Bhs Inggris KLMPK 2

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Bahasa Inggris

Kelompok 2
1. M. Abdul Mu’in
2. Adi Romli
3. Khafidhotul Mukaromah
4. Nur Khozin
Paragraf 1
The contribution of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in Indonesia goes beyond the
education they provide to millions of children. Not as widely appreciated is the role that santri
(presantren students and alumni) of these schools play in the current civilization. Outside the
walls of the pesantren, the santri carry with them Islam’s moral values to promote peace,
enlightenment and development.

Tense :
1. The contribution of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in Indonesia goes beyond the education they provide
to millions of children. ( Simple Present tense)
2. appreciated is the role that santri (presantren students and alumni) of these schools play in the current
civilization. (Simple future past tense)
3. The santri carry with them Islam’s moral values to promote peace. ( Simple Present tense)
Paragraf 2
As we mark National Santri Day on Oct. 22, it is worth recalling some notable contributions of
the santri community in nation-building, in all fields including in diplomacy. Some 47,000
madrassas, including nearly 27,000 pesantren, are registered with the Religious Affairs Ministry,
out of nearly 400,000 schools nationwide. Typically, these madrassas run all three levels of
education, from primary, middle high to high schools. Several also run higher education

Tense :
1. Some notable contributions of the santri community in nation-building ( Simple Present tense)
2. These madrassas run all three levels of education (Simple Present Tense )
3. Some of the thousands of graduates dedicate their services to Islam (Simple Present Tense )
Paragraf 3
Some of the thousands of graduates dedicate their services to Islam, but many will work in
secular jobs in the public and private sectors. It is widely known that many of the moral
characteristics, including humility and sincerity, are formed among children when they grow up
in pesantren. Unfortunately, in these last two years the pesantren world has been rocked by
scandals of abuses of power, rape and sexual harassment. These crimes are coming to light as
santri and their parents speak up. These are isolated cases that should be dealt with firmly, lest
they harm the reputation of santri and undermine all the good work that they have done for the
country and for civilization.

Tense :
1. Some of the thousands of graduates dedicate their services to Islam ( Simple Present tense)
2. The pesantren world has been rocked by scandals of abuses of power ( Simple perfect tense )
3. These crimes are coming to light as santri and their parents speak up ( Simple Contiuous tense )
4. These are isolated cases that should be dealt with firmly (Simple Past Tense )
Paragraf 4
We should also recognize a few “bad apples” among the tens of thousands of pesantren, including those that
are part of terrorist networks. They are the exceptions rather than the rule. The majority contribute to the
progress of civilization. Santri’s contribution is most visible in education. Many madrassas were founded
early in the 20th century when Indonesia was a Dutch colony, some under organizations that were part of
the national movement for independence. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), established in 1926, and Muhammadiyah
in 1912 saw education as a tool to free the nation from the shackles of colonialism and ignorance. Other
groups would take up the political and physical or armed battles

Tense :
1. We should also recognize a few “bad apples” among the tens of thousands of pesantren ( Simple Present tense)
2. The majority contribute to the progress of civilization. ( Simple Present tense)
3. Santri’s contribution is most visible in education ( Simple Present tense)
4. Many madrassas were founded early in the 20th century (Past Future Perfect Tense )
5. Some under organizations that were part of the national movement for independence. (Future Perfect Tense )
6. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) established in 1926 ( Simple Perfect tense )
7. Other groups would take up the political and physical or armed battles. (Future Perfect Tense )
Paragraf 5
Since independence in 1945, NU and Muhammadiyah have continued to build and run madrassa, including
pesantren, until today as the government has not been able to build new schools fast enough and as society
comes to value the role of Islamic schools. As with any religious-based schools, they emphasize character
building while pursuing academic excellence. If NU and Muhammadiyah are considered the bedrock of the
moderate and tolerant Islam we find in Indonesia today, we have these madrassas and pesantren to thank.

