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Similarities and differences
Between japan and nepal

Japan Nepal
Mountainous Terrain Celebration of Buddha's birthday

Daily food
Seismic Activity

Both Nepal and Japan are countries that are

famous for their mountainous terrain. Japan has
the Japanese Alps while Nepal is home to the
Himalayas. Japan is home to the famous
mountain mt. Fuji and Nepal is home to the
tallest peak in the entire world mt. Everest .
Celebration of Buddha's birthday
Nepal and Japan both are countries that have people
who believe in a variety of religions, one of them
being Buddism. In buddism there is a festival that is
celebrated to mark the birth, enlightenment and death
of the god Buddha. This festival is celebrated in Japan
as Hana Matsuri and in Nepal this festival is
celebrated as budda jayanti.
Daily food
• The people of Nepal and Japan both eat rice as a
daily food and it is a big part of their meals. They
use fresh ingredients and have special flavors.
Even though their dishes are different, the
importance of rice is a common thread that
connects the daily food culture in both countries.
Seismic Activity
• Seismic Activity is basically the ground shaking also known as
earthquakes. Nepal and Japan both are countries that experience
earthquakes from time to time. Japan and Nepal both have
earthquakes because they're on the Earth's shaky parts. The
ground moves, and it can be really strong. In both places, people
need to be ready for these shakes and make strong buildings to
stay safe from the ground moving.
Japan Nepal
• Japan is a developed country. • Nepal is a developing country.
• Japan has a constitutional c
• Nepal has a federal democratic
monarchy with a parliamentary republic.
government. • Nepal is a country that is
• Japan is a country that is surrounded by land.
surrounded by an ocean. • Nepal has a smaller population
• Japan has a larger population than Japan.
than Nepal.

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