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Basic Details of the Team and

Problem Statement
Organization Name : Ministry of Education
PS Code : SIH1434

Problem Statement Title : : Making career choices and AI

based counselling accessible to every child at secondary level
along with aptitude tests and detailed career paths.

Team Name :

Team Leader Name: Aditya Panchal

Institute Code (AISHE):

Institute Name:

Theme Name : Smart Education


Idea/Approach Details Take career test

Describe your idea/Solution/Prototype here:
AI counsellor Users
 We are developing a platform that will help students to determine
which career path is beneficial for them. Career suggestion
 Corresponding to their interests, aptitudes, and abilities, AI will
suggest them career possibilities using machine learning(ML). Explore career
 Students can access AI based counselling along with aptitude tests,
once they've decided the career field, the website will provide them
all the information they'll need.
 Students can explore the many career fields with chatbot and user
friendly interface.
 We are using stack over flow API to manage users profile.
Describe your Technology stack here:
⮚ Backend: Python
⮚ Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
⮚ Database: MYSQL
Idea/Approach Details
Describe your Use Cases here Describe your Dependencies / Show stopper here

⮚ Personalized career Assessment.  Access to Technology.

⮚ AI based Counselling. ⮚ Data Infrastructure.

⮚ Aptitude Testing. ⮚ Content and AI algorithms.

⮚ College and Course Recommendations. ⮚ Psychological Support.

 Skill Development. ⮚ Technology Advancements.

⮚ Exploration of Unconventional Careers. ⮚ Research and Development.

⮚ Continuous learning . ⮚ Evaluation and Feedback.

Team Member Details
Team Leader Name: Aditya Panchal
Branch : Btech Stream : CSE Year :II
Team Member 1 Name: Samiksha Mahajan
Branch : Btech Stream : CSE Year :II
Team Member 2 Name: Afroz Shaik
Branch : Btech Stream : CSE Year :II
Team Member 3 Name: Mayuri Sable

Branch : Btech Stream : CSE Year :II

Team Member 4 Name: Vaishnavi Ugale

Branch : Btech Stream : CSE Year :II

Team Member 5 Name: Shridhar Satwadhar
Branch : Btech Stream :CSE Year :II
Team Mentor 1 Name: : Mr.G.S.Vyas
Category (Academic/Industry): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):
Team Mentor 2 Name: : Mrs.V.U.Gaikwad
Category (Academic/Industry): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):

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