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Asian Medical Institute Memorial S.

Department of Interprofessional discipline
Subject - Basic and clinical Pharmacology
Teacher - Temirbekovа Gulnura
Theme: Diuretics
Diuretics are drugs that increase the
volume of urine excreted.
Thiazides are the most widely used diuretics.
They are sulfonamide derivatives.
Chlorothiazide [klor-oh-THYE-ah-zide] was
the first orally active diuretic that was able to act
on the severe edema often seen in cirrhosis of the
liver and heart failure with minimal side effects.

Hydrochlorothiazide is more effective, so the

required dose is much lower than that of
chlorothiazide, but the effectiveness is comparable
to that of the original drug.
1. Mechanism of action: Thiazide and
thiazide-like diuretics act mainly in the cortical
region of the ascending loop of the Henle and the
distal convoluted tubule to reduce the reabsorption
of Na+, apparently by inhibiting the Na+/Cl-
cotransporter on the luminal membrane of the
(Figure 18.2).
They have less effect on the proximal tubules.
As a result, these drugs increase the
concentration of Na+ and Cl- in the tubular
fluid. [Note: Since the site of action of
thiazide derivatives is on the lumen
membrane, these drugs must be excreted in
the tubular lumen to increase efficiency.
Therefore, with a decrease in renal function,
thiazide diuretics lose their effectiveness.]
The effectiveness of these agents can be
reduced with the simultaneous use of
NSAIDs, such as indomethacin, which
inhibits the production of renal
prostaglandins, thereby reducing blood flow
to the renal blood.
2. Actions:
Increased excretion of Na+ and Cl-: Thiazide and
thiazide-like diuretics cause diuresis with increased
excretion of Na+ and Cl-, which can lead to the excretion
of very hyperosmolar (concentrated) urine.

Loss of K+: Since thiazides increase Na+ in the filtrate in

the distal tubules, more K+ is also exchanged for Na+,
which leads to a permanent loss of K+ from the body with
prolonged use of these drugs. Thus, K+ serum should be
measured periodically (more often at the beginning of
therapy) to monitor the development of hypokalemia.
Mg2+ loss: Magnesium deficiency requiring
supplementation can occur with chronic use of
thiazide diuretics, especially in elderly patients.
The mechanism of magnesia is not understood.

Reduced urinary calcium excretion: Thiazide

and thiazide-like diuretics reduce urine Ca2+
content by promoting Ca2+ reabsorption in the
distal tortuous tubules, where parathyroid
hormone regulates reabsorption.
This effect contrasts with loop diuretics,
which increase the concentration of Ca2+ in
the urine.
Decreased peripheral vascular resistance:
The initial decrease in blood pressure is the
result of a decrease in blood volume and
therefore a decrease in cardiac output.
3. Therapeutic use:
Hypertension: Clinically, thiazides are the basis of
antihypertensive drugs because they are inexpensive, easy
to use and well tolerated. They effectively lower blood
pressure in most patients with mild to moderate essential
Blood pressure can be maintained with a daily dose of
thiazide, which causes lower peripheral resistance without
having a serious diuretic effect. Some patients may take
only thiazides for years; however, many patients require
additional medications to control their blood pressure.
Heart failure:
Loop diuretics (not thiazides) are the diuretics of choice when
reducing extracellular volume in heart failure. However,
thiazide diuretics may be added if additional diuresis is
needed. With simultaneous administration, thiazides should be
administered 30 minutes before taking loop diuretics to give
thiazide time to reach the site and produce an effect.

Hypercalciuria: Thiazides may be useful in the treatment of

idiopathic hypercalciuria because they inhibit the excretion of
Ca2+ in the urine.
4. Pharmacokinetics:
The drugs are effective orally. Most thiazides take
1 to 3 weeks to provide a stable reduction in blood
pressure, and they show a long half-life
Side effects:
These are mainly related to problems in fluid and
electrolyte balance.
Potassium depletion: Hypokalemia is the most
common problem with thiazide diuretics, and it
can predispose patients who take digoxin.
Hyponatremia: Hyponatremia can develop due to
an increase in ADH as a result of hypovolemia, as
well as a decrease in the dilution capacity of the
kidneys and an increase in thirst. Limiting water
intake and reducing the dose of a diuretic can
prevent hyponatremia.
Hyperuricemia: Thiazides increase serum uric
acid by reducing the amount of acid secreted by
the organic acid system. Being insoluble, uric acid
is deposited in the joints and can cause a gout
attack in predisposed people. Therefore, thiazides
should be used with caution in stationary patients
with gout or high uric acid levels.
Hypercalcemia: Thiazides inhibit the secretion
of Ca2+, which sometimes leads to hypercalcemia
(elevated levels of Ca2+ in the blood)
Thiazide-like diuretics These compounds do not have
a thiazide structure, but like thiazides, they have an
unsubstituted sulfa group and therefore share their
mechanism of action. Therapeutic uses and side effects
are similar to thiazides.

