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• Faculties in Medical Education have adopted different educational

programs according to the number of students and existing

instructors and their own logistics competencies.

• Issues taken into consideration when evaluating training programs

• Curriculum contents,

• Strengths and weaknesses of education models relative to

each other

• Competency levels that graduate physicians should have

Purposes of the Faculty of Medicine??

• To train medical faculty graduates in line with the needs of the


• To train qualified physicians

• Departments of Medical Education were established.

1.Traditional education model;
• It consists of a discipline-based preclinical period and a
clinical period.
• In this education model, course boards include theoretical
courses and practical applications.
• Explaining first the normal structure and then the
pathological structure on the basis of organ systems,
starting from the cell,
• Medical education integrated based on organ systems is
a turning point for medical education in our country.
• In the first 2 years;
• Basic Sciences courses
• Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Medical
Biology, Histology etc.
• 3 years ;
• Pathology, Pharmacology, Clinical Sciences courses
• All courses include theory and practical applications.
• Internship Period in 4th and 5th grades
• Internship period in 6th grade
• In some faculties, normal structure and abnormal situations have
started to be given together in the integrated system starting from the
first year.
• Starting from the first years, application-oriented basic sciences and
clinical sciences should be integrated rather than theoretically
• The aim is to introduce diseases at an early stage and to explain
normal and abnormal situations in an integrated way.
In addition to classical lessons

• Scientific research courses, Evidence-Based

• Good (Basic) Medical practices, Skills lessons
• Elective Courses
• Community-Based Social Responsibility
Problem Based Learning
• Conducted in groups of 6-8 students with a training facilitator;

• While trying to solve the problems identified on the basis of a scenario,

the necessary learning topics are determined, learned and discussed, as
well as using previous knowledge;

• It is completely student-centered, where the educational facilitator

functions only as a facilitator;
• It is a training method.
• The basic idea behind PBL is that at the point of starting to

learn, there must be a problem, a problem or a situation that

needs to be understood that the student is eager to solve.

Discipline-based Classical System

• Previously used method

• Each lesson is taught separately.

• There is no integration.

• Exams are held separately

Mixed education method

• Discipline Based and Problem Based Education

• Discipline Based and Based on Clinical


• Team Based Learning

• Flipped Class

• Small group studies

• Case Based Sessions

4th YEAR

• Gynecology and Obstetrics

• General Surgery

• Internal diseases

• Pediatrics

• Cardiology/Pulmonary Diseases
5th YEAR
• Physical therapy and rehabilitation
• Orthopedics
• Psychiatry
• Neurology
• Brain Surgery/Pediatric Surgery/Plastic Surgery
• Cardiovascular Surgery/Thoracic Surgery
• Dermatology
• Radiology/Nuclear Medicine
• Urology
• Clinical Pharmacology
• Forensic Medicine
• Infectious Diseases
• Internal diseases
• Pediatrics
• Emergency and first aid
• General Surgery
• Gynecology
• Psychiatry
• Public Health/Family Medicine
• Elective
Quantification and consideration

• Evaluation by test

• Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice Matching, Fill in the Blank

• Oral exams

• Objective structured exams

How Should the Medical Education System
• The education program should be open to gaining academic skills from the first

• Instead of loading intense information, ways to access information should be taught

and skills in using information should be acquired.

• Medical students should be involved in all aspects of healthcare practice.

• Supervised responsibilities should be given to scientific research, preventive health

practices and polyclinic practices.

• It should not be forgotten that; As a person solves problems, his abilities improve.
• Medical students should be open to teamwork.

• Must know relationship management.

• Must be able to think analytically and critically.

• It must have innovative features.

• It should be simulation based.

• E-learning should be used widely.

• An electronic portfolio system should be established.

• A medical student records all his activities during his education.

• In this way, concrete activities that the student needs to do can be


• The assessment and evaluation system should support the

output-oriented approach in education.
• For clinical applications, different centers should be established
within or outside the hospital.

