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Symptoms of Depression
• The symptoms of Depressive Illness are highly recognizable,
both to those affected and to those closest to them, once
they are told what to look for.
• Here is a checklist of symptoms of Depressive illness:
– Loss of energy and interest.
– Diminished ability to enjoy oneself.
– Decreased -- or increased -- sleeping or appetite.
– Difficulty in concentrating; indecisiveness; slowed or fuzzy
– Exaggerated feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or anxiety.
– Feelings of worthlessness.
– Recurring thoughts about death and suicide.
– If most of these symptoms last for two weeks or more, you
probably have Depressive Illness. Sometimes depression
alternates with "mania" and is called Manic-
Depressive Illness (Bipolar).
• They are useful in the treatment of major
depressive disorders
• Other uses include
– Panic disorders
– Anxiety disorders
– Obsessive compulsive disorders
– Neuropathic pain
– Premenstrual dysphoric disorders
– Stress urinary incontinence
Pathophysiology of depression
• Momoamine hypothesis
– Depression is related to deficiency in the amount or
function of cortical and limbic serotonin (5-HT),
nerepinephrine and dopamine
• Neurotrophic hypothesis
– Depression is associated with loss of neurotrophic
support ( deficiency of brain derived neurotrophic
• Depression is also associated with a number of
neuroendocrine abnormalities
• All these hypothesis are interrelated in various
important pathways
• All pay a role in the pathophysiology of
• the “amine hypothesis” based on pharmacological studies
stated depression resulted from a lack of biogenic amines
(eg.; reserpine; antidepressants themselves).

• current theory favors the notion of a dysregulation of both NE

and 5-HT leading to alterations in NE and 5-HT receptors.

• antidepressants re-regulate receptor sensitivity.

• drug-induced re-regulation of the receptors takes weeks

(downregulation of some).
 Serotonin has widespread distribution and density of innervation in CNS
(mood, memory, pleasure, aggression, hypothalamic control)

 Alterations of serotonin in depressed drug-free patients: The reduction point

of view

 decreased 5-HT levels in CSF

 increased amounts of 5-HT2 receptors in brain and platelets
 reduced levels of plasma tryptophan
 blunted neuroendocrine responses to the serotonin releasing drug
 efficacy of SSRI’s in treating depression
 loss of SSRI efficacy with tryptophan depletion
 Increased presynaptic alpha-2 noradrenergic receptor sensitivity=greater
reduction in 5-HT release
 The overactive point of view

 In some depressives CSF 5-HT is elevated

 Approx. 30% of depressed patients do not respond to SSRIs
 Depletion of 5-HT by inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylase (TH)
alleviates depressive symptoms in some patients
 Tianeptine, a 5-HT reuptake enhancer that works opposite to
SSRIs, is a marketed antidepressant
 A selective TH inhibitor shows activity in an animal model of
 The activation of TH by stress can be blocked by Prozac
Classes of antidepressant agents
1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
2. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake
2. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)
3. 5-HT2 antagonists
3. Tetracyclic and unicyclic antidepressants
4. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
• Examples
– Fluoxetine (prototype)
– Sertraline
– Citalopram
– Escitalopram (s – isomer of citalopram)
– Paroxetine
– fluvoxamine
mechanism of action
• They inhibit the serotonin transporter on the
presynaptic membrane
• It binds to the site different from the site
where 5-HT binds to inhibit it
• 5-HT transport back to the presynaptic neuron
is inhibited
• Leads to increased serotonergic activity
adverse effects
• Due to increased serotonergic effects
– Nausea
– GI upset
– Diarrhoea
– Reduced sexual function
– Headache, insomnia or hypersomnia
– Weight gain
– Sudden discontinuation syndrome
Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake
1) SNRI (newer agents)
– Venlafaxine
– Desvenlafaxine (active metabilite)
– Duloxetine
– Milnacipram
• They are chemically unrelated
• Unlike TCA they do not have affinity for other
receptors e.g. muscarinic, adrenergic and
• Better tolerated than TCA
SNRIs cont
mechanism of action
• Inhibit both SERT and the NET
• The binding to the transporters varry
• They increase both serotonergic and noradrenergic activities
• Adverse effects are due to excess serotonergic activity and
NE activity
– Raised BP
– Increased HR
– Insomnia
– Anxiety
– Agitation
– Hepatotoxicity with duloxetine
2) TCA
• Imipramine
• Desipramine
• Amitriptylline
• Doxepin
• Clomipramine
• Trimipramine
• protriptylline
TCA cont
• Inhibit both SERT and NET
• Has effects on other receptors e.g. muscarinic,
histamine and alpha adrenergic receptors
• Poorly tolerated
• Side effects due to
– Serotonergic effects
– NE effects
– Anticholinergic effects
• Dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention,
– Arrhythmias
– Sedation
– Weight gain
• a commonly used drug for suicide (less common with
increased use of SSRIs)

• lowers threshold for convulsions

• cardiac arrhythmias

• cardiac conduction defects

3) 5-HT2 antagonists
• Include
– Trazodone
– Nafazodone
• Block the 5-HT 2A receptor in addition to inhibiting SERT and
• Have antianxiety, antipsychotic and antidepressant effects
• Adverse effecte
– Sedation – trazodone
– GI effects
– Priapism- trazodone
– Ortostatic hypotension
– Hepatotoxicity - nafazodone
Tetracyclic and unicyclic agents
• Bupropion- unicyclic
• Amoxapine
• Maproline
• Mirtazapine
– Heterogeneous group
– Act via different mechanisms
• Bupropion – mechanism is poorly understood
– Has an active metabolite
– Effect due to presynaptic release of catecholamines
– No effect on serotonin
– Modest inhibitor of NE and dopamine reuptake
• Mirtazapine- complex action
– Antagonise presynaptic alpha 2 autoreceptors
– Enhance release of both NE and 5-HT
– Potent H1 antagonist - sedation
• Amoxapine and maproline
– Potent NET inhibitor less SERT inhibition
– Anticholinergic effect
– Amoxapine has moderate inhibitory activity on the
D2 receptors
• This contributes to antipsychotic effect
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
– Phenelzine
– Isocarboxazid
– Tranylcypromine
– Moclobemide
– Selegiline
• Well absorbed orally
• Undergo extensive first pass metabolism
MAO inhibitors cont.
• Increase the monamine contents
• The inhibit degradation
• Adverse effects
– Orthostatic hypotenson
– Weight gain
– Sexual dysfunction
– Insomnia and restlessness
– Sedation – phenelzine
– Confusion with high doses
– Sudden discontinuation syndrome
• MAOI’s enhance any indirectly acting

• tyramine in certain foods is not metabolized in

presence of MAOI and potentiates catecholamine

• ingredients in OTC cold preps can also lead to

markedly enhanced sympathomimetic effects.
• A potentially fatal interaction when SSRI’s and
MAOI’s are combined
• Symptoms:
• autonomic instability (labile HR/BP)
• hyperthermia
• rigidity and myoclonus
• confusion,delirium
• seizures
• coma
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