Drug Addiction

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Kya, enge pera.

Pang chongke
Activity 1: Draw me like one of your
French girls
The teacher shall choose 5 students randomly from the
The teacher shall show an image to the 5 participants
Each participant shall draw the image in the board using
specific methods assigned by the teacher.
 A interview shall be conducted after the activity
How well do you think you did?
What are the difficulties you experienced while
doing the activity?
If you could do the activity again without
restrictions, Do you think you can do a better job?
Unlocking of Terms
Dependence: refers to the need to continue using a
drug for psychological or physical reasons
Withdrawal illness: negative symptoms that occur when
a drug is removed from the dependent user (abstinence
Tolerance: acquired reaction to a drug in which the
continued intake has diminished effect
a medicine or other substance
which has a physiological effect
when ingested or otherwise
introduced into the body.
Process of Addiction
Loss of Control
Negative Consequences
Why do people use
●Imitation of adults
●Spiritual experience
●Alter moods
●Remove emotional pain
●Provide a temporary escape
●Peer pressure
Activity 2: Ready, Set, Action!
Form a group of 3 members
Prepare a very short impromptu skit on the process of Addiction (3
to 5 lines)
The first group shall set the story for the class.
Each succeeding group shall continue the skit of the preceding
The story shall continue until all groups have finished
Dialogue 10 pts
Acting 10 pts
Continuity 10 pts
Stage Presence 5 pts
Total 35 pts
Did you have fun with the activity?
Was the activity difficult/easy?
What are the difficulties you experienced during the
What are your take –aways (learnings) from the
Wear P.E. uniform next meeting
Choose your partner for the Waltz (Should already
have a partner at this point)
Prepare music file for the Waltz

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