Group Iv Depressant

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Despite the name, depressants don’t necessarily make you
feel depressed. Referred to as “downers,” these drugs are
designed to help people relax, release inhibitions, and feel
They are commonly used to treat anxiety, panic attacks,
stress, insomnia, sleep disorders, body pain, seizures, and
more. Depressants can be swallowed, drank, injected, or
snorted; once administered, they will affect the central
nervous system and begin to slow down messages
between the brain and the body.

Benzodiazepines Opioids Sleeping pills

Barbiturates Alcohol
Which Depressants are Legal vs. Illegal?
There are many depressants floating around in the world — some legal and easy to obtain, some not. They all fall within three major
types: sedatives, hypnotics, and tranquilizers.

Here are some common depressants and their legality status:

Depressant Legal?
Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax) With Prescription

Barbiturates With Prescription, Discontinued

Opioids With Prescription
Alcohol Age 21+
Sleeping Pills Over the Counter, Legal
GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) Illegal
What are Benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines are depressants that produce sedation and hypnosis, relieve anxiety and
muscle spasms, and reduce seizures.
The most common benzodiazepines are the prescription drugs Valium®, Xanax®, Halcion®,
Ativan®, and Klonopin®. Shorter-acting benzodiazepines used to manage insomnia include
estazolam (ProSom®), flurazepam (Dalmane®), temazepam (Restoril®), and triazolam
(Halcion®). Midazolam (Versed®), a short-acting benzodiazepine, is utilized for sedation,
anxiety, and amnesia in critical care settings and prior to anesthesia.
Diazepam is a Alprazolam is used to Triazolam is a Lorazepam is a Klonopin is used to
medication that treats treat anxiety and medication that treats benzodiazepine treat certain seizure
anxiety, seizures, muscle panic disorders. It medication. It is used to disorders (including
insomnia. This
spasms or twitches. It belongs to a class of medication works by treat anxiety, trouble absence seizures or
medications called sleeping, severe Lennox-Gastaut
can also reduce the helping you fall asleep
benzodiazepines agitation, active syndrome) in adults
symptoms of alcohol faster and stay asleep seizures including
withdrawal. It works by which act on the brain during the night. The and children. Klonopin
status epilepticus,
helping your nervous and nerves (central brand name of this is also used to treat
alcohol withdrawal, and
system calm down. The nervous system) to medication is Halcion®. chemotherapy-induced
panic disorder
brand name of this produce a calming nausea and vomiting. (including
medication is Valium®. effect. agoraphobia) in adults.
How are they abused?
Abuse is frequently associated with adolescents and young adults who take
the drug orally or crush it up and snort it to get high. Abuse is particularly
high among heroin and cocaine users. Additionally, opioid users often co-
abuse benzodiazepines to enhance euphoria.
What is their effect on the body?
Benzodiazepines slow down the central nervous system and may cause
sleepiness and relaxed mood. Benzodiazepines are associated with amnesia,
hostility, irritability, and vivid or disturbing dreams.
What are their overdose effects?
Extreme drowsiness, confusion, impaired coordination, decreased reflexes,
respiratory depression, coma, and possible death. Overdose effects of
concomitant use of benzodiazepines and opioids include:
Profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma, and death.
What are Barbiturates?
Depressant drug used to help sleep, relieve anxiety, muscle spasms, and prevent seizures.
Street Title
Barbs, Block Busters, Christmas Trees, Goof Balls, Pinks, Red Devils, Reds & Blues,
Yellow Jackets
Prescribed names: Fiorina®, Pentothal®, Seconal®, or Nembutal®.
Fiorina is a Pentothal (Thiopental Sodium Seconal (secobarbital) is a Nembutal (pentobarbita
sedative that for Injection) is an ultrashort- sleep medication that belongs l sodium) is a
acting depressant of the to a group of medications barbiturate that acts as
helps to
central nervous system that known as barbiturates. a depressant, or
decrease anxiety
induces hypnosis and Barbiturates help you relax and sedative, used short-
and cause anesthesia, but not analgesia.
promote sleepiness. Seconal term to treat insomnia.
sleepiness and It produces hypnosis within 30
relaxation. (secobarbital) should only be
to 40 seconds of intravenous
used for a short period of time
injection. Recovery after a
small dose is rapid, with some as it has a risk of becoming
somnolence and retrograde habit-forming and addictive.
How are they abused?
Swallowing a pill or injecting a liquid form. Barbiturates are generally
abused to reduce anxiety, decrease inhibitions, and treat unwanted effects
of illicit drugs.
What is their effect on the body?
Barbiturates slow down the central nervous system and cause sleepiness.
Mild euphoria, lack of restraint, relief of anxiety. Impairment of memory,
judgment, and coordination. Irritability, paranoia and suicidal ideation.
What are their overdose effects?
