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What do you think of when you see this word?

How do you feel right now?
• A situation in life where you find
difficulty in finding solutions or
answers to questions causing you
• Distraction from gadget use
• Negative use of social media sites
• Technology as an educational tool
• a structured inquiry that uses
acceptable scientific methods to
solve problems and create new
acceptable knowledge.
• A research problem is a problem that
pushes you to do an empirical
investigation to search for answers.
• characterized by precision, specificity
or stability
• geared towards possible results or
What are the things around you that
could make you think of a problematic
area in your life that you want and can
look into empirically?
Answer this questions.
1. What area/s not included in class
lessons/discussions do I still want
to know/investigate in my specific
2. If I do this research project, how
useful will it be to me as a SHS
graduate, to the community and
even to the larger community
where I belong?
• an intellectual stimulus calling for an
answer in the form of scientific
• general questions about relations
among variables of a phenomena
which a researcher needs to do
(Birion et al., 2007)
• prevailing theories or philosophy
• observations and/or intuitions
• different subjects taken
• fields of interest, specialization or
event from related fields
• existing problems in school/class
• existing needs of community
• repetition or extension of past
studies conducted
• related studies and literature
• advice of authorities and experts
• offshoots of friendly conversations
• incidental from interesting topics of
teachers’ lecture during classes
• It should be something new or
different from what has already been
written about
• It must be original
• It should be significant to the field
• It must arouse intellectual curiosity
• It should be of researcher’s interest
• It should be modest and time-bound
• It should be clear, not ambiguous
• It should be specific, not general
• It should consider the qualifications of
the researcher
• It should consider availability of data,
effective instruments, data treatment
• It should consider data gathering
methods and techniques
• It should consider the financial
capacity of the researcher
• It should consider the time factor
involved in the research undertaking
The starting point of any research is the
identification and definition of the
research problem. This may be in
question form or declarative statement.
Research Topics
• Correlation Study on the Use of
Blended Learning in Freshman
English Classes and Student
• Impact of Agribusiness on the
Philippine Economy
• Cause-Effect Relationships of Social
Networking and Online Selling

• Examine the literature

• Talk over ideas with others
• Apply to a specific context
• Define the aim or desired
outcome of the study
Research Title

A research title, or research project, is

a product of real world observations,
problems, wide reading, selective
viewing, meaningful interactions and
deep reflection.
Research Title Guidelines
The title must contain the following:
• Subject matter or research problem
• Setting or locale of the study
• Participants involved in the study
• Time or period when study was
conducted (this may be omitted if the
title becomes too long)
Research Title Guidelines
• Title must be broad enough all
study aspects but brief and concise
• It should be written in inverted
• In title page, titles should be
written with each word starting
with a capital letter.
Research Title Guidelines
• The title should not be longer than
15 substantive words
• Avoid a long, detailed title that
gives too much information
• To shorten the title, delete the
terms “assessment” or “evaluation”
if these are already emphasized in
the text
Title Characteristics
• Should give readers information
• A phrase rather than sentence
• Select a straightforward title
• No punctuation marks
• No underline or quotation marks
• Italicize the title instead
Research Title Examples
• Inhibition Effect of Organic Primer
from Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi)
Extract on Rusting Activity of Iron
• In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and
Antihypertensive Activity of
Philippine Wild Edible White Rot
Fungus(Lentinus sajor-caju)on
Hypertensive Rats
Research Title Examples
• Comparative Study Between the
Derivation of Calcium Additive from
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and
Bangus (Chanos chanos)Fish Bones
• Effectiveness of Water Spinach
(Ipomoea aquatica) and Malunggay
Leaves (Moringa oleifera) as Fodder
Supplement for Broiler Chicken (Gallus
Gallus Domesticus)
Research Title Examples
• Coprativa Charcoal Briquettes:
Efficacy of Copra Cake and Rice
Husk (Oryza sativa) as Feedstock
for the Production of Biomass
• CEMCAL: Practical Algorithmic
Software Application for Chemical,
Empirical, and Molecular Equation
Research Title Examples
• Vehicle Warning Lights Detector
Prototype for Narrow Blind Curved
Roads in West Palale, Tayabas City
• Soil Moisture Sensor-Based Solar
Powered Automated Irrigation
System for Urban Farming in
Tayabas City
Research Title Examples
• Embedded UV-LED and Silver
Nanoparticles Hybrid Solution for
Deep-Well Water Quality
Monitoring and Treatment
• Deep Learning Arduino-Based
Thermal Radiomics with 3D
Reconstruction for Breast Cancer
Answer the given worksheet.

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