Tense :
1. NU and Muhammadiyah have continued to build and run madrassa. (Simple perfect tense)
2. the government has not been able to build new schools. (Simple perfect tense)
3. NU and Muhammadiyah are considered the bedrock. (Simple perfect present tense)
4. we have these madrassas and pesantren to thank. (Simple perfect tense)
Paragraf 6
As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has averted the threats and entrapments
of religious extremism we have seen happening in some Muslim-majority countries. Many kyai (Islamic teachers),
the charismatic principals of pesantren, have championed democracy, human rights and tolerance, which have
helped shape Indonesia into a pluralistic and tolerant nation. One figure that comes to mind is the late
Abdurrahman “Gus Dur” Wahid, who became Indonesia’s president in 1999-2001. Santri have also had their share
in diplomacy for the country, and for Muslims.

Tense :
1. Indonesia has averted the threats . (Simple perfect tense)
2. we have seen happening in some Muslim-majority countries. (Simple Contiuous tense)
3. which have helped shape Indonesia . (Simple perfect tense)
4. Santri have also had their share in diplomacy for the country, and for Muslims. (Simple perfect past
Paragraf 7

In January 1926, a network of pesantren leaders sent a delegation to Hejaz land (a large part of today’s Saudi
Arabia) to convince King Ibn Sa’ud to keep Mecca and Madina, Islam’s two most holy cities, open to all sects of
Islam, rather than making them the exclusive domain of the followers of Wahabism. The success of the mission
taught the santri community the importance of critical thinking in approaching Islam for the benefit of the ummah
(Muslim community).

Tense :
1. King Ibn Sa’ud to keep Mecca and Madina. (simple perfect present tense)
2. rather than making them the exclusive . (Simple Contiuous tense)
3. thinking in approaching Islam for the benefit of the ummah. (Simple Contiuous tense)
Paragraf 8
In 2005, NU pesantren leaders sent a mission to mediate peace between Muslims in Patani in southern Thailand
and the Thai government. Tensions had been simmering with the Thai military suspecting religious extremism in
the predominantly Muslim territory and Patani leaders saying Bangkok had a poor understanding of Islam. The
mission reached two groundbreaking results. First, organizing interfaith dialogue involving the Patani and Thai
ethnic groups of different faiths. Second, convincing the Thai government to let young Patanis study in Indonesia,
and get them exposed to the values of pluralism, tolerance and moderation. When the Indonesian Foreign Ministry
launched its interfaith dialogue initiatives with many countries as part of its soft power in the 2000s, it turned to
many pesantren figures as well as leaders of other main religions in Indonesia.

Tense :
1. NU pesantren leaders sent a mission to mediate peace between Muslims in Patani in southern Thailand
and the Thai government. (simple perfect present tense)
2. Tensions had been simmering with the Thai. (simple perfect past tense)
3. the predominantly Muslim territory and Patani leaders saying Bangkok had a poor understanding of
Islam. (simple perfect past tense)
4. The mission reached two groundbreaking results. (Simple past tense)
5. When the Indonesian Foreign Ministry launched its interfaith. (Simple past tense)
6. it turned to many pesantren figures as well as leaders of other main religions in Indonesia. (Simple past
Paragraf 9
Next month, Indonesia will host the inaugural Religion 20 (R20), a gathering of religious leaders from the 20
member countries that are part of the Group of 20, of which Indonesia is the president this year. An initiative of
NU chair Yahya Cholil Staquf, the R20 will discuss the theme Revealing and Nurturing Religion as a Source of
Global Solutions: A Global Movement for Shared Moral and Spiritual Values. This will be another major
contribution from the pesantren community to global civilization. But while we recall the many contributions
santri have given to the nation and the world, it is worth remembering the significance of Oct. 22, which
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in 2015 designated as National Santri Day

