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)How to control your emotions(

Prepare by Duaa khuder

Thursday 2022/5/19
Hello … how are you today…My name is Duaa… I will present to
you today a topic about how to control your emotions, I hope
you will like it. And I will answer all questions at the end with all

(How to control your emotions)

Emotions appear on the human when exposed to certain
situations, such as feeling very sad and so it shows on the person
by weeping, or the feeling of anger is shown by shouting or
But sometimes these emotions appear and the person can not control
them and this may be harmful, especially when you are among a group
of people, or in a public place, so it is good to learn how to control
emotions when exposed to different situations.
(How to control your emotions)
Count up to ten before doing any reaction to the situation; it may
seem difficult at first, but doing so helps to control nerves and control
Drink a glass of water; when exposure to any situation is good to try
to drink a glass of water so you can control your emotions. Water acts
as a natural tranquilizer for the body under unusual circumstances.
Expect what may happen; so that the hearing of the news or the
situation will be easy. It is therefore advisable to put all possibilities.
Silence; is often the best solution for all things, especially for emotions,
in silence, no one will be able to determine the emotion and feeling
experienced by others, because of the calm that prevails over their
Trying to change the subject
: ifpossible
ignorance has an important role in
reducing anger emotions, even if
feel that the person is doing so

Leave the place immediately if

especially if the person can not
his emotions for a long time, such as
excusing to enter the bathroom or
go to drink water and so on
Participate in groups to help control.
emotions; especially anger, there are
people who want to control their emotions very strongly so
they seek to make groups of different people so that
.they can help each other through their experiences

Talk to a psychiatrist; The person must first realize that speaking to a

doctor does not mean that he has a psychological problem, but to get
help. The psychiatrist is a person who is specialist in these matters and
has experience in this area.

Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the subject. If
.you have questions, I will answer them with pleasure

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