Factual Reading Wolfgang Katterle

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Presented by group 4.

S:Nadia Aulia Hanifah (2302040132)

2. Ferano Yudysia (2302040137)

3. Shabrina Aulia Firman (2302040141)

4. Hasya Ayu Azmi (2302040144)



Main topic and topic per Main idea of whole To inform people the purpose
paragraph. paragraph and per paragraph. of the autobiography.

To inform people what kind To inform people about the
of linguistic the introduction, body, and
autobiography used. conclusion.
The main topic of this autobiography is Wolfgang
Ketterle's life journey. The main idea of the whole
paragraph is Wolfgang Ketterle's life journey, from
discussing his childhood, his academic pursuits, his
career, his marital relationship with his wife, his
children's talents, and his Nobel Prize awards.
● Paragraph 1
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's birth and the background of his family’s.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle’s birthplace and the movement of his family to Heidelberg to search for better economic

● Paragraph 2
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's childhood and family life.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle’s stable and peaceful childhood, and his movement from Heidelberg to Eppelheim, he
also grew up with an older brother and a younger sister.

● Paragraph 3
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's parents' occupation.
b. Main idea : My parents worked hard to provide security and prosperity for our family.

● Paragraph 4
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's parental support.
b. Main idea : My parents supported all our interests in music, sports and sciences.

● Paragraph 5
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's early explorations and experiments.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle’s explorations of the technical world started with legos, electricity kits, household
appliance repairs, woodworking projects, chemistry experiments, and electronics.
● Paragraph 6
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's educational background and experiences in elementary and grammar school.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle’s education journey during his school years, he worked hard in languanges and other
subjects, and then became to be the best student in his class.

● Paragraph 7
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's athletic interests and experiences during his student years.
b. Main idea : As a student, I liked to play soccer and basketball, and I also enjoyed trying out the various disciplines
within track and field.

● Paragraph 8
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's decision to pursue higher education in physics after high school.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle decided to choose physics, at first he was clueless about physics, but fortunately he
survived when he learnt more about physics.

● Paragraph 9
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's experience attending summer school on a Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle’s received a fellowship from Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and had opportunity
to attend special summer schools in the Italian Alps.
● Paragraph 10
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's decision to pursue higher education and his choice of university.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang entered University of Heidelberg, and then after passing the pre-diploma, he transfered to
Technical University of Munich.

● Paragraph 11
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's formative experiences after starting an independent life in Munich.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle experienced life in new town, he liked outdoor activities in the Alps and also liked
theaters and arts museums.

● Paragraph 12
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's academic journey during his diploma studies and Ph.D. research.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle’s personal academic journey from diploma to PhD, including his thesis work on spin
relaxation in disordered materials.

● Paragraph 13
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's research during his Ph.D. and postdoctoral studies.
b. Main idea : Towards the end of my PhD, I applied Towards the end of my PhD, I applied the same method to helium
hydride and observed the first discrete spectra of this molecule confirming its existence.
● Paragraph 14
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's career transition.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle applied research in a university setting, although he had several interviewed and job

● Paragraph 15
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's experience in transitioning to a new field.
b. Main idea : This experience gave me the self confidence to venture into new areas, and provided the impetus for my
later decision to come to the United States and start once again in a new field.

● Paragraph 16
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's realization that his true passion lies in basic research.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle enjoyed his work, but he realized that his place place would be in basic research.

● Paragraph 17
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's decision to transition to a new field of fundamental physics.
b. Main idea : At 32 years, I decided to change fields once more.
● Paragraph 18
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's decision to accept the risk of leaving his long-term position in Germany.
b. Main idea : Leaving a long-term position in Germany and taking a short-term postdoc position in the U.S. was a risk
for myself and my family.

● Paragraph 19
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's experience as a foreigner studying at MIT.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle had a study abroad experience that turned out to be very different from his study
experience in Germany.

● Paragraph 20
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's experience working in Dave Pritchard's research group at MIT.
b. Main idea : I also found a unique atmosphere in Dave Pritchard's group.

● Paragraph 21
a. Topic : Wolfgang Ketterle's personal life.
b. Main idea : Wolfgang Ketterle faced the challenging life until he received his professional successes.

Besides topics and main ideas, it also has a purpose, which is to tell the reader who Wolfgang Ketterle is, how his life is,
and what he has achieved in his life.
01 First-Person narrative

02 Descriptive language
LINGUIST 03 Chronological organization
04 Personal reflection
S 05 Emotional tone

06 Contrast and comparison

07 Temporal markers

• Introduce
Author's birth (date, year and place of birth). It tells the background of the
author, his family, the economy and their childhood. It also tells of the author's
interest in music, sports, and science.

• Body
Starting with the author entering Heidelberg University in 1976 before
transferring to the University of Munich two years later. In the new city, he
lives an independent life and is also involved in the peace movement. At the
end of his studies, the author became very interested in theoretical physics and
completed a diploma thesis on spin relaxation in disordered matter (it took one
year to complete). The author also carried out several experimental projects and
continued his PhD. Before completing his PhD, he continued applied research
in a university environment retaining some of the independence of the academy
with one of the main projects carried out in collaboration with the Volkswagen
company. In the spring of 1990, the author joined Dave Pritchard's group at
MIT and was supported by DAAD during his first year. He found a unique
atmosphere in Dave Pritchard's group.
The groups are smaller and their interactions are informal. This was
the beginning of a remarkable collaboration and some of his stories
are given in the written version of his Nobel lecture.

• Conclusion
Tells about the author's life after completing his PhD. His marriage,
his children, his divorce, and his Nobel prize in 2001.

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