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What are geographical
Geographical concepts
Key ideas
1) Space-what and where are
things(features) placed/located.
2) Place-an area with things(features) that
give special meaning to people.
3) Environment-the surrounding area with
physical or human features.
4) Scale-a measurement used to describe
different levels of an observable event.
• Space
• Place
• Inter-connections/ Inter-related
• Change
• Environment
• Sustainability
• Scale
1. Space
• Is the concept of where (things) land features are (placed)
located. How they are arranged and why they are arranged
in that pattern(layout).
• Eg. Classroom space – where are the lockers placed? Where
is the teacher’s desk placed? Where are the students tables
& chairs placed? How are the students tables & chairs
arranged? Why?
• Location – a space that can be found (identified) by a set of
coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) on a map.
• Pattern – a design (an arrangement) that can be linear or
dispersed or nuclear.
1. Space – patterns


1. Space – LOCATION-latitude/longitude
1. Space – LOCATION – latitude /
1. Space – LOCATION-Latitude lines
• Latitude: Angular distance of a place north or south of
the Equator
• Latitude 0°: Equator is an imaginary horizontal line
around the globe that separates it into two equal parts
(Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere)
• Imaginary lines running from east to west around the
globe, connecting points with the same latitude
• Measured in degrees
• Increase in value north or south of the Equator
• Latitude 23½º N: ? ______________
• Latitude 90º S: ? ________________
1. Space – LOCATION – latitude lines
1. Space – LOCATION – longitude lines
• Longitude (meridians): Angular distance of a place east
or west of the Prime Meridian
• Longitude 0°: Prime Meridian (Greenwich Meridian)
is an imaginary vertical line between the North and
South Poles which passes through the Royal
Observatory in Greenwich, England
• Imaginary lines running from north to south of the
globe, connecting points with the same longitude
• Measured in degrees
• Values increase accordingly from the Prime Meridian
• Longitude 0°: Prime Meridian (Greenwich Meridian)
(International Date Line)
1. Space – LOCATION – longitude lines
Can you
locate Singapore
on a map?
Click on
how to
Singapore Coordinates
on the of Singapore
map. is 1º N and
103º E

Eg. Singapore space: Where are the forests, the lakes?

How are they located? Why are they located this way?
(in relation to other places, size or coverage)
Defined as:
• Examining the locations of
things.(Latitude & Longitude)
• Identifying their distribution
patterns.(Linear & Cluster)
• Explaining these patterns

e.g. Geographers use this concept to

study why tropical rainforests are
located in the central part of
Singapore, through the use of maps
and satellite images
2. place
• Is the concept on the significance (importance) people have on an
area of land based on the features on the land, and their feelings
towards that area of land.
• Features – physical (rivers, lakes, forests, mountains) or human
(buildings, roads, schools, hotels, etc)
• Feelings – memories and relationships experienced in the area.
• Example: San Yu Adventist School human features – basketball court,
3 level building of classrooms, a 3 story high church, with a road on 3
sides of the school. Memories of meeting friends from many
countries, of playing soccer in a small area, of eating vegetarian food,
and more.
(characteristics of a location)
• As a part of the earth’s surface that people
identify and give meaning to.
• Identified by physical and human features
which make each place unique and
• Meaning from memories, feelings &
e.g. Geographers use this concept to understand why
Taxco is built on a hill and why people settle there

What are some differences that you can see

between Taxco and Sentosa?

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