, habría oído el teléfono)

They were tired because they had been running marathons for weeks.
(Estaban cansados porque habían estado corriendo maratones durante semanas)
Important information
The past perfect continuous is used to express the duration of an action that occurred before
another action in the past and the Structures are:

Affirmative: Subject+auxiliary (had been)+verb (ing)+ complement

Negative: Subject+auxiliary (had not been)+verb (ing)+complement
Interrogative: Auxiliary (had)+subject+been+verb (ing)+complement+?

Affirmative: I had been playing soccer.

Negative: I hadn't been playing soccer.
Interrogative: Had you been playing soccer?
X1.- Used to express the duration of an action that
occurred before another action in the present. X4
X2.- It is formed using the auxiliary verb "had been“.
X3.- Actions in progress in the past. X3
X4.- I was playing soccer. X5
X5.- subject+auxiliary+verb ing+complement

Past Perfect Continuous

• Which auxiliary we use in the past perfect continuous?
• Tell me one case that is used in the past perfect continuous?
• Tell me a sentence using the past perfect continuous?
• Tell me the structure of an affirmative sentence in the past perfect
k yo u

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