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How to create the Perfect ESL lesson

* List of factors to consider when planning a lesson *

1. Lesson aims
2. Language focus
3. Teaching activities
4. Suitability
5. Timing
6. Sequencing
7. Materials
8. Learner interaction
9.After the lesson
1. Lesson aims
 Have a clear purpose and direction
 Using “ Will be able to “statements
 Ends students with possessing knowledge and skills
 Students should get better at something

Aim ; By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

Employ a variety of sentence structures in
their writing
2. Language focus
 Should be directly linked to the lesson of the aim

 specifies the elements of the language they need to work with to achieve
the aim that was set

Language focus: complex sentence structure:

subordinating conjunctions,
dependent and independent clauses
3. Teaching activities

 Consider the types of activities

 Have a link aim and language focus

Examples activities; speaking activities, role-plays,

brainstorming, listening exercises
4. Suitability

- Be interested and motivated by the activities provided

- Use different topics and activities for different levels

5. Timing

- A common problem for timing ( because of

underestimate the time)

Example ; For total 50 mins ,aim for your timing

60 mins and allow for the unexpected

- Plan a backed activity in case you need it

6. Sequencing

 Three basic stages ( Input, Learning and use)

- Input (materials such as magazine articles,
movies, or instructional materials )
- Learning (learning, memorizing, noticing)
- Output (speak , write)
7. Materials

 Songs, stories, movies, magazines, books , podcasts

8. Learner interaction

 Be motivated to learn when they are in a group

 To build good relationship with peers

(Example ; Group work, role-play, games ,

competitions , discussion, presentation)
9. After the lesson

• Did the students enjoy the lesson?

• What problems were there during the lesson?
• Which activities were successful, and which
were not?
• Did I manage to achieve the aim of the lesson?
• Will I teach this lesson again in the same way?
The PPP method

 Presentation
 Practice
 Production
 Presentation

( Example ; Simple past, completed past events and activities, talking

about memorizes , previous days and last past vacation )

 Practice
(Example; Worksheets, exercises)

 Production

(Example; Asking , Making sentences)

Keys for Classroom Managements
 It can help create a positive learning environment, prevent
disruptive behavior, and set clear expectations for student behavior.
Classroom management can also make it easier to teach effectively.

 The four keys

 (1) Know Yourself;
 (2) Know Your Students;
 (3) Examine Current Strategies;
 (4) Motivate by Type;
Why rules are important for students

 Positive rules allow for a positive classroom

environment. Students learn to respect the teacher and
each other. The classroom becomes a safe place where
all students can learn and try their best, leading to more
successful educational results
-Respect and listen to the teacher.
-Raise your hand to speak.
-Be prepared for class.
-Be quiet when the teacher is talking.
-Be quiet when classmates are talking.
-Share new ideas.
- Do homework regularly
-Ask questions if you want to know .
-Respect and listen to your classmates.

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