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0 (Project) risk Management

Course Overview

Dr Evi Viza
Amina Mehmood
University of the West of Scotland

Once we know our weaknesses,

they cease to do us any harm.


German Physicist

Teaching Team
• Dr Evi Viza:

• Amina Mehmood:

Appointments: By email and Microsoft Teams

application via outlook.
While we do our best to respond to email
requests, please keep in mind that we deal with
a high volume of students and we teach multiple
modules. We try to respond within 5 working

Project Risk Management QUAL11019

Risk Management QUAL11015

• Lectures/Tutorials
• Modes of study
• Module Overview
• Course aims
• Course objectives
• Structure of the course
• Syllabus & Timetable
• Assessment
• Tutorials
• Schedule
• Tips

• Each module is made up from 2 hrs lecture and
1 hr tutorial
• The lecture is the part that the theory is
introduced to the students
• The tutorial is the part that you assess your
understanding of this theory through small
exercises, group discussion and informal short
• Completing the tutorials help you perform better
at the assessments of the course

Modes of Study

• All materials are on AULA page.

• All classes should be ‘broadcast’ live on Teams and they
will be available recorded after the class.
• If they are any sessions that they will be “asynchronous”
meaning that the recordings will be available but with
no live lecture. You will be advised is this will happen
• Weekly attendance.
• Please read the Module Descriptors for your module
Risk Management
• Discussion forum available for everyone though MS
Teams and on AULA

Module overview– Risk Management

This module presents a study of risk, risk
management and the methods of risk
assessment. The syllabus covers:
• Introduction to risk, uncertainty and risk
• Risk attitudes and appetites of individuals,
groups, organisations and society;
• Definitions and frameworks for strategic risk
management; government and legislative
• Qualitative risk assessment methods;
• Risk management in the workplace: enterprise,
health & safety, finance and projects

Course Aims –Risk Management

• Develop students understanding of principles,
concepts and theory of modern project risk
• Equip students with a generic set of quantitative and
qualitative risk management tools and techniques
• Demonstrate the importance of project risk
management as specialism, and the potential
contribution that it can make to an organization
• Provide a source of ideas and a guide to new
approaches that can be used by individuals in the
execution of their work

Course Objective – Risk Management

• L1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the
principal concepts and theories of risk and
• L2. Critically evaluate the influences of
individuals, systems and organisations upon
managing risk.
• L3. Apply specialised methods and techniques
for modelling and managing risk.

Syllabus & Timetable

• For full details: please refer to the course

handbook AULA

Assessment – Risk Management

• Class Test 50%
• Coursework 50%
– Group Coursework Part A (Qualitative) : 50%
▫ You will form into groups of four to five to complete this
▫ The report should be 1500 words (+/- 10%) in length.
▫ The final report should be submitted by 5pm Friday 23th
October 2021.

Team Assignment
• Team Project
– Choose team members carefully
– Must be 5 members in each team
– Team contribution

• No marks for non-participants

– Advise immediately if you have no team!!

• Tutorials run live for each week.
• Exception is 20th October 2021, where we have an
on campus session (Paisley & London campuses)
• Risk Management students will have this course
till 27th October 2021, with the last tutorial being
used for the online test
• Project Risk Management students continue with
tutorials till 8th December 2021
• Ensure you join on the right tutorial group
• Tutorial exercises based on lecture topics for the
particular week.
• Tutorial files will be released one week before.
• You are expected to download/read the tutorial
instructions prior attending the session.
• Group discussion and presentation


Date Project Risk Management

week 1 12/09/2022 Introduction

week 2 19/09/2022 Introduction to RM/Risk Personality

week 3 26/09/2022 Risk Management Process

week 4 03/10/2022 Risk Identification

week 5 10/10/2022 Qualitative Risk Analysis

week 6 17/10/2022 Assessment tips and information

week 7 24/10/2022 - Risk In Enterprises - Class Test


Lecturers for each week


Lecture - Tutorial On
Date Risk Management Online Campus Coursework
Dr Evi Viza/
week 1 12/09/2022 Introduction Dr Evi Viza Amina Mehmood

Dr Evi Viza/Amina Qualitatitive Group work

week 2 19/09/2022 Introductio to RM/Risk Personality Dr Evi Viza Mehmood given

Dr Evi Viza/Amina
week 3 26/09/2022 Risk Management Process Dr Evi Viza Mehmood

Dr Evi Viza/Amina
week 4 03/10/2022 Risk Identification Dr Evi Viza Mehmood

Dr Evi Viza/Amina
week 5 10/10/2022 Qualitative Risk Analysis Dr Evi Viza Mehmood

Dr Evi Viza/Amina Assignment session/Pilot

week 6 17/10/2022 Risk In Multiple sectors Dr Evi Viza Mehmood class test
Qualitative Group work
week 7 24/10/2022 Class Test online - Dr Evi Viza deadline

• Access to AULA
• Download MS teams with your student email address
• Join the MS Teams for Risk Management T1 2022/23
image looks like that

• Join live at the correct time for lecture, 10am on

• Attend the on campus tutorial
• Participate on tutorials
• If you miss any lectures, do watch the recordings

Any issues with access please email

What is your expectation from this


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