Chlorthalidone: Chlorthalidone [klor-THAL-i-done]

is a non-thiazide derivative that behaves
pharmacologically as hydrochlorothiazide. It has a
longer duration of action and is therefore often used
once a day of hypertension treatment.
Indapamide: [in-DAP-a-mide] is a lipid-
soluble, non-thiazide diuretic that has a long
duration of action. Indapamide is
metabolized and excreted by the
gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
Bumetanide [ byoo-MET-ah-nide],
Furosemide [fur-OH-se-mide],
Torsemide [TOR-se-mide] and
Ethacrin [eth-a-KRIN-ik]
acid exert their main diuretic effect on the
ascending limb of the Henle loop
(Figure 18.2).
Of all the diuretics, these drugs have the highest
efficiency in mobilizing Na+ and Cl- from the
body. They produce copious amounts of urine.
Furosemide is the most commonly used of these
drugs. Bumetanide and torsemide are
much more potent than furosemide, and the use of
these agents is increasing. Ethacrynic acid is
used infrequently due to its adverse exposure
1. Mechanism of action: Loop diuretics inhibit
Cotransport Na+/K+/2Cl- in the lumen membrane
in the ascending limb of the Henle loop.
Therefore, the reabsorption of these ions is
reduced. These agents have the greatest diuretic
effect of all diuretics, since the ascending limb
accounts for reabsorption from 25% to 30% of the
filtered NaCl, and subsequent areas cannot
compensate for the increased load of Na +.
2. Actions: Loop diuretics act
quickly, even in patients with
poor function or lack of
response to other diuretics.
Changes in urine composition
induced by loop diuretics are
shown in Figure 18.6.
NSAIDs inhibit the synthesis of renal prostaglandins
and can reduce the diuretic effect of loop diuretics.

3. Therapeutic use: Loop diuretics are the drugs

of choice that support acute pulmonary edema and
acute/chronic peripheral edema caused by heart
failure or kidney failure. Because of their rapid
onset of action, especially when administered
intravenously, the drugs are useful in emergency
situations such as acute pulmonary edema.
4. Pharmacokinetics: Loop diuretics are
administered orally or parenterally. Their
duration of action is relatively short (2 to 4
hours), which allows patients to predict
window diuresis.
5. Side effects: Figure 18.7 summarizes the
side effects of loop diuretics.
Ototoxicity: Reversible or permanent hearing loss can
occur with loop diuretics, especially when used in
combination with other ototoxic drugs (e.g.,
aminoglycoside antibiotics).
Ethacrynic acid most commonly causes deafness.
Although not common, vestibular function can also be
affected, causing dizziness.
Hyperuricemia: Furosemide and ethacrynic acid
compete with uric acid for the secretory system of the
kidneys, thereby blocking its absorption and, in turn,
causing or aggravating gout attacks
Acute hypovolemia: Loop diuretics can cause a severe
and rapid decrease in blood volume, with the possibility
of hypotension, shock and cardiac arrhythmias.

Potassium depletion: A heavy load of Na+ present in

the collecting tubules leads to an increase in the
exchange of Na+ tubules to K+, which leads to the
possibility of hypokalemia. Loss of K+ from cells in
exchange for H+ leads to hypocalymic alkalosis. The
use of potassium-sparing diuretics or supplements with
K + can prevent the development of hypokalemia
Hypomagnesemia: Chronic use of loop diuretics
in combination with a low dietary intake of Mg2+
can lead to hypomagnesemia, especially in the
elderly. This can be corrected with an oral
The main use of potassium-sparing agents is in the
treatment of hypertension (most often in
combination with thiazide) and heart failure
(aldosterone antagonists). It is imperative that
potassium levels are carefully monitored by
inpatients receiving potassium-sparing diuretics.
These drugs should be avoided in patients with
renal dysfunction because of the increased risk of
Within this class, there are drugs with two
different mechanisms of action: aldosterone
antagonists and sodium channel blockers.

