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Standard Level Questions:

1. Copy and complete the following sentences:

The metal silver, __gold__ and _platinum________ are 4. Copy and complete the table below to show the method
found uncombined in nature. Most metals are combined used to extract each of the metals from their oxides.
with other __elements______ in rocks called _ores_____. Metal Oxides Main method used to
Bauxite, galena and __malachite___________ are extract metal
examples of metal__ores____. Nickel oxide Heat with carbon
2. Write one sentence for each of the following phrases to Calcium oxide electrolysis
explain what each means: Mercury oxide Heat alone
a) Reduction reaction
Iron oxide Heat with carbon
Reaction which involves removing O2 from a metal oxide
to release the metal Magnesium oxide electrolysis
Lead oxide Heat with carbon
b) Native metal:
Metals that are found free or uncombined in nature(found
as elements because they’re unreactive) 9. Imagen your friend has missed the lesson on extracting
metals. Draw a picture, using labeles explaining how
3. a) What is an ore? Rocks that contain metal electrolysis works.
compounds/can produce a metal
b) Give an example of a word equation for a
decomposition reaction which forms a metal oxide and
Electrolysis Review
1. What is a catalyst?
____A substance that enables a chemical reaction to happen faster or under different conditions/sth that
speeds up the reaction,without alternating the

2. The apparatus shown below is used to electrolyse concentrated aqueous sodim chloride:
NaCl in water
State the name given off at:
a. electrode A: _____Chlorine gas_________________
b. electrode B: ____Hydrogen_________________

3. What the name given to electrode A?

Electrolysis Review
4. Explain why aqueous sodium chloride conducts electricity but solid
sodium chloride does not.
-In aqueous NaCl allows the movement of ions,while in its solid form does not

NaCl in water

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