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PearL Cf lndla

,adhya radesh ls called Lhe neart of Ind|a

because of lLs locaLlon ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe
counLry lL has been home Lo Lhe culLural
herlLage of Plndulsm lslam 8uddhlsm eLc
lnnumerable monumenLs exqulslLely carved
Lemples sLupas forLs palaces are doLLed all
over Lhe SLaLe
@e Natura| 8eauty
@he naLural beauLy of ,adhya
radesh ls equally varled
ConslsLlng largely of a plaLeau
sLreaked wlLh Lhe hlll ranges of
Lhe vlndhyas and Lhe SaLpuras
Lhe SLaLe has everyLhlng @he
hllls glve rlse Lo Lhe maln rlver
sysLem narmada and Lhe
@apLl runnlng from easL Lo
wesL and Lhe Chambal Sone
8eLwa ,ahanadl wesL Lo easL
SpecLacular mounLaln ranges
meanderlng rlvers doLLed wlLh
hllls and lakes
and mlles and mlles of dense
foresLs offerlng a unlque and
exclLlng panorama of wlldllfe
ln sylvan surroundlngs
Cne Lhlrd of Lhe sLaLe ls
foresLed and offers a
unlque and exclLlng
panorama of wlldllfe ln
Lhe naLlonal arks of
kanha 8andhavgarh
Shlvpurl and many oLhers
one has Lhe rare
opporLunlLy Lo see Lhe
Llger Lhe blson and a
wlde varleLy of deer and
anLelope ln sylvan
Jor|d ner|tage S|tes
lLhough Lhe modern sLaLe of ,adhya radsh came
lnLo belng ln 1936 lLs culLural herlLage ls anclenL
and chequered lnnumerable monumenLs
exqulslLely carved Lemples sLupas forLs and
palaces on hlllLops ralse ln Lhe vlslLors mlnd vlslons
of emplres and klngdoms of Lhe greaL warrlors and
bullders poeLs and muslclans salnLs and
phllosophers of Plndulsm 8uddhlsm !alnlsm and
lslam @he famous SanskrlL poeLdramaLlsL kalldasa
and Lhe greaL muslclan of Lhe ,ughal courL
@ansen were from ,adhya radesh
Several clLles ln ,adhya radesh are exLraordlnary
for Lhelr archlLecLure and or scenlc beauLy lour
slLes ln ,adhya radesh have been declared World
PerlLage SlLes by unLSCC
W @he kha[uraho Croup of ,onumenLs (1986)
W @he uevl !agadambl Lemple (1986)
W 8uddhlsL ,onumenLs aL Sanchl (1989)
W @he 8ock ShelLers of 8hlmbeLka (2003)
kha[uraho ls a small vlllage ln
,adhya radesh become a
hoLspoL among LourlsLs for lLs
eroLlc sculpLured Lemples lL ls
also one of Lhe World PerlLage
SlLe lL ls one of Lhe Lop LourlsL
places of lndla kha[uraho ls
lndlas unlque glfL of love Lo Lhe
world conLradlcLs lndlan
conservaLlve culLure @he Lemples
are grouped lnLo Lhree
geographlcal dlvlslons wesLern
easLern and souLhern n lrporL
also has been bullL ln Lhls small
8udd|st Monuments |n Sanc|
Sanchl ls 68 kllomeLers norLh of 8hopal ln Lhe sLaLe of ,adhya radesh unlque
and famous for more Lhan 30 magnlflcenL 8uddhlsL monumenLs LhaL crown Lhe
hlllLop of Sanchl @he greaL Sanchl SLupa ls Lhe mosL famous of all ln Sanchl he
sLupa ls Lhe mosL characLerlsLlc monumenL of 8uddhlsL lndla Crlglnally sLupas
were mounds coverlng Lhe rellcs of Lhe 8uddha or hls followers
8|mbetka rock se|ters
@he 8|mbetka rock se|ters are an archaeologlcal World PerlLage slLe locaLed ln
8alsen ulsLrlcL ln Lhe lndlan sLaLe of ,adhya radesh @he 8hlmbeLka shelLers
exhlblL Lhe earllesL Lraces of human llfe ln lndla a number of analyses suggesL
LhaL aL leasL some of Lhese shelLers were lnhablLed by man for ln excess of
100000 years
Some of Lhe SLone ge rock palnLlngs found among Lhe
8hlmbeLka rock shelLers are approxlmaLely 30000 years old
@he 8ock ShelLers lle ln Lhe 8alsen ulsLrlcL of ,adhya radesh 43 km souLh of
8hopal aL Lhe souLhern edge of Lhe vlndhyachal hllls SouLh of Lhese rock shelLers
are successlve ranges of Lhe SaLpura hllls
@he enLlre area ls covered by Lhlck vegeLaLlon has abundanL naLural resources ln
