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ASEAN University Center

Group 4
Head Administrative Officer IV
Proposed Training and Developmental Importance of the Proposed Training and Developmental Programs
-Participation in Leadership and -To be trained on strategic leadership in the ASEAN context and
management training courses, seminars practiced quality management.
and workshops. -To learn change management techniques for the center, have a deeper
-Attend Online Webinar on ASEAN affairs understanding of the role of a Manager, and enhance decision-making
and regional integration skills.
-Apply to Foreign Language courses. -To improve communication and reasoning skills
- Participate to Foreign Language -To effectively communicate in the international setting
Enrichment Exercise (FLEX) -To enhanced cognitive skills

-Join a Project Management training/ -To develop skills in managing ASEAN-related projects
-Attend Mentoring and Coaching -To gain proper knowledge and have the competency to mentor junior
Programs and Training staff for career development

-Apply to Financial Management/Budget -To understand the characteristics of good financial management and the
Management and Control Courses role of the manager in planning, monitoring and controlling budgets
­To understand the procedures to plan, monitor and control budgets
­To understand the principles of costing a service.
Administrative Assistant ll
Proposed Training and Developmental Importance of the Proposed Trainings and Developmental
Programs Programs

-Join in Microsoft Office Online Training and -To learn the ins and outs of the widely-used software trio
Courses Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, collaboration tools like
SharePoint and Teams, as well as the popular productivity
programs Access, Outlook, Project, and Publisher helping the
center to deliver the task efficiently, effectively, and
-Apply or Join to Records Management -To ensure that records are properly stored, accessed and
Training Online Courses or Webinar. managed in a secure manner.

-Join in Office Supplies Inventory Management -To understand the responsibilities and functions of office
Training inventory management
-To review the office inventory policies and procedures
-To systematize the office inventory system

-Apply to Online Courses about -To be an effective communicator in the international setting. -
Communication Skills Development and To Increased efficiency and performance
Language Literacy Subjects
Participate to Event Planning and -To improve skills in organizing ASEAN-related event.
Management Training
Administrative Assistant l
Proposed Training and Developmental Importance of the Proposed Trainings and Developmental
Programs Programs
-Join in Simulation training, E-Learning, or -To lead the HR function, foster influence in the community, analyze
Collaborative training to enhanced Human performance metrics; and align HR strategies to university ASEAN
Resource Management Skills. center goals.
-Apply to Customer Service Training -To enhance skills in providing exceptional service to ASEAN
Programs stakeholders

-Join in Professional Development Workshops -To help people develop their own positive attitudes which can bring
wonders for members morale and improved performance in the
ASEAN center
-Participate online in ASEAN Digital and - To improve technological skills and competence and to combat
technological Literacy Program misinformation and disinformation efficiently.

-Participate in online webinars about -To Increased efficiency and performance, To Decreases
workplace attitude including flexibility, procrastination and downtime, To achieve quality work outcomes,
adaptability and time management strategies. To learn techniques for effective time management in a fast-paced
-Join Communication Skills Training Course .-To improve communication and reasoning skills
-To effectively communicate in the international setting
Administrative Aide IV
Proposed Training and Developmental Importance of the Proposed Trainings and Developmental
Programs Programs
-Apply in Certificate Course for Data -To learn about designing, implementing, and overseeing the
Protection Officers respective data privacy policies of the ASEAN center, in
-Join in Privacy Management Programs compliance with the Data Privacy Act and its Implementing Rules.
-Apply in Diplomacy Training Programs or -To gain and imrpove diplomatic skills and strategies to perform
Courses more effectively in a multilateral environment.

-Apply in Online Secretarial Training - To expand these strategic skill sets and be empowered with the
Course right mindset in order to create an effective and positive workplace

-Participate online in ASEAN Digital and - To improve technological skills and competence and to combat
technological Literacy Program misinformation and disinformation efficiently.

-Join in Communication Skills Training -To Increased efficiency and performance

Course -To be effective an communicator in an international setting
-To master an effective written and verbal communication
technique in the international setting
-To learn the Southeast Asian Language for better communication

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