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Presented by
2105166 - Ariful Islam Shadhin
2105178 - Mustafa Muhaimin

Supervised by
Md. Masum Mushfiq
Primary goals

Pokemon Buzzinga 2
on Pokemon
•The Pokémon franchise is set in a world in
which humans coexist with creatures known
as Pokémon. Starting with pokémon
Red and Blue, containing 151 Pokémon
species, with new ones being introduced in
subsequent games; as of February
2023, 1015 pokemon species have
appeared.Most Pokémon are playful
representations of real-world animals; for
example, PIKACHU is a yellow mouse-like
species with lightning bolt-shaped tails that
possess electrical abilities.

Pokemon Buzzinga 3
•Comprehensive Pokémon Database:
Showcasing detailed entries for all Pokémon species.
•User Team Registration:
Providing the ability for users to register and manage their
own Pokémon teams.
•Currency System for Pokémon Ownership:
Primary Allowing users to acquire and own Pokémon through a
currency system.
Goals •Battle System Development:
Creating a system for users to engage in battles using their
registered teams.
•Tournament Organization:
Establish a forum for discussions on teams,
weaknesses and Pokemon queries
The Comprehensive Pokémon Database is a meticulously curated repository housing in-depth information on every Pokémon. It
meticulously documents the intricate details crucial for trainers:
• Thorough Stats: HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed attributes are outlined.
Comprehensive • Type Insights: Clear delineation of types, weaknesses, and resistances to aid strategic planning.

Pokemon •

Move Catalog: A comprehensive library of moves with their types, power, accuracy, and effects for tactical battle planning.
Evolution Paths: Detailed paths and conditions for evolution of each Pokémon are meticulously laid out.

Database • Regional Notation: Notation of the native region for each Pokémon, enriching the understanding of their origins .Accurate
information on catch locations across diverse regions, facilitating Pokémon acquisition.
• Abilities Exploration: Detailed descriptions of abilities and hidden abilities possessed by each Pokémon.
• Additional Details: Any crucial or unique information essential for a comprehensive grasp of a Pokémon's traits within the
Pokémon universe.
Pokemon Buzzinga 5
User Team

• Creation: Users can assemble their dream teams by

selecting Pokémon from the Comprehensive
Database, customizing their lineup based
on preferred strategies, types, and abilities.
• Organization: Trainers have the flexibility to
arrange, name, and manage their teams, allowing for
easy navigation and strategic adjustments.
• Management : Users can modify, add, or replace
Pokémon within their teams as they acquire new
creatures or refine their battle tactics.
• Save Functionality: The platform securely stores
and maintains users' registered teams, ensuring their
lineups are readily accessible for battles,
tournaments, or further enhancements

Currency System
for Pokémon
The Currency System for Pokémon Ownership introduces
an engaging and dynamic dimension to the Pokémon
experience by granting users the opportunity to acquire,
own, and enhance their Pokémon through a structured in-
platform economy.
• Acquisition: Users can obtain Pokémon by utilizing
the platform's currency, earned through various in-
platform activities such as battles, tournaments, or
daily interactions.
• Ownership: Trainers become proprietors of their
acquired Pokémon, fostering a sense of attachment
and responsibility towards their virtual companions.
• Move Purchase: Additionally, the currency acts as a
means for purchasing new moves for owned
Pokémon, broadening their skill sets and strategic
versatility in battles.

Pokemon Buzzinga 7
Battle System
The Battle System Development introduces an immersive platform for
trainers to engage in strategic Pokémon battles, utilizing their
registered teams in thrilling matchups while fostering competition and
skill development.
• Team Deployment: Trainers can deploy their registered teams
into battles, strategizing and leveraging their Pokémon's strengths
against opponents.
• Versatile Matchups: Offers flexibility for users to initiate battles
against anyone within the platform, encouraging diverse
interactions and fostering a vibrant community.
• Rewarding Engagement: Winning battles earns trainers currency
within the platform, incentivizing active participation and success
in battles.
• Evolving Challenges: As trainers progress and improve, they can
seek out more formidable opponents, challenging themselves to
adapt and evolve their battle strategies.

Pokemon Buzzinga 8
Tournament Organization brings a thrilling and competitive edge to the platform,
uniting trainers in a series of structured events that celebrate skill, strategy, and
camaraderie within the Pokémon community.
• Structured Events: Organizing scheduled tournaments that accommodate
various formats, from single battles to multi-tiered competitions, catering to
different skill levels and preferences.
• Inclusive Participation: Inviting trainers from across the region to participate,
fostering a sense of community engagement and healthy competition.
• Diverse Challenges: Offering diverse challenges and rule sets in tournaments,
encouraging adaptability and strategic thinking among participants.
• Rewarding Excellence: Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performances
within tournaments, providing incentives such as rare Pokémon, in-game items,
or elevated status within the platform.
• Community Building: Fostering connections and interactions among trainers,
creating memorable experiences, and strengthening the sense of belonging
within the Pokémon community.
• Platform Highlight: Showcasing the best battles, strategies, and moments from
tournaments, amplifying engagement and enthusiasm across the platform

Pokemon buzzinga 9
Forum System

The Forum System provides a dedicated space for trainers to engage in

vibrant discussions, share insights, seek advice, and foster a
knowledgeable community around Pokémon-related topics within the
• Discussion Hub: Serving as a central hub for discussions, where
trainers can share experiences, strategies, and tips related to team
building, battle tactics, and Pokémon queries.
• Team Strategies: Enabling trainers to discuss and showcase their
team compositions, allowing for feedback, suggestions, and
collaborative improvement.
• Weakness Analysis: Facilitating discussions on Pokémon
weaknesses, type matchups, and effective counter-strategies, aiding
in strategic planning for battles.
• Q&A Support: Providing a platform for trainers to seek answers to
queries, whether related to Pokémon evolution paths, move
mechanics, or any other aspect of the Pokémon universe.
• Moderation and Guidance: Ensuring a conducive environment by
implementing moderation and guidelines to maintain a respectful Pokemon Buzzinga 10
and informative discussion space.

•Our platform offers a comprehensive Pokémon

experience. It includes a detailed database with
info on all Pokémon aspects, a system for
trainers to register and manage teams, a currency
system for Pokémon ownership and battle
enhancement, a dynamic battle system for
engaging matchups, tournament organization for
competitive play, and a forum for vibrant
discussions on strategies, weaknesses, and
queries. These features collectively create an
immersive and engaging environment for
trainers to learn, strategize, compete, and
connect within the Pokémon universe.

Pokemon Buzzinga 11
Thank you

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