lLs perennlal waLer supplles naLural shelLers rlch foresL flora and fauna and bears
a slgnlflcanL resemblance Lo slmllar rock arL slLes such as kakadu naLlonal ark ln
usLralla eLc
uevl !agadambl Lemple
uevl !agadamblka Lemple ln a
group Lo Lhe norLh ls one of Lhe
mosL flnely decoraLed Lemples aL
kha[uraho wlLh numerous eroLlc
carvlngs @hree bands of carvlngs
enclrcle Lhe body of Lhe Lemple
ln Lhe sancLum ls an enormous
lmage of Lhe goddess uevl @he
Lemples of kha[uraho were bullL
by Lhe rulers of Lhe Chandella
dynasLy beLween Lhe 10Lh and
Lhe 12Lh cenLurles
,'s CulLural WealLh
,adhya radesh has many large Lrlbes and casLs llke Lhe 8hlll Conda
Chamar kalal 8a[purohlL khols and many more Lrlbes are ln ,adhya
radesh @he resL populaLlon of Plndu lncludlng 8a[puL (land lord) and many
more mlxLure ln Plndu @he casL sysLem ls pre[udlce ln Lhls sLaLe WlLh flxed
places for Lrlbes and schedule casL are Lhere Lvery casL has lLs own fesLlvals
cusLom and food @here ls one lmporLanL fesLlval of 8hlls Lhey cuL Lhe anlmal
ln fronL of Lhelr Cod @hey belleve LhaL lf Lhey sacrlflce anlmal Lo Cod wlll be
happy and Lhelr wlshes wlll come Lrue
@he Creen ,alaw
,adhya radesh ls Lhe hearL of lndla Slnce many klnds of crops and
vegeLables grow here @herefore Lhe second name for ,adhya
radesh ls Creen ,alaw LlghLy percenL of populaLlon depends on
agrlculLure WheaL corn peas graln CoLLon and soybeans are Lhe
mosL lmporLanL crops ,any dense foresLs are lmporLanL resource of
Llmber provldlng 8ambo @eak Sal ,llllon hecLors of land ls under
Lhe foresL ueparLmenL whlch ls Lhe acLlve here
@he sLaLe ls full of naLural resources Coal and lron are Lwo lmporLanL
resources @here are many cemenL facLorles and one reglon name ls
anna" ls world famous for dlamonds @he handlcrafL lLems of
,adhya radesh are famous ,any governmenL organlzaLlon and
lndlvldual organlzaLlon are worklng for Lhe handlcrafL lndusLry and
promoLlng Lhe work of crafLsmen
,adhya radesh has beauLlful clLles and hlsLorlcal places are here Cne
Lemple ls ln lndore famous whlch made of glass lndore ls a commerclal
cenLer of Lhe agrlculLure reglon @he maln lndusLrles of coLLon and
!ewelry are ln 8hopal lndla's largesL ,osque ls Lhere ,odern 8hopal
was founded ln 1970 lso 8hopal was Lhe caplLal of Lhe former
prlncely sLaLe of 8hopal
u[[aln ls a famous place ln Lhe world as lL ls Lhe one of sacred clLy for Lhe
Plndus ln Lhe elghL cenLury u lL was Lhe cenLer of SanskrlL learnlng
and many famous Lemples are here Lvery LwenLy year a blg falr kumb
ls organlzed @he clLy 8alpur was founded ln fourLeen cenLury by 8al
8rahma ueo of Lhe 8aLnapura dynsLy and many ma[or foods processlng
lndusLrles are here Sanchl ls world famous place lL ls known for SpuLa
,onasLerles @emples and plllars@he Sachl spuLa one was orlglnally bullL
by Lhe ,auryan Lmperor shoka
WhaL Lo eaL
s elsewhere ln CenLral lndla you can have Lhe dellcacles
of reglonal culslnes from all over lndla ln ,adhya
radesh 8esldes local CenLral lndlan culslne (,alwl
food) ls breaLhLaklngly dellclous local oha and uaal
8aflae of cerLaln places such as u[[aln lndore and 8aLlam
are very dellclous
Cwallor ls famous for chaaL named as 8edml (dal sLuffed
su[l purl wlLh aloo kl Leekhl sab[l) favorlLe mornlng
breakfasL of gwallorlLes lso a famous sweeL Ca[ak (from
,orena) famous ln wlnLer season lndore Loo ls famous
for 8uLLa kees and even Sabudana khlchdl avallable
24*7 8aLlam ls famous place for namkeen Sev
@hank ?ou
resenLed 8y
Caurav koley

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