Autism Creative

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Akul Balakrishnan R.S.

Nobiya Noyal
Nandini DS
Naziya NJ

PAPER 1: A Study on Evaluation of Before and After Wearing the Deep Touch Pressure
Therapy Compression Garment by Children with Autism
By: Dr. Amrita Roy , Dr. Himadri Ghosh , Dr. Isha Bhatt


The study focused on The research involved The study highlighted
evaluating the effects of observing six children the benefits of deep
wearing deep touch before and after wearing touch pressure therapy
pressure therapy the compression through the use of
compression garments on garment, using visual compression garments
children with autism analogue scales to for children with ASD,
spectrum disorder (ASD) measure mood and showing improvements
to address issues related to behaviour. in various domains of
anxiety, stress, and sensory mood and behaviour.
PAPER 1: A Study on Evaluation of Before and After Wearing the Deep Touch Pressure
Therapy Compression Garment by Children with Autism
By: Dr. Amrita Roy , Dr. Himadri Ghosh , Dr. Isha Bhatt

The findings underscored the potential Further research to tailor
of deep touch pressure therapy as a non- interventions based on
invasive and effective approach in individual requirements.
managing symptoms associated with Visual analogue scales was used
autism spectrum disorder. to measure mood and behaviour
The intervention showed promising
outcomes in reducing anxiety and stress
among children with autism .
It proved successful for most
participants, individual responses varied.
PAPER 2: Best Vibration Toys for Autism and SPD: What They are and Why they Help

By: Michele Schwartz, MS, OTR/L

AIM: • Individuals with autism spectrum

To explore the effectiveness of disorder have distinctive sensory needs
vibration toys tailored for requiring attention
autistic children to ease sensory • Addressing these needs is vital for their
overload and enhance their development and well-being.
experiences. • It helps in managing stress and anxiety
through sensory diets incorporating
tools like vibration toys.
• Vibration toys offer proprioceptive
input to muscles and joints, aiding in
spatial awareness and regulating the
nervous system.
• It also aids in their relaxation
PAPER 2: Best Vibration Toys for Autism and SPD: What They are and Why they Help

By: Michele Schwartz, MS, OTR/L

• Many individuals with autism
spectrum disorder find
comfort in vibration toys
PAPER 3: Effect of whole body vibration on stereotypy of young children with autism

By: Eadric Bressel, Mandi W Gibbons and Andrew Samaha


This study aimed to investigate Four boys (ages 4–5) Varying effects on stereotypy,
the impact of acute whole-body participated, standing on with some behaviours
vibration exposure on a vibration platform decreasing while others
stereotyped behavior in young during downtime. remained unchanged.
children with autism. Between 10 and 40 Overall, children enjoyed the
observations were experience and found it easy to
conducted before and integrate into their behavioural
after each condition to program..
ensure data stability.
PAPER 4: Using a Weighted or Pressure Vest For a Child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

By:Aaron R. Deris and Eden M. Hagelman


The purpose of this study was The pressure vest was Results showed a modest
to assess the effects of a used to apply pressure to increase in attention with the
weighted vest and a pressure Kyle’s torso area and vests, but no significant decrease
vest also had two straps that in self-stimulatory behaviors.
on increasing attention and went over his shoulders.
decreasing self-stimulatory The vest applied
behaviour in a child diagnosed pressure to upper areas
with Autism Spectrum of the body. The subject
Disorder is a 4-year old boy.
PAPER 5: A Point Vibration Therapy Device for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

By:Rebecca Van Aartsen', Jaclyn Kondratko',Angela Vernon, G. Scott Duncan', Mark M. Budnik', S.


To test the effectiveness of To provide discreet Results showed a modest
PVTD on individuals with sensory stimulation to a increase in attention with the
autism. student in a vests, but no significant decrease
classroom environment, in self-stimulatory behaviours.
a Point Vibration
Device (PVTD) was
designed to apply a
stimulus to the upper
By:Amrita Roy, Dr. Himadri Ghosh, Dr. Isha Bhatt


