Debates and Interpretations

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Interpretations and debates of the US Supreme Court (4.


The Living Constitution v


Using p503-504, make notes on

- What is the debate between

these two concepts/views on
the judiciary?

-What are the arguments for

each position

-The Constitution should be a

‘Living Constitution’. Evaluate
this view with specific
supporting knowledge.
Interpretations and debates of the US Supreme Court (4.6)
Judicial activism v Judicial

Using p504-505, make notes on

-What is the debate between

these two concepts/views on
the judiciary?

-What is the evidence of

either/both occurring within

-What are the arguments

for/against each position

-’Justices should demonstrate

Evaluate this view with specific
supporting knowledge.
Interpretations and debates of the US
Supreme Court (4.6)
Debate 1: Is the Supreme Court an ‘imperial judiciary’?

Imperial judiciary:

The court is ‘imperial’

Point Evidence/Development Your evaluation of this point

The court is not ‘imperial’

Point Evidence/Development Your evaluation of this point
Interpretations and debates of the US
Supreme Court (4.6)
Debate 2: Is the Supreme Court judicial or political?

Judicial v political court:

The court is ‘judicial’

Point Evidence/Development Your evaluation of this point

The court is ‘political’

Point Evidence/Development Your evaluation of this point
Interpretations and debates of the US Supreme Court (4.6)
Reading P500-501, 502-503 and P507
(Guantanamo Bay), as well as all SC
rulings you know of, create a table of
evidence of the effective protection of
Evidence of protection of Important SC ruling and Evidence of lack of Important SC ruling and
rights what they tell us protection of rights what they tell us

“The Supreme court has been an effective safeguard for the rights of Americans”

- Evaluate this view with specific evidence. (including knowledge of the counter) (Use the info on P502 and your
own knowledge)

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