Tense :
1. Indonesia will host the inaugural Religion 20 (R20). (simple future tense)
2. R20 will discuss the theme Revealing and Nurturing Religion (pasive voice past tense )
3. This will be another major contribution from the pesantren community to global civilization. (simple future
4. the many contributions santri have given to the nation and the world. (simple perfect tense )
Paragraf 10
On that day in 1945, NU chair Hasyim Asyari issued the Resolusi Jihad (Holy War Resolution) calling on all NU
members, meaning santri and graduates, to join the fight to the death in defending independence. It was barely
two months since the independence declaration by Sukarno and Muhammad Hatta and Indonesia faced a most
critical moment with the return of Dutch forces and their allies to reimpose colonial rule. The war soon erupted,
with the epic bloody Surabaya Battle that culminated on Nov. 10. There were many casualties on both sides, and
many santri gave their lives for the nation, for a worthy cause. Without independence, the santri’s contribution and
impact on the nation and the world would have been limited. Happy National Santri Day.

Tense :
1. On that day in 1945, NU chair Hasyim Asyari issued the Resolusi Jihad. (Simple past tense)
2. It was barely two months since the independence declaration by Sukarno and Muhammad Hatta. (simple
future continuous )
3. the world would have been limited. (simple perfect past tense)

' Santri ' menanamkan moralitas pada peradaban kita

The contribution of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in Indonesia goes beyond the education they provide to
millions of children. Not as widely appreciated is the role that santri (presantren students and alumni) of these schools
play in the current civilization. Outside the walls of the pesantren, the santri carry with them Islam’s moral values to
promote peace, enlightenment and development.

Kontribusi pesantren di Indonesia lebih dari sekedar pendidikan yang mereka berikan kepada jutaan anak. Yang kurang
diapresiasi adalah peran santri (siswa dan alumni) sekolah-sekolah tersebut dalam peradaban saat ini. Di luar tembok
pesantren, para santri membawa nilai-nilai moral Islam untuk memajukan perdamaian, pencerahan dan pembangunan.

As we mark National Santri Day on Oct. 22, it is worth recalling some notable contributions of the santri community in
nation-building, in all fields including in diplomacy. Some 47,000 madrassas, including nearly 27,000 pesantren, are
registered with the Religious Affairs Ministry, out of nearly 400,000 schools nationwide. Typically, these madrassas run
all three levels of education, from primary, middle high to high schools. Several also run higher education institutions.

Menjelang Hari Santri Nasional yang jatuh pada tanggal 22 Oktober, patut diingat kembali beberapa kontribusi penting
komunitas santri dalam pembangunan bangsa, di segala bidang termasuk dalam diplomasi. Sekitar 47.000 madrasah,
termasuk hampir 27.000 pesantren, terdaftar di Kementerian Agama, dari hampir 400.000 sekolah di seluruh negeri.
Biasanya, madrasah-madrasah ini menyelenggarakan ketiga jenjang pendidikan, mulai dari SD, SMP, dan SMA. Beberapa
juga menjalankan institusi pendidikan tinggi
Some of the thousands of graduates dedicate their services to Islam, but many will work in secular
jobs in the public and private sectors. It is widely known that many of the moral characteristics,
including humility and sincerity, are formed among children when they grow up in pesantren.
Unfortunately, in these last two years the pesantren world has been rocked by scandals of abuses of
power, rape and sexual harassment. These crimes are coming to light as santri and their parents
speak up. These are isolated cases that should be dealt with firmly, lest they harm the reputation of
santri and undermine all the good work that they have done for the country and for civilization.

“ Beberapa dari ribuan lulusan mendedikasikan pengabdian mereka pada islam, namun banyak juga
yang akan bekerja pekerjaan sekuler di sektor publik dan swasta. Diketahui secara luas bahwa
banyak yang bermoral Ciri-ciri antara lain rendah hati dan ikhlas, terbentuk pada diri anak ketika ia
tumbuh dewasa sampai di pesantren. Sayangnya, dalam dua tahun terakhir ini dunia pesantren
sedang diguncang oleh skandal penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, pemerkosaan dan pelecehan seksual.
Kejahatan-kejahatan ini akan terjadi seringan santri dan orang tuanya angkat bicara. Ini adalah
kasus-kasus tersendiri yang harus ditangani tegas, jangan sampai mereka merusak nama baik santri
dan merusak seluruh karya baik yang telah mereka miliki dilakukan demi negara dan peradaban. “
We should also recognize a few “bad apples” among the tens of thousands of pesantren,
including those that are part of terrorist networks. They are the exceptions rather than the
rule. The majority contribute to the progress of civilization. Santri’s contribution is most
visible in education. Many madrassas were founded early in the 20th century when Indonesia
was a Dutch colony, some under organizations that were part of the national movement for
independence. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), established in 1926, and Muhammadiyah in 1912 saw
education as a tool to free the nation from the shackles of colonialism and ignorance. Other
groups would take up the political and physical or armed battles.