• Before graduation, supervised clinical experiences, especially

practice opportunities for preventive health services in the field,
should be provided.
• It is a process and is defined as controllable, desired
behavioral change in the person.

• They are specially planned experiences and
experiences for the learner to reach the determined
goals more quickly, easily and effectively.
• They are a part of education but not the whole of it.
• It can be defined as a long-term permanent change in an
individual's behavior or possible behavior over his or her

• Learning is something that an individual does on his own.

• We understand that learning has occurred only through

the product/gain or performance by the learner.
Learning Theories
Behaviorist Learning Theory

• All individuals learn in a similar way.

• Knowledge is transferred by the teacher.

• The student is passive.

Cognitive Learning Theories

 Transferring the learner's attention and perception

 Repetition of information at regular intervals,
 Conducting training practices that will ensure appropriate and
correct coding
 Focuses on problem solving, reasoning and cognitive
 Goals are determined, illustrative examples are given,
hierarchical connections of information are established.
Constructivist Learning Theories

• Information and problems are interpreted together with the

situation they are in as they exist in real life.
• Active Learning
• Situational Learning
• Collaborative learning
• The trainer should be able to answer two
main questions
• How does learning occur?

• Therefore

• How should teaching be?

• Limitations of memory according to information processing

• In sensory recording, information is kept for 1-4 seconds.

• It is kept in short-term memory for 20 seconds.

• Attention and recall for a 1-hour lesson;

• The first 20 minutes and the last 5 minutes are the highest
• Newly acquired information is stored in short-term memory and
is immediately forgotten.

• Transferred to long-term memory by active study and rehearsal

• What is interesting or important to the person is more easily

transformed and fixed.

• It shows that only 42% of key topics can be remembered after

the lecture, and this drops to 20% one week after the lecture
• 1) Reception of environmental stimuli through receptors (sensory

• 2) Recording information through sensory

• 3) By activating attention and selective perception processes,

selecting the information coming to the sensory record and
transferring it to short-term memory (working memory).

• 4) Information can remain in short-term memory for a while

• mental repetition is needed

• 5) Ability to store information in long-term memory

• 6) Storing the encoded information in long-term memory

• 7) Bringing of information from long-term memory to working memory

• 8) Information is transferred from working memory, that is, short-term

memory sending a response

• 9) The response producer sends the information to the transmitters


• 10) Learner's performance

Must know the factors in the success of the course

• Learning styles??

• How do I teach best?

1)How do you usually solve problems?

• A)Talking to yourself or a friend

• B)Lists, charts, etc. Using an organized systematic

approach such as

• C)While walking around, walking, or doing any physical

2) How do you remember phone numbers
(if you can't write them down)

A. Speaking and repeating numbers

B. By “seeing” or “visualizing” the numbers in your


C. “Writing” numbers with your finger on a table or

3) What do you think is the easiest way to learn something new?

A. Listening to someone explain how to do it

B. Watching a how-to demonstration

C. Try it on your own

4) What do you do when you go to the grocery store?

A. You silently make a list of things to buy

B. You look here and there to see what you need

C. You often remember the things you need from the list you left

at home
5) When trying to remember something:

A. You try to hear things or noises being said in your mind

B. You try to see it in your mind

C. How do you feel “that event” reflects on your emotions?

6) How do you best learn a foreign language?

A. By listening to the tapes

B. Writing using language books

C. By attending a lecture or course in which you read and write

7) If you are confused about the correct spelling of a

A. You repeat out loud

B. You try to “see” the word in your mind

C. You write the word in different ways and choose the one that
looks right
8) How do you usually remember the people you meet?

A. With their names (you forget the faces)

B. With their faces (you forget the names)

C. With their attitudes and actions

9) What distracts you the most?

A. noises

B. People

C. Environment (temperature, comfort of the

furniture you sit on, etc.)
10) How do you usually dress?

A. Pretty good (but dresses aren't very important to you)

B. Neat (in a particular style)

C. Comfortable (so you can move easily

• a----- auditory (learn best by hearing)
• b----- visual (learn best by seeing)
• c----- tactile (learn best by touching, doing,

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