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City Life
Previewing Vocabulary: Noun
◦ Agricultural operation ◦ Trash
◦ Crops ◦ Urban dwellers
◦ Developing countries
◦ Gridlock
◦ Mass transit
◦ Pedestrian zone
◦ Pollution
◦ Priorities
◦ Produce
◦ Recycling plant
Previewing Vocabulary: Verbs
◦ Commute
◦ Crowd
◦ Cultivate
◦ Predict
◦ Solve
◦ worsening
Previewing Vocabulary: Adj./Adv.
◦ Affluent
◦ Creative ◦ efficiently
Getting Meaning from Context
1. The word for example, for instance, such as, among them
2. The opposite meaning
3. A definition or explanation
4. Getting Meaning from Context
1. Predict = Say in advance that something will happen
2. Gridlock = A situation of very severe traffic congestion /
commute = Travel some distance between one's home and place of
work on a regular basis
3. Affluent = having a great deal of money; wealthy
4. Priorities = The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as
more important than others
5. Trash = Waste material; refuse
4. Getting Meaning from Context
6. Produce = Agricultural and other natural products collectively
7. Recycling plant = The place used for the process of converting
waste into reusable material
8. Mass transit = Public transport, especially in an urban area
9. Agricultural operation = an act relating to agriculture
10. cultivate = Prepare and use land for crops or gardening
11.Urban dwellers = People who live in town or city
6. Identifying the Main Idea
◦ From Paragraph B:

The former mayor of Curitiba could offer a good life to the

people with limited budget.
◦ From Paragraph G:

However, the example of Curitiba provides hope that careful

planning and creative thinking can lead to solution.
7. Identifying Supporting Details
◦ Curitiba Created a “Green Exchange” to help the city:
◦ Cleans the street of trash

◦ Exchanges the trash for fresh produce

◦ Recycles two-thirds of the city’s garbage
◦ Gives jobs to the poorest people
7. Identifying Supporting Details
◦ Curitiba created an unusual mass-transit system to deal with traffic.

◦ Takes only 30 seconds for unloading

◦ Makes commuting more pleasant

◦ Solves the problem of air pollution

7. Identifying Supporting Details
◦ Drug addicts and alcoholics can participate in a program called “Green Health.”
◦ How does this help drug addicts and alcoholics?

◦ Gives them jobs

◦ Helps them turn their lives around
◦ What help addicts turn their lives around?

◦ Counseling
◦ Medical care
◦ Job training
10. Making Inferences
1. S
2. /
3. S
4. S
5. S
6. S
7. /
8. S
Sick-Building Syndrome A.
◦Topic: Sick Building
◦ Main idea:
St. Charles High is a “sick building”.
Sick-Building Syndrome
◦Topic: Sick-building syndrome
◦ Main idea:
Air inside many building is the cause of unpleasant and
dangerous symptom called “sick building”.
Sick-Building Syndrome
◦Topic: The indoor pollution in houses
◦ Main idea:
The indoor pollution that causes sick building syndrome can
also occur in houses.
Sick-Building Syndrome
◦Topic: The causes of sick-building syndrome in
an office building or school.
◦ Main idea:
The lack of ventilation makes sick-building situation in an
office building or school more serious.
Sick-Building Syndrome
◦Topic: Solution for sick-building syndrome
◦ Main idea:
One of the most important solutions for sick building
syndrome is to clean the building.
Sick-Building Syndrome
◦Topic: Clean air and houseplants
◦ Main idea:
Another solution to clean the air inside the building is
having houseplants.
Sick-Building Syndrome
◦Topic: The important role of plants for
pollution control in 21st Century
◦ Main idea:
Although there are still many questions, it seems like plants
offer an important pollution control system for the 21 st
4. Understanding Pronoun Reference
1. teachers and students at St. Charles High
2. the people who live in a typical home
3. Chemicals
4. Several sources of sick building syndrome
5. Solutions to the problem of sick-building syndrome
6. Workers
7. plants
5. Scanning
1.chemicals, mold, bacteria, smoke, gases
2.Cooking and heating, using synthetic products, air
conditioning systems, and the lack of ventilation
Part 3: Building Vocab & Study Skills
1. Focusing on Words from the Academic Word List
1. Predict
2. Global
3. Transportation
4. Access
5. Residents
6. Established
7. Priorities
8. Focus
9. Environment
2. Understanding Parts of Speech
Noun Verb Adj. Adv.
Beauty, beautification Beautify Beautiful Beautifully
Creation Creative creatively
Crowd create Crowded X
Difference crowd Different differently
differ X Difficult X
Efficiency X Efficient
Pollution, pollutant Pollute efficientlyX
Predict polluted
Predictable Predictably
Safety Save Safely
Solve safeSolvable X
solutionX Worsen Worse
Use the correct form of the base word and write the part of speech.

1. Solution (n.) / solve (v.)

2. Pollution (n.) / pollutant (n.)
3. Crowd (n.) / crowded (adj.)
4. Safe (adj.) /safely (adj.) / safety (n.)
5. Beautiful (adj.) / beautify (v.)
6. Predict (v.) / worse (adv.) / prediction (n.) / worsen (v.)
7. Differ (v.) / difference (n.) / differently (adv.) / different (adj.)
8. Efficient (adj.) / efficiently (adv.)

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