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Importance of MIS in Automotive Development

Discussion on the growing needs for the enhancement of automotive

parts, including weight and cost reduction, and higher functionality

Pg.1 introduction
Development Goals

1. Swifter data cleansing for efficient MI use:

 The goal is to reduce the work time required for data cleansing, which is a significant issue for the use of
materials informatics.

2. Centralized management of material data for enhancement of operational efficiency and reduction of
development costs:

 The goal is to store, manage, and export various in-house material data structurally, together with incidental
information, in a standardized format.
Data Base (DB) Structure Design
Data Base (DB) Structure Design

 The database structure is divided into

mutually interlinked areas that manage
physical property values,
representative values, and guaranteed
values for design and CAE purposes.

 Separate management of
representative values and actual data is
implemented to enhance operational
efficiency and reduce development
Centralised management of Material Data

The centralized management of material data is a critical aspect of the Material Database for Efficient
Development Using Materials Informatics (MI) system. This approach involves the storage, management, and
export of material data in a standardized format, which promotes the use of materials informatics to achieve
highly efficient materials research. The centralization of material data in a structured database allows for
various operational efficiency enhancements, such as standardization of data, reduction of inquiry work time,
sharing of know-how, and leveling of workload. This centralized approach also contributes to the reduction of
development costs.
The database structure is designed to separate the management of representative material properties used for
design and computer-aided engineering (CAE) from material test data for each material field. This separation
enables each staff to access the needed material properties and reduces the cost of acquiring material properties
for the construction of material models. Additionally, the system allows for the sharing of data between
domestic and overseas development departments, reducing the need for duplicated material testing and further
lowering development costs.
Overall, the centralized management of material data in the Material Database for Efficient Development Using
Materials Informatics contributes to operational efficiency enhancements, reduction of development costs, and
standardized data management, ultimately supporting more effective and streamlined material development
Advantages of implementation of MIS

 Firstly, it enables swifter data cleansing by storing material test data structurally, together with manufacturing conditions and other incidental
information, reducing the work time needed for data cleansing by over 80%. This leads to increased operational efficiency and reduced
development costs.

 Additionally, the database allows for the centralized management of material data, facilitating various operational efficiency enhancements such as
standardization of data, reduction of inquiry work time, sharing of know-how, and leveling of workload.

 Furthermore, the system provides a flexible and secure way to store in-house data while maintaining confidentiality, addressing the challenge of
storing in-house data in a manner that maintains confidentiality.

 The database also contributes to the reduction of material property acquisition costs by approximately 41%, as it enables the sharing of data
between domestic and overseas development departments, reducing the need for duplicated material testing.

 Moreover, the use of the database allows for the prediction of unknown material properties with high accuracy, providing a direction for the
development of new materials and increasing design work efficiency when selecting material types based on material properties.

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