To test the calming effect and DTP involves tactile DTP has shown positive
comfort of DTP for individuals sensory input through outcomes in reducing anxiety,
with autism activities like hugging, stress, and improving behaviour
squeezing, and in individuals with Autism.
wrapping. DTP helps Research supports the
regulate the autonomic effectiveness of DTP therapy in
nervous system, shifting improving mood, behavior, and
from "fight or flight" to sensory processing in
"rest and digest" mode. individuals with Autism.
PAPER 7: Calming Effects of Deep Touch Pressure in Patients with Autistic Disorder, College
Students, and Animals
By:Temple Grandin

To test the calming effect of The squeeze machine device
DTP for patients with Autistic developed by the author consists
Disorder, college students, and of two padded side boards which
animals are hinged at the bottom to form
a V shape. The user steps into the
machine and lies down on the
inside in the Vshaped crevice
like space.
PAPER 7: Calming Effects of Deep Touch Pressure in Patients with Autistic Disorder, College
Students, and Animals
By:Temple Grandin

The squeeze machine is useful
for children with autistic
disorder, attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder, or
learning disabilities.
It helps to inhibit tantrums and
reduce stereotypies.
PAPER 8: Qigong Massage Treatment for Sensory and Self-RegulationProblems in Young
Children With Autism:A RandomizedControlled Trial
By: Louisa M. T. Silva, Mark Schalock, Robert Ayres, Carol Bunse, Sarojini Budden


To study the effectiveness of Qigong massage consist of Qigong massage treatment
Qigong Massage Treatment for placing hands on the receiver showed significant improvement
Sensory and Self-Regulation through massage, acupressure, or in social and language skills,
problems in young children With touch to to manipulate various reduction in autistic behavior in
autism areas of the body. children with autism.
The treatment positively affected
sensory and self-regulation
problems in autism, with large
effect sizes.
PAPER 9: The Immediate Effects of Deep Pressure on Young People with Autism and Severe
Intellectual Difficulties: Demonstrating Individual Differences
By: Lana Bestbier and Tim I. Williams

• Deep pressure was evaluated on young people with autism and severe intellectual
• 8 out of 13 participants showed statistically significant benefits.
• Deep pressure was found to be immediately beneficial, but responses varied.
• Careful monitoring and discontinuation when no longer beneficial is
• Future research should include physiological measures and blinded raters for a
more comprehensive evaluation.
PAPER 10: Effect of whole-body vibration on stereotypy of young children with autism.

By: Bressel, E., Gibbons, M. W., & Samaha

Investigate the METHOD: RESULT:
effectiveness of • Participants underwent • Vibration therapy demonstrated
vibration therapy whole-body vibration significant positive effects on various
(VT) in improving sessions. aspects of health and behaviour in
various aspects of • Randomized controlled individuals with ASD.
health and behaviour trials or observational • While not universally effective, it
in individuals with studies with pre-post showed promise as a complementary
autism spectrum intervention measurements intervention for managing symptoms
disorder (ASD). were included. of ASD.
PAPER 11: Effect of Short-Term Deep-Pressure Portable Seat on Behavioral and Biological
Stress in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
By: Ilham Yustar Afif, Muhammad Farkhan, Ojo Kurdi, Mohamad Izzur Maula, Muhammad Imam
Ammarullah, Budi Setiyana, J. Jamari, and Tri Indah Winarni


Investigate the effectiveness of • Twenty children with ASD The AHMPS inflatable wrap
the Autism Hug Machine were divided into two groups: demonstrates effectiveness in
Portable Seat (AHMPS) for one using an inflatable wrap reducing neurobiological stress
short-term relief in children with (group I) and the other using a and emotional arousal in children
ASD. manual pull model (group II). with ASD.
• Participants underwent 20-
minute sessions twice weekly
for three weeks.
PAPER 12: Effect of Short-Term Deep-Pressure Portable Seat on Behavioral and Biological
Stress in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
By: Ilham Yustar Afif, Muhammad Farkhan, Ojo Kurdi, Mohamad Izzur Maula, Muhammad Imam
Ammarullah, Budi Setiyana, J. Jamari, and Tri Indah Winarni


Investigate the effectiveness of • Twenty children with ASD The AHMPS inflatable wrap
the Autism Hug Machine were divided into two groups: demonstrates effectiveness in
Portable Seat (AHMPS) for one using an inflatable wrap reducing neurobiological stress
short-term relief in children with (group I) and the other using a and emotional arousal in children
ASD. manual pull model (group II). with ASD.
• Participants underwent 20-
minute sessions twice weekly
for three weeks.


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