Antagonists of Aldosterone:
Spironolactone and eplerenone
1. Mechanism of action: Spironolactone [spear-
oh-no-LAK-tone] is a synthetic steroid that
counteracts aldosterone at intracellular receptor
sites, making the spironolactone receptor complex
inactive. It prevents the translocation of the
receptor complex into the nucleus of the target
cell, which ultimately leads to the inability to
produce mediator proteins that normally stimulate
N +/K+-exchange sections of the collecting
Thus, the lack of mediator proteins prevents
the reabsorption of Na+ and, consequently,
the secretion of K+ and H+. Eplerenone [eh-
PLEH-reh-none] is another aldosterone
receptor antagonist that has actions
comparable to those of spironolactone,
although it may have fewer endocrine effects
than spironolactone.
2. Actions: In most edematous conditions,
the level of aldosterone in the blood is high,
causing a delay in Na+. Spironolactone
counteracts the activity of aldosterone, which
leads to a delay in K+ and the excretion of
Na+ (Figure 18.8). Like thiazides and loop
diuretics, the effect of these agents can be
reduced with the introduction of NSAIDs.
3. Therapeutic use:
Diuretic: Although aldosterone antagonists are
low in mobilizing Na+ from the body compared to
other diuretics, they have the beneficial property
of inducing an increase in K+. These agents are
often prescribed alongside thiazide or loop
diuretics to prevent the excretion of K+ that would
otherwise occur with these drugs.
Secondary hyperaldosteronism: Spironolactone
is particularly effective in clinical situations
involving secondary hyperaldosteronism, such as
cirrhosis of the liver and nephrotic syndrome.
4 Pharmacokinetics: Both spironolactone and
eplerenone are absorbed after oral administration
and are reliably bound to plasma proteins.
5. Side effects: Spironolactone can cause
indigestion. Hyperkalemia, nausea, and confusion
may occur.
Triamterene and amyloride [trye-AM-ter-een]
and amiloride [a-MIL-oh-ride] block the
Transport Channels+, resulting in a decrease in
Na+/K+ exchange. Although they have a K+-
sparing diuretic effect similar to those of
aldosterone antagonists, their ability to block
Na+/K+-exchanges in the collecting tubule is
independent of the presence of aldosterone.
Like aldosterone antagonists, these agents are not
very effective diuretics. Like triamterene, both
amiloride are commonly used in combination with
other diuretics, usually because of their potassium
properties. Like aldosterone antagonists, they
prevent the loss of K+, which occurs with thiazide
and loop diuretics. Side effects of triamterene
include increased uric acid, kidney stones, and K+
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
acetazolamide [ah-set-a-ZOLE-a-mide] and other
carbonic an hydrazine hesitators are more often
used for their other pharmacological actions than
for their diuretic effect, since they are much less
effective than the thiazide or loop diuretics.
1. Mechanism of action:
Acetazolamide inhibits
carbonic anhydrase
located intracellularly
(cytoplasm) and on the
apical membrane of the
proximal tubular
epithelium (Figure 18.9)
Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the reaction of CO2 and
H2O, which leads to H2CO3, which spontaneously
ionizes into H+ and HCO3- (bicarbonate).] A decrease
in the ability to exchange Na+ for H+ in the presence
of acetazolamide leads to mild diuresis.
Additionally, HCO3- persists in the lumen, with a
pronounced deletion in the pH of urine. Loss of
HCO3- causes hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis and
a decrease in diuretic efficacy after several days of
2. Therapeutic use:
Glaucoma: Acetazolamide reduces the production of
aqueous humor and reduces intraocular pressure in
patients with chronic open-angle glaucoma, likely by
blocking carbonic anhydrase in the ciliary body of the
Altitude sickness: Acetazolamide can be used in the
prevention of acute mountain sickness.
Acetazolamide prevents weakness, shortness of breath,
dizziness, nausea and brain, as well as pulmonary
edema characteristic of the syndrome.
3. Pharmacokinetics: Acetazolamide can be
administered orally or intravenously.

4. Side effects: Metabolic acidosis (mild),

potassium depletion, kidney stones, drowsiness
and paresthesia.
A number of simple, hydrophilic chemicals that are
filtered through the glomerulus, such as Mannitol
[MAN-i-tol] and Urea [yuREE-ah], lead to
some degree of diuresis. Filtered substances that do
not reabsorb little or no at all will cause an increase
in urine output.
The presence of these substances leads to a higher
osmolarity of the tubular fluid and prevents further
reabsorption of water, which leads to osmotic
diuresis. Only a small amount of extra salt can also
be excreted.
Because osmotic diuretics are used to increase water
excretion rather than Na+, they are not useful for
treating conditions in which Na+ retention occurs.
They are used to maintain urine flow after acute toxic
intake of substances that can cause acute renal failure.
Osmotic diuretics are the mainstay of treatment for
patients with increased intracranial pressure or acute
renal failure due to shock, drug toxicity, and trauma.
Maintaining the flow of urine preserves long-term
kidney function and can save the patient from
Side effects include extracellular water expansion
and dehydration, as well as hypo- or
The expansion of extracellular water occurs
because the presence of mannitol in the extraoral
fluid extracts water from the cells and causes
hyponatremia until diuresis occurs.

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