Central nervous system depression, decreased respiration, increased heart
rate, decreased blood pressure, decreased urine production, decreased
body temperature, coma, and possible death.
What are opioids?
Opioids include any drug that acts on opioid receptors in the brain, and any natural or
synthetic drugs that are made from or related to the opium poppy.
Opiates are a type of opioid. They’re drugs which are naturally derived from the opium
poppy plant, and are not synthetic
Heroin is an opioid. Opioids Naloxone hydrochloride
Codeine is an opioid. Opioids are drugs that
include any drug that acts on (brand names Prenoxad,
Opioids are drugs that act on the opioid
opioid receptors in the brain, Nyxoid) is a drug that can
act on the opioid receptors in the brain,
and any natural or synthetic temporarily reverse opioid
receptors in the brain,
drugs that are derived from, or overdose. Naloxone works they include both
they include both
natural and synthetic
related to, the opium poppy. by blocking opioid drugs, natural and synthetic
Opiates are a subset of such as heroin and drugs that are derived
drugs that are derived
opioids, which are naturally oxycodone, from attaching to from, or related to, the
from, or related to, the
derived from the opium poppy opioid receptors in the brain. opium poppy.
opium poppy.
plant, rather than synthetic
How are they abused?
Opioids can be used in various ways. Opioid-based medications are usually found in tablet
form and are often swallowed.
Opiate-substitution treatment (pharmacotherapy) is found in liquid, tablet and film
formations and is used via mouth and by dissolving the film under the tongue.
Heroin is usually injected but is also snorted or smoked.
What is their effect on the body?
Opioids bind to opioid receptors which depress the central nervous system – meaning they
slow down messages between the brain and the rest of the body.
On opioids, your breathing and heart rate slow down. Dopamine is released, causing
sensations of pleasure and pain relieWhat are their overdose effects?
Opioid overdose can result in death and other injuries. But it can be reversed by CPR and
naloxone administration.
What is alcohol?
Alcohol is a depressant drug, which means it slows down the messages
travelling between the brain and body.
What does alcohol look like?
Alcohol is a colorless fermented or brewed liquid made from ethanol and flavored water.
Other names
Booze, grog, piss, liquor, charge, plonk, bevvies, nip
How is alcohol used?
Alcohol is typically drunk in the form of beer, wine, cider or spirits. It can affect you
quickly depending on the type of drink, as well as a person’s weight, height, health and
amount consumed.
What is their effect on the body?
Mixing alcohol with other drugs can have unpredictable effects and increase the risk of
Alcohol and cannabis: can cause nausea, impaired coordination, vomiting.
Alcohol and cocaine/ice/speed can feel less intoxicated due to the stimulant effect of
methamphetamine/cocaine and lead to drinking more. Increases risk of alcohol poisoning.
Alcohol and benzodiazepines/GHB/heroin: high risk of overdose, may feel clumsy or
uncoordinated, shallow breathing, nausea and vomiting, memory loss, passing out, and
possible death.
What are Sleeping pills ?
Sleeping pills treat insomnia by making you feel drowsy and relaxed. Sleep
aids, including natural ones like melatonin, can cause side effects. You may
feel confused or sleepy during the day. Some people walk or eat in their
sleep (parasomnia). Other nondrug therapies like cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT) are better at improving sleep.
Melatonin It may help you fall Zolpidem is used to treat This medication is used
(Zarbee’s®) is a asleep faster, stay asleep insomnia (difficulty falling to treat sleeplessness (
liquid medication for longer, and lessen how asleep or staying asleep). insomnia). It helps you
children to regulate often you wake up during Zolpidem belongs to a class fall asleep faster so you
your child’s sleep the night, so you can get of medications called can get a full night's
cycle. It helps a better night's rest. sedative-hypnotics. It
improve your child’s Eszopiclone belongs to a works by slowing activity
sleep if they have a class of drugs called in the brain to allow sleep.
condition like sedative-hypnotics.
insomnia or jet lag.
How effective are sleeping pills?
Studies show that sleeping pills aren’t that helpful in promoting a good night’s
rest. Most people who take sleep aids fall asleep about eight to 20 minutes faster
than those without medicine. On average, you might get an additional 35 minutes
of shuteye.
Generally, sleep aids should be for short-term use. They may be most helpful if a
stressful life event, such as a divorce or death in the family, is keeping you awake.
What are the potential side effects of sleeping pills?
Approximately eight out of 10 people experience a hangover effect the day after
taking sleep medicine. They feel drowsy, have muddled thinking and experience
dizziness or balance problems. These daytime effects can negatively impact your
ability to drive, work, go to school and complete daily tasks.

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