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• A natural phenomenon that occurs throughout nature and
takes many different forms.
• The flow of electron or electric current.
• An invisible form of energy that can be transform into other
form of energy like heat light and mechanical, the stuff that
powers our electronic gadgets.
• It is a material substance that occupies space,
has mass, and is composed predominantly of
atoms consisting of protons, neutrons, and
electrons. It can take the form of a solid, liquid
or gas. All matter is made up of carbon,
hydrogen, and other atoms.
• It is the smallest particle of an element that can exist either
alone or in combination. It is the basic component of matter,
it is built with a combination of three distinct particles:
electrons, protons, and neutrons.
• Each atom has a center nucleus, where the protons and
neutrons are densely packed together. Surrounding the
nucleus are a group of orbiting electrons.
• It is an elementary particle that carries a
positive charge numerically equal to the
charge of an electron. It has the ability to
attract an electron.
•The neutron is a subatomic particle
which has a neutral charge.
• It is an elementary particle consisting of a
charge of negative electricity. It has the
ability to flow, thus creating electricity.
• It is a movement of positive or negative electric
particles (such as electrons) accompanied by
such observable effects as the production of
heat, of a magnetic field, or of chemical
transformations. The amount of current flowing
in a circuit is measured in amperes (I).
• It is the amount of pulling force that makes
the electrons flow. It is an electric potential
or potential difference expressed in volts
• It is the opposition offered by a body or
substance to the passage through it of a
steady electric current. The amount of
resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).
• It is a material or object that permits an
electric current to flow easily. It has low
resistance to current flow. This means they
allow electrons to flow freely inside them
from atom to atom.
• It is a material that is a poor conductor of
electricity. It does not easily allow the flow
of current, or it has a high resistance to
current flow. Generally, insulators are solid
in nature.

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