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 The fetal circulation has three important shunts that
support fetal circulation.
 1.DUCTUS VENOSUS(this connects the umbilical vein to
the inferior vena cava)
 2.FORAMEN OVALE(a direct opening between the right
and left arterium)
 3.DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS(a connection between the
pulmonary artery and aorta)
 In intra-uterine life , oxygenated blood flows to the
fetus from the placenta through the
Umbilical vein.
 As the blood flows through the umbilical vein, a small amount
of oxygenated blood is
 Delivered to the liver through portal vein and the rest moves
on through the ductus venosus
 And into the inferior vena cava.
 At this point, highly oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein
mixes with deoxygenates
 Blood from the lower extremities which is being transported
by the inferior vena cava and enters
 The right artrium.
 At the same time, deoxygenated blood from the head and
upper extremities of the
 Fetus is also dumped into the right atrium by the superior
vena cava.
 But
the oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein outweighs the
deoxygenated blood
From the superior and inferior vena cava.
 Mostof the oxygenated blood in the right atrium directly moves
through the FORAMEN OVALE
To the left atrium, which then moves to the left ventricle and into
the aorta to supply the rest
Of the fetal body.
 The rest of the blood that remains in the right atrium enters the
right ventricle.
 The right ventricle now pumps the blood.
 But instead of all the blood pumped by the right ventricle to pass
through the pulmonary artery
To the lungs, about 90% of the blood by passes through the DUCTUS
ARTERIOSUS into the aorta,
Providing oxygen to the fetal body .
 Whiles the remaining 10% of the oxygenated blood coming from the
right ventricle supply(Perfuse)
The lung tissue.
 Afterfetal tissues are done using, the oxygenated blood, the
deoxygenated blood is eventually
Drained back to the placenta through the two umbilical arteries and
the fetal circulation cycle
For fetal circulation to be effective, the placenta
produces some prostaglandins
During pregnancy.
The prostaglandins which circulate in the maternal
and fetal blood have an important
Physiological function.
These functions include maintenance of patency
of the ductus arteriosus as well as
Regulation of uterine and umbilical blood

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