Kita juga harus mengenali beberapa apel buruk di antara puluhan ribu pesantren, termasuk
yang merupakan bagian dari jaringan teroris. Mereka adalah pengecualian dan bukan aturan.
Mayoritas berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan peradaban. Kontribusi Santri paling terlihat dalam
pendidikan. Banyak madrasah yang didirikan pada awal abad ke 20 ketika indonesia masih
dijajah Belanda, beberapa di antaranya berada di bawah organisasi yang merupakan bagian dari
gerakan nasional kemerdekaan. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), yang didirikan pada tahun 1926, dan
Muhammadiyah pada tahun 1912 memandang pendidikan sebagai alat untuk membebaskan
bangsa dari belenggu kolonialisme dan kebodohan Kelompok lain akan melakukan pertempuran
politik, fisik, atau bersenjata.
Since independence in 1945, NU and Muhammadiyah have continued to
build and run madrassa, including pesantren, until today as the
government has not been able to build new schools fast enough and as
society comes to value the role of Islamic schools. As with any religious-
based schools, they emphasize character building while pursuing academic
excellence. If NU and Muhammadiyah are considered the bedrock of the
moderate and tolerant Islam we find in Indonesia today, we have these
madrassas and pesantren to thank.

“ Sejak kemerdekaan pada tahun 1945, NU dan Muhammadiyah terus

membangun dan menjalankan madrasah, termasuk pesantren, hingga saat
ini karena pemerintah belum mampu membangun sekolah baru dengan
cepat dan masyarakat mulai menghargai peran sekolah Islam. Seperti
halnya sekolah berbasis agama lainnya, mereka menekankan pembentukan
karakter sambil mengejar keunggulan akademik. Jika NU dan
Muhammadiyah dianggap sebagai landasan kelompok moderat dan islam
toleran yang kita temukan di Indonesia saat ini, kita patut berterima kasih
kepada madrasah dan pesantren ini. “
As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has
averted the threats and entrapments of religious extremism we have seen
happening in some Muslim-majority countries. Many kyai (Islamic teachers),
the charismatic principals of pesantren, have championed democracy, human
rights and tolerance, which have helped shape Indonesia into a pluralistic and
tolerant nation. One figure that comes to mind is the late Abdurrahman “Gus
Dur” Wahid, who became Indonesia’s president in 1999-2001. Santri have also
had their share in diplomacy for the country, and for Muslims.

“ Sebagai negara dengan populasi Muslim terbesar di dunia, Indonesia berhasil menghindari hal
tersebut ancaman dan jebakan ekstremisme agama yang kita lihat terjadi di beberapa negara
Muslim. negara-negara mayoritas. Banyak kyai (guru Islam), kepala pesantren yang karismatik, telah
memperjuangkan demokrasi, hak asasi manusia, dan toleransi, yang turut membentuk hal ini
Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang majemuk dan toleran. Salah satu sosok yang terlintas dalam pikiran
adalah mendiang Abdurrahman "Gus Dur" Wahid, who became Indonesia's president in 1999-2001.
Santri have juga mempunyai andil dalam diplomasi bagi negara dan umat Islam. “
In January 1926, a network of pesantren leaders sent a delegation to Hejaz
land (a large part of today’s Saudi Arabia) to convince King Ibn Sa’ud to
keep Mecca and Madina, Islam’s two most holy cities, open to all sects of
Islam, rather than making them the exclusive domain of the followers of
Wahabism. The success of the mission taught the santri community the
importance of critical thinking in approaching Islam for the benefit of the
ummah (Muslim community).

