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Curriculum change and implementation : grassroot model ,

administrative models, systematic model, action research

model .
Grassroot model:
• Another name for this model is bottom – up model .

• It involves the participation of teachers , school principals , curriculum and

subject specialists, and officials from local and regional government. Each
group brings a unique perspectives on the task of curriculum change and its
implementation .

• This model to curriculum change and implementation promotes changes at

the grass root level . It gives more considerations to the needs of learners and
encourages teachers’ professional growth .

• The approach lessens problems of mismatch between the beliefs and attitude
of teachers (i.e. curriculum change is not part of their role ) and the ideas of
curriculum developers ( teachers’ ownership of the curriculum ) .
• The approach introduces an incremental and continuous change involving those
most closely involved in the change and its implementation ( stakeholders ,
implementers ) .

• It encourages reflection , fosters condition for collaborative teaching and ensures

owner ship of the curriculum .

• In implementing change it is important to consider the existing cultural

characteristics and the constrains with in which the curriculum must be applied .

• For a successful change implementation one needs to examine the curriculum, the
practicality of the change , the acceptance of the change by the organization and the
relevance of the change to the learners .

• This brings a clear understanding of the proposed changes which will eventually
Administrative model :

• This model is also described as a top – down approach.

• This model is mostly used where changes must occur rapidly and where
implementers opposed the change strategists decide will be productive to
change behavior first in the hope that attitude change will follow .

• The strategies of this model is that implementation of change will take place if
conditions are made sufficiently appealing for the implementers .

• The administrators use influence ( persuasion , manipulation and seduction )

Systemic action research model:
• Individuals and groups always work within socio - cultural , political ,and
economic structures that are regulated by organizational, regional and national
frameworks so that change initiatives must be taken across all these levels or at
least consciously take them to account .

• Action research is a means of bringing about organizational change.

• It is an important methodology that supports systemic change rather than
focusing on local sites of study.

• It is a means by which research can become systemic intervention leading to

• A systemic action research model for curriculum change and implementation
gives priority to collaborative decision making on the basis of knowledge
sharing about identified contraditictions
Research for curriculum development
• Research for curriculum development
• • Curriculum development cannot be isolated from educational research, yet the
two remain distinct.
• • The goal of scientific research is the creation of knowledge whereas curriculum
development is the production of instructional materials. • A valid scientific
curriculum development program should address the basic issues of effect and
conditions across the domains of practice, policy and theory.
• • To achieve these goals the developers must draw from existing research so that
what is already known can be applied to the anticipated curriculum structure and
revise the nature and content of curriculum components in accordance with students’
models of thinking and learning, conduct both formative and summative evaluation.
• • Thus, research should be present in all phases of the curriculum development.
This will produce an effective curriculum.
Action research model
• Action research model • • All leaders should carry out action research in
relation to their own roles to promote change within their
• • Action research is a problem - solving own area of influence rather than those of higher status
approach. planning and managing the action research to be carried
• • A problem is identified, needs assessment out by colleagues of lower status.
data are gathered to find out more about the • • A systemic action research model for curriculum
problem. An action plan is designed to solve the change and implementation gives priority to collaborative
decision making.
problem, the plan is implemented and evaluation
data are gathered to determine what progress was • • The systemic nature of human activity makes it
important for action research to be taken collaboratively.
made and what revision in the action plan might Collaboration is a key concept in action research.
be needed.
• • Process of collaboration is the process of learning
• • Action research is for change and through joint activity—a productive community of practice
development. It is a means by which research can involving joint enterprise which is negotiated and for which
become a systemic intervention leading to change. all partners are mutually accountable, mutual engagement
and commitment to do things together and building up a
• • To promote and sustain change in an sense of community.
organization, action research needs to adopt a • • Action research is focused on the need to improve
systemic approach. instruction.
Characteristics of action research
• Characteristics of successful action research
• 1. Leadership for action research is distributed throughout the school. Principals encourage teachers to join action
research study groups planning groups, evaluation team etc. and invite teachers to assume leadership roles.
• 2. Principals or leaders are much involved in the action research, participating in formal meetings of action research
groups and engaging in informal conversation with individuals about the research.
• 3. The action research is grounded in data gathering and analysis Data gathered help teachers decide on the action
research focus area, design the action plan and evaluate.
• 4. Throughout the needs assessment, planning and implementation stages of the action research , teachers go back and
forth between small groups and whole school meetings about how to organize for and coordinate the stage of action research
they are working on.
• 5. A full advantage is taken of external resources e. g. assistance from university experts, small grant to help funding the
action research and the use of critical friends from outside community to provide technical assistance and share feedback.

• 6. Schools with successful action research experience .have positive outcomes, they meet their goals with improvement,
there is increased collegiality, more experimentation and risk taking among the teachers.
• 7. There is improved teaching and learning as a result of participating in action research.
• 8. Action research makes reflective inquiry part of their school’s culture.

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