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Electronic Timing

Modified By: Ms. Norvelyn A. Ramil
What is it?

Switch - any push button and others that makes the

electric current on or off
Resistor – used to resist the flow of the current or
control the voltage in a circuit
Capacitor- store electricity and then discharges it to
back to the circuit when there is a drop in voltage
What is it?

Diode- allows the electricity to flow in one direction and

blocks it from the opposite way
What is it?

Light Emitting Diode- a standard diode that electrical

current flows only in one direction. LED emit light when
electricity flows into it.
What is it?

Transistor- tiny switches that that turn a current on

or off when triggered by electrical signal.
What is it?
Below is an example of a schematic that depicts an LED circuit that is
controlled by a switch. It contains symbols for an LED, resistor,
battery, and a switch.
What is it?
The electrical charge stored on the plates of the
capacitor is given as=

Q electrical charge of capacitor Coulombs
C capacitance in Farads
V voltage (V)
It is desired that 5.8 μC of
charge be stored on each plate
of a 3.2- μC capacitor. What
potential difference is required
between the plates?
What is it?
If a resistor is connected in series with
the capacitor forming a resistor-
capacitor RC circuit, the capacitor will
charge up gradually through the
resistor until the voltage across it
reaches that of the supply voltage.
The figure below shows a capacitor, (C) in series
with a resistor, (R) forming a RC Charging
Circuit connected across a DC battery supply
( Vs ) via a mechanical switch.
At time zero, when the switch is first closed, the
capacitor gradually charges up through the resistor
until the voltage across it reaches the supply voltage
of the battery.
• Let us assume below, that the capacitor (C) is fully
“discharged”, and the switch (S) is fully opened.
These are the initial conditions of the circuit, then t
= 0, i = 0 and q = 0. When the switch is closed the
time begins at t = 0 and current begins to flow into
the capacitor via the resistor.
How long will it take to a capacitor to charged up
at a time required?

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