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Title: Acid and metal carbonates

Learning Objective: Today I am learning about what happens when metals

carbonates react with acid

Starter task Lesson outcomes:

• Identify the
reactants and
What is the symbol for the following elements: products
1.Magnesium • Write word
2.Chlorine • Write symbol
3.Calcium equations
What is the symbol for the following elements:
1.Magnesium - Mg
2.Chlorine - Cl
3.Calcium - Ca
4.Potassium - K
5.Sodium - Na
1. What 2 products are made when a metal reacts with an acid?
2. What 2 products are made when an acid reacts with an alkali?
3. Complete the word equations:
a) Sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid -> ________ _______ + ________
b) Calcium hydroxide + sulphuric acid -> _______ ________ + __________
c) Aluminium + nitric acid -> ________ ________ + __________
d) magnesium + sulphuric acid -> _________ sulphate + _____________
Recap - Answers
1. What 2 products are made when a metal reacts with an acid?
Salt and hydrogen
2. What 2 products are made when an acid reacts with an alkali?
Salt and water
3. Complete the word equations:
a) Sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid -> sodium chloride + water
b) Calcium hydroxide + sulphuric acid -> calcium sulphate + water
c) Aluminium + nitric acid -> aluminium nitrate + hydrogen
d) magnesium + sulphuric acid -> magnesium sulphate + hydrogen
Metal carbonates
When an acid reacts with a metal carbonate, a salt, carbon dioxide and water are

Metal carbonate + Acid → Salt + Carbon dioxide + Water


Calcium carbonate + Hydrochloric → Calcium + Carbon dioxide + Water

acid chloride

Task - Answers:
1 zinc water

2 Hydrochloric acid Carbon dioxide

3 Sodium chloride carbon dioxide water

Calcium sulphate water carbon dioxide

Potassium chloride water carbon dioxide

Sulphuric acid water carbon dioxide

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