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The Normal Curve
At the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics (M11/12SP-IIIc-1);
Construct a normal curve (M11/12SP-IIIc-2), and;
Identifies regions under the normal curve corresponding to different standard
normal values. (M11/12SP-IIIc-3)
Normal Distribution
One of the most commonly observed continuous random variables has a bell-shaped
probability distribution (or bell-curve). It is known as normal random variables and
its probability distribution is called a normal distribution.
The normal distribution is a bell-shaped distribution with the following properties:
1. It is unimodal; the normal distribution peaks at a single value.
2. It is symmetrical; this means that the two areas under the curve between the
mean and any two points equidistant on either side of the mean are identical.
One side of the distribution is the mirror of the other side.
Normal Distribution
3. The mean, median, and mode are equal.
4. The normal approaches the horizontal axis on either side of the mean toward plus
and minus infinity (). In more formal terms, the normal distribution is
asymptomatic to the x-axis.
5. The amount of variation in the random variable determines the width of the
normal distribution.
Normal Distribution
The total area under the curve is equal to 1 or 100%. This fact may seem unusual,
since the curve never touches the x-axis, but one can prove it mathematically by
using calculus.
The distribution curve is asymptomatic in the sense that the tails get closer and
closer to the x-axis but never touch it. Thus, theoretically, no matter how far in
either direction the curve extends, it never meets the x-axis but it gets increasingly
Normal Distribution
The shape of the normal probability distribution is shown below.
Normal Distribution
The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian Distribution has the
following formula:

standard deviation
Normal Distribution
The formula is mathematically challenging, and we include it only to illustrate that any
particular normal distribution, shape and position of the normal distribution curve is
determined by two parameters: the mean and standard deviation .

The symbols and represent fixed values for the mean and standard deviation, respectively.

If the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1, then the normal distribution is a standard
normal curve and the random variable itself is called standard normal random variable and
is commonly denoted by Z.
Normal Distribution
Each normally distributed variable has its own normal distribution curve, which depends on
the values of the variable’s means and standard deviation. The larger the standard deviation,
the more dispersed or spread out the distribution becomes. The areas under this curve can be
found using the Areas Under the Standard Normal Curve Table.
Normal Distribution
The following are the example of different types of normal distribution that depends on the
mean and standard deviation.

The distribution
with and
Normal Distribution
The following are the example of different types of normal distribution that depends on the
mean and standard deviation.

The distribution
with and
Normal Distribution
The following are the example of different types of normal distribution that depends on the
mean and standard deviation.

The distribution
with and
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Areas under the standard normal curve can be found using the Areas under the
Standard Normal Curve table. These areas are regions under the normal curve,

Example 1:
Find the area between z = 0 and z = 1.54
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 1:
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 1:
Step 2: Locate the area for z = 1.54 from the Areas Under the Standard Normal
Curve table. Proceed down the column marked z until you reach 1.5. Then
proceed to the right along this row until you reach the column marked 4. The
intersection of the row that contains 1.5 and the column marked 4 is the area. The
area is 0.4382.
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 2:
Find the area between z = 1.52 and z = 2.5.
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.

Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 2:
Step 2:
= area between z = 1.52 and z = 2.5 Form the table,

= area between z = 0 and z = 1.52

= area between z = 0 and z = 2.5
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 3:
Find the area to the right of z = 1.56. 0.5
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.

Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 3:
Step 2:
= area to the right of z = 1.56 Form the table,

= area between z = 0 and z = 1.56

Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 4:
Find the area between z = 0 and z = -1.65.
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 5:
Find the area between z = -1.35 and z = -2.95.
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.


Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 5:
Step 2: Form the table,

= area between z = -1.35 and z = -2.95

= area between z = -1.35 and z = 0
= area between z = -2.95 and z = 0
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 6:
Find the area between z = -1.35 and z = 2.95.
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.

𝐴1 𝐴2
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 6:
Step 2: Form the table,
= area between z = -1.35 and z = 2.95
= area between z = -1.35 and z = 0
= area between z = 0 and z = 2.95
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 7:
Find the area to the left of z = 2.32.
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.

𝐴1 𝐴2
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 7:
Step 2: Form the table,
= area to the left of z = 2.32
= area of the half curve
= area between z = 0 and z = 2.32
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 8:
Find the area to the right of z = -1.8.
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.

𝐴1 𝐴2
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 8:
Step 2: Form the table,
= area to the right of z = -1.18
= area between z = -1.18 and z = 0
= area of the half curve
Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 9:
Find the area to the left of z = -1.52.
Step 1: Sketch the normal curve.

Areas Under the Normal Curve
Example 9:
Step 2: Form the table,
= area to the left of z = -1.52
= area between z = -1.52 and z = 0
= area of the half curve
Let’s Try!
Find the area under the normal curve in each of the following cases:

1. Between z = 0 and z = 1.63 1. 0.4484
2. Between z = 0 and z = -1.78 2. 0.4625
3. Between z = 1.56 and z = 2.51 3. 0.4940 - 0.4406 = 0.0534
4. Between z = -1.36 and z = 2.55 4. 0.4131 + 0.4946 = 0.9077
5. Between z = -2.46 and z = 1.55 5. 0.4931 + 0.4394 = 0.9325
Mini Quiz
Find the area under the normal curve in each of the following cases:
1. Between z = -2.76 and z = -1.25
2. Between z = 0.86 and z = 2.35
3. Between z = -0.76 and z = 1.35
4. To the right of z = 2.35
5. To the left of 0.35
Assignment #5 (Copy and Answer on Bond Paper)

A. Find the area under the normal curve in each of the following cases
1. Between z = 1.26 and z = 1.78
2. Between z = -1.78 and z = -0.26
3. To the right of z = -1.31
4. To the left of z = 1.85
5. To the right of z = 0.3
Assignment #5 (Copy and Answer on Bond Paper)

B. Find the indicated area under the normal curve, then convert it to percent.
1. What is the percent of the area under the normal curve is between z = 0.85 and z = 2.5?
2. What is the percent of the area under the normal curve is between z = -1.00 and z = 1?
3. What is the percent of the area under the normal curve is between z = -2.10 and z = 2.10?
4. What is the percent of the area under the normal curve is between z = -2.43 and z = -1.10?
5. What is the percent of the area under the normal curve is between z = 1.03 and z = 2.83?
Board Work
Sketch the normal curve and find the area under the normal curve of the following
1. To the right of z = -3.5
2. Between z = 1.2 and z = -3.4
3. To the left of z = -1.14 and to the right of z = 2.57
4. To the left of z = 0.11 and to the right of z = 1.09
5. Between z = 0 and z = -2.45
6. Between z = -0.47 and z = 0

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