Exerted Aggression (Karan)

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Submitted by :
2nd Msc.C&FS
• EXERTED AGGRESSION: This aggression is an type of behaviour where people attempt to
stand up for themselves or exert power others in ways that are hostile & violate the rights of
others aggression.
• This type of aggression also any number of actions where people attempt to exert power over
others or stand up for themselves in ways that violate the rights of others.
• Exerted aggression behaviour meant to achieve a specific goal.
• Due to sense of losing control, it provokes the adult to make a physical or mental effect which
is leads to exerted aggression.
• This aggression occurs, when may they have dominate conversation or give their opinion too
boldly and forcefully which ends in physical consequences.
• Especially in adults, exerted aggression includes like beating, hitting, kicking, stabbing
another person or more than harming which is intended to harm another person’s dominance
behaviour or others.
• Aggression and violence have numerous social adverse affects such as family conflicts,
crime, murder & theft.
• To determine about how the adult aggression is aimed at hurting someone to gain something:
a) Attention
b) Due to impulsive reaction
c) Monetary reward for instance
• To determine about how the exerted aggression in adults have social adverse effects because
humans can be compelled to act by power motivations such as love, attention, fear and
• Showing impact and consequences of adults aggressive behaviour by walk-in interview.
1)The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Decisions to Leave Dating Relationships: A Test
of the Investment Model
Rhatigan et al., 2005
This study explored the impact of violent aggression exposure on young women who were
involved in heterosexual dating. They were asked to complete a questionnaires and consent
forms; the results were analysed. Descriptive data from the entire sample, comprising both
victimized and non-victimized groups, showed that 68.3% of women reported experiencing at
least one incident of psychological abuse and that 28.7% reported experiencing at least one
incident of physical violence within the past year. The present study attempted to explain from
a theoretical standpoint the processes by which violence likely affects decisions to terminate
2)Exploring the Moderating Influence of Delinquent Peers on the Link Between Trauma,
Anger, and Violence Among Male Youth: Implications for Social Work Practice
Maschi et al., 2008
This study explored the influence of delinquent peer exposure, on the relationship between
male youths’ histories of trauma, anger, and violent behavior. The adolescents interviewed
discussed their prior experiences of direct and indirect violence, past year SLE, delinquent
activity, mood states, and peer relationships. Results indicated that youth who reported
engaging in past year violent offending also reported a higher rate of exposure to violence,
SLE, anger, depression, and delinquent peer exposure than those youth who did not report
engaging in past year violent offending.
• AIM: EXERTED AGGRESSION research methodology typically involves studying & analysing
exerted aggression to understand adults behaviour their anxiety,impulsive reactions,traumas &
level of losing the sense of control.

• PLAN: * Data & collection (by walk-in interview)

* which things provokes them(adults)
*psychological analysis
*behavioral analysis after their impact/consequences
• Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, February 25). Aggression. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
• Mentovich, A., & Jost, J. T. (2017). Frustration-aggression hypothesis | definition, application,
development, & facts. In Encyclopædia Britannica.
• Cherry, K. (2021, November 18). Factors That Lead to Aggression. Verywell Mind;
Verywellmind. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-aggression-2794818
• Soreff, S. M., Gupta, V., & Arif, H. (2020). Aggression. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.
• Why Young People Need Their Aggression | Psychology Today. (n.d.).

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