“ Pada bulan Januari 1926, jaringan pimpinan pesantren mengirimkan delegasi

ke tanah Hijaz (wilayah yang luasbagian dari Arab Saudi saat ini) untuk
meyakinkan Raja Ibnu Sa'ud agar tetap menjaga Mekah dan Madinah, dua
kota paling suci umat Islam, terbuka bagi semua sekte Islam, daripada
menjadikannya wilayah eksklusif para pengikut Wahabisme. Keberhasilan misi
tersebut mengajarkan kepada masyarakat santri pentingnya berpikir kritis
dalam mendekati Islam demi kemaslahatan. ummat (masyarakat Islam). “
In 2005, NU pesantren leaders sent a mission to mediate peace between Muslims in Patani in southern
Thailand and the Thai government. Tensions had been simmering with the Thai military suspecting
religious extremism in the predominantly Muslim territory and Patani leaders saying Bangkok had a
poor understanding of Islam. The mission reached two groundbreaking results. First, organizing
interfaith dialogue involving the Patani and Thai ethnic groups of different faiths. Second, convincing
the Thai government to let young Patanis study in Indonesia, and get them exposed to the values of
pluralism, tolerance and moderation. When the Indonesian Foreign Ministry launched its interfaith
dialogue initiatives with many countries as part of its soft power in the 2000s, it turned to many
pesantren figures as well as leaders of other main religions in Indonesia.

“ Pada tahun 2005, pimpinan pesantren NU mengirimkan misi untuk menengahi perdamaian antara umat Islam di
Patani di Thailand selatan dan pemerintah Thailand. Ketegangan meningkat ketika militer Thailand mencurigai
adanya ekstremisme agama di wilayah mayoritas Muslim dan para pemimpin Patani mengatakan Bangkok memiliki
pemahaman yang buruk tentang Islam. Misi ini mencapai dua hasil yang inovatif. Pertama, menyelenggarakan
dialog antaragama yang melibatkan etnis Patani dan Thailand yang berbeda agarna. Kedua, meyakinkan
pernerintah Thailand untuk membiarkan generasi muda Patani belajar di Indonesia, dan memperkenalkan mereka
pada nilai-nilai pluralisme, toleransi, dan moderasi. Ketika Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia meluncurkan
inisiatif dialog antaragama dengan banyak negara sebagai bagian dari soft powemya pada tahun 2000an,
Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia beralih ke banyak tokoh pesantren serta pemimpin agama besar lainnya di
Indonesia. “
Next month, Indonesia will host the inaugural Religion 20 (R20), a gathering of religious
leaders from the 20 member countries that are part of the Group of 20, of which Indonesia
is the president this year. An initiative of NU chair Yahya Cholil Staquf, the R20 will
discuss the theme Revealing and Nurturing Religion as a Source of Global Solutions: A
Global Movement for Shared Moral and Spiritual Values. This will be another major
contribution from the pesantren community to global civilization. But while we recall the
many contributions santri have given to the nation and the world, it is worth remembering
the significance of Oct. 22, which President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in 2015 designated as
National Santri Day.

