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Labin, Lubang, Ocampos
The essay "The Indolence of the Filipino"
by José Rizal, published in La Solidaridad
in 1890, discusses the concept of Filipino
indolence. Rizal recognizes that indolence
exists among Filipinos but argues that it is
due to a variety of factors. He highlights
that before the Spanish colonization,
Filipinos were hardworking, but the arrival
of the Spaniards led to a decline in
economic activities for the reasons that will
Chapter 1: Existence of Indolence
• Rizal argues indolence in Filipinos is a result
of historical circumstances, not inherent
• Indolence is a byproduct of the country's
backwardness and troubles, not its cause.
• He elaborates on the causes and
circumstances that led to this misconception.
Chapter 2: Indolence of Chronic
Illness Argument 1
Rizal likens indolence to an illness that worsens
with wrong treatment.

Argument 2
Early Filipinos engaged in trade even before
the Spaniards arrived, disproving the notion of
inherent laziness.
Chapter 3: Wars, Insurrections,
Expeditions, and Invasion
1: 2:
Frequent wars, Abuse from invaders
insurrections, and forced natives to
invasions have led to abandon farms, leading
cultural and economic to neglect.
Chapter 4:
Decline of Trade
• Spanish government's lack of support
for labor and trade led to its decline.
• Pirate attacks, government
restrictions, and corruption further
hindered trade and farming, causing
many to abandon fields.
Chapter 5: Training and Education
Limited education and segregation
from Spaniards deprived Filipinos of

Lack of national unity and inferiority

complex contribute to adopting foreign

Rizal proposes education and liberty as

solutions to combat indolence.
José Rizal wrote the essay
criticize the idea that Filipinos
were lazy during the time when
Spain ruled the Philippines. He
wasn't trying to insult his fellow
Filipinos but to defend and
challenge the stereotype of
laziness that the Spanish had
spread. Rizal believed that
indolence existed but thought it
was caused by many things such

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