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Workplace conflict

In this lesson we
will adress a
common issue
among humans...
Conflict and the
importance of using
Answer these questions.

• Are conflicts inevitable at work? Are they

common where you work?
• Have you ever had a conflict with a colleague?
If so, what happened?
• Do people tend to take sides when there is a
workplace dispute? How does this affect the
team's morale?
Watch these videos and prepare to
feel identified.

How to say "shut the f** up" in

How would You have screwed up
you say this and I will not cover
for you
phrases in a
meeting? I cannot deliver that
solution by the
I have to cancel this
Your budget is
unsuficient (sh*t). You
I hate this proposal. It are very tight fisted (rat)
will never work
Check out this profile


The solutions are

here !
How would you
react to these
SITUATION 1: Dan is an accountant for a software production
company. He requires all the sales figures each month to create his
reports. One of his colleagues on the sales team, Bill, always gives
him the figures late, which affects Dan's report

SITUATION 2: Ian is planning a presentation with a few of his

colleagues. The presentation is three weeks away, and he prefers to
divide large tasks into small daily steps. He wants to work on the
presentation for 10 minutes every day until the meeting. One of
his colleagues, Sue, prefers to complete tasks in larger sections.
Sue wants to complete the task in one day, closer to the deadline
SITUATION 3: Sarah is speaking in a meeting when her colleague, Greg,
interrupts her. She decides it could be a mistake, and it's best to focus on the
positives in her relationship with Greg. In the next meeting, she notices Greg
interrupts her a few more times and she cannot fully express her ideas

SITUATION 4: Brian is a project manager, and he realises one of his new team
members, Kate, rarely shares her input during their group discussions. Brian
expects all team members to contribute. In Kate's last company, the managers
expected the team members to listen until they called on them. She is waiting for
Brian to call on her directly

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