“ Bulan depan, Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah Agama 20 (R20) perdana, yaitu pertemuan para
pemimpin agama dari 20 negara anggota Kelompok 20, di mana Indonesia menjadi presidennya. tahun
ini. Atas prakarsa Ketua NU Yahya Cholil Staquf, R20 akan membahas tema Mengungkap dan Memelihara
Agama sebagai Sumber Solusi Global: Gerakan Global untuk Nilai-Nilai Moral dan Spiritual Bersama. Hal
ini akan menjadi kontribusi besar lainnya dari komunitas pesantren terhadap peradaban global. Namun
di saat kita mengingat kembali banyaknya kontribusi yang telah diberikan santri kepada bangsa dan
dunia, patut kita ingat betapa pentingnya tanggal 22 Oktober, yang pada tahun 2015 ditetapkan oleh
Presiden Joko "Jokowi Widodo sebagai Hari Santri Nasional. “
On that day in 1945, NU chair Hasyim Asyari issued the Resolusi Jihad (Holy War Resolution)
calling on all NU members, meaning santri and graduates, to join the fight to the death in
defending independence. It was barely two months since the independence declaration by
Sukarno and Muhammad Hatta and Indonesia faced a most critical moment with the return of
Dutch forces and their allies to reimpose colonial rule. The war soon erupted, with the epic
bloody Surabaya Battle that culminated on Nov. 10. There were many casualties on both sides,
and many santri gave their lives for the nation, for a worthy cause. Without independence, the
santri’s contribution and impact on the nation and the world would have been limited. Happy
National Santri Day.

“ Pada hari itu di tahun 1945, Ketua NU Hasyim Asyari mengeluarkan Resolusi Jihad yang
menyerukan seluruh warga NU, baik santri maupun lulusan, untuk ikut berjuang sampai mati
mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Baru dua bulan sejak deklarasi kemerdekaan oleh Sukarno dan
Muhammad Hatta, Indonesia menghadapi momen paling kritis dengan kembalinya pasukan Belanda
dan sekutunya untuk menerapkan kembali pemerintahan kolonial. Perang pun segera meletus,
dengan Pertempuran Surabaya yang berdarah dan mencapai puncaknya pada tanggal 10 November.
Banyak korban jiwa di kedua belah pihak, dan banyak santri yang mengorbankan nyawanya untuk
bangsa, demi tujuan mulia. Tanpa kemerdekaan, kontribusi dan dampak santri bagi bangsa dan
dunia akan berkurang telah terbatas. Selamat Hari Santri Nasional. “

Question : What scandal rocked the world of Islamic boarding schools?

Soal : Skandal apa yang mengguncang dunia pesantren?

Answer : the pesantren world has been rocked by scandals of abuses of

power, rape and sexual harassment.

Jawaban : dunia pesantren sedang diguncang oleh skandal penyalahgunaan

kekuasaan, pemerkosaan dan pelecehan seksual.
Question : Where is the meeting location for religious leaders from 20 countries?s?

Soal : Dimana lokasi pertemuan para pemimpin agama dari 20 negara?

Answer : in Indonesia
Jawaban : Di Indonesia
Question : When is HSN celebrated?

Soal : Kapan diperingatinya HSN?

Answer : National Santri Day celebrated on Oct. 22

Jawaban : Hari Santri Nasional diperingati pada tanggal 22 Oktober

Question : Who is calling for a jihad resolution for all NU citizens?

Soal : Siapakah yang menyerukan resolusi jihad untuk seluruh warga NU?

Answer : NU chair Hasyim Asyari issued the Resolusi Jihad (Holy War Resolution)
calling on all NU members.

Jawaban : Ketua NU Hasyim Asyari mengeluarkan Resolusi Jihad yang menyerukan

seluruh warga NU.
Question : Why is National Santri Day celebrated?

Soal : Mengapa hari santri nasional diperingati?

Answer : because some notable contributions of the santri community in nation-

building, in all fields including in diplomacy.

Jawaban : karena beberapa kontribusi penting masyarakat santri dalam

pembangunan bangsa, di segala bidang termasuk dalam bidang diplomasi.
H Question
Question : How are NU and Muhammadiyah respected by society because of the role of
Islamic schools?
Soal : bagaimana cara NU dan Muhammadiyah dihargai masyarakat karena peran sekolah

Answer : NU and Muhammadiyah have continued to build and run madrassa

including pesantren with emphasize character building while pursuing
academic excellence.

Jawaban : NU dan Muhammadiyah terus membangun dan menjalankan madrasah

termasuk pesantren dengan mengedepankan pembentukan karakter sekaligus
mengejar keunggulan akademik.

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