Past Tenses

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I M PL E а с
T S и й ч
P AS й п р о с т
и ну л и

Mинулий неозначений час найчастіше
використовується для позначення дії котра
відбувалася в минулому і вже є завершеною.
We use the past tense to talk about:
•something that happened once in the past:
I met my wife in 1983.
We went to Spain for our holidays.
They got home very late last night.
•something that happened several times in the past:
When I was a boy, I walked a mile to school every day.
We swam a lot while we were on holiday.
They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
•something that was true for some time in the past:
I lived abroad for ten years.
He enjoyed being a student.
She played a lot of tennis when she was younger.
•we often use expressions with ago with the past simple:
I met my wife a long time ago.
Маркери часу

the day
before yesterday
last month
( week, year)
three days ago
S T C ON ас
PA ива л ий ч
лий т р

We use the past continuous to talk about the past:
- for something which happened before and after another action:

The children were doing their homework when I got home.

Compare: The children did their homework when (= after) I got home.

This use of the past continuous is very common at the beginning of a


The other day I was waiting for a bus when …

Last week, as I was driving to work, …

- for something that happened before and after a specific time:

It was eight o'clock. I was writing a letter.

Compare: At eight o'clock I wrote (= started writing) some letters.

Маркери часу

all the morning,

from 2 till 5 o'clock,
when you came,
at that time yesterday
PAS T P ча с
он а н и й
и й д о к
М и н у л

Використання Past Perfect
Дії, що передують іншим діям в минулому

Past Perfect використовується для вираження дії, яка передує

іншій дії у минулому або ж відбувалася до певного моменту в

•She told you she had met your mother.

– Вона сказала тобі, що зустріла твою мати.
(Вона спочатку зустріла мати, а потім через деякий час
розповіла про це)

• They had finished their work by 6 p.m. – Вони закінчили

роботу до 6-ї вечора.

• Tom had drunk a cup of coffee before going to work.

– Том випив чашку кави перед тим, як піти
на роботу.
Видимий результат у минулому

Past Perfect використовується для вираження дій, що

завершилися в минулому й результат цих дій був також
спостерігався у минулому.

•She was upset. She had torn her favorite dress.

– Вона була засмучена. Вона розірвала свою улюблену

•And the silence became deeper. They had dug the grave. –
Й тиша стала ще глибше. Вони викопали могилу.

•All these people were happy, because Kennedy had won the
elections. – Всі ці люди були щасливі, бо Кеннеді отримав
перемогу на виборах.
Hardly … when and No sooner … than

Past Perfect використовується в

конструкціях hardly...when та no sooner...than.
Ці два вирази перекладаються як ’’ледь я’’, ‘’тільки-
но я’’, ‘’тільки щойно я’’.
В таких реченнях Past Perfect також описує минулу
дію, що відбулася перед іншою дією.
Однак, особливістю є те, що в частині з Past
Perfect використовується непрямий порядок слів (як
в загальному питанні) або інверсія.
В другій частині складного речення використовується
час Past Simple.
Hardly had they met each other when it started to
– Тільки-но вони зустрілись, як пішов дрібний дощик.

Hardly had I sent my message when she came.

– Щойно я відправив повідомлення, як вона прийшла.

No sooner had I drunk my glass of cold water than I felt

– Ледь я допив стакан холодної води, як відчув зубний

No sooner had I come into the flat than the telephone

– Тільки-но я зайшов до квартири, як задзвонив
Маркери часу

В часі Past Perfect використовуються певні слова та

фрази, що вказують, до якого моменту було завершено
дію у минулому.

•before – до того як
•before the moment – до (певного) моменту
•before the evening – до (певного) вечора
•before the day – до (певного) дня
•before the year – до (певного) року

•never before – ніколи раніше

•after - після, після того, як

•no sooner… than – лише, щойно, тільки-но, не встиг

•hardly… when – тільки-но, щойно, ледь, не встиг і

Маркери часу

•by two o’clock – до 2-ї години

•by half past six – до половини 7-ї

•by that time – до того часу

•by that morning – до того ранку

•by evening – до вечора, під кінець дня
•by afternoon – пообідi

•by the 2nd of july – до 2-го липня

•by that day – до того дня

•by that month – до (початку) того місяця

•by that year – до того року

•by that age – до того віку

- C O N T
P E R F E CT с
PAST о ко на н и й ч а
ну л и й д
М и

USE 1 Duration Before Something in the Past

•They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.
•She had been working at that company for three years when it went out of business.
•How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?
•Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work.
•James had been teaching at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia.
•A: How long had you been studying Turkish before you moved to Ankara?
B: I had not been studying Turkish very long.

USE 2 Cause of Something in the Past

Using the past perfect continuous before another action in the past is a good
way to show cause and effect.
•Jason was tired because he had been jogging.
•Sam gained weight because he had been overeating.
•Betty failed the final test because she had not been attending class.
We use the past perfect continuous to show that something started in
the past and continued up until another time in the past. "For five
minutes" and "for two weeks" are both durations which can be used with
the past perfect continuous. Notice that this is related to the present
perfect continuous ; however, the duration does not continue until
now, it stops before something else in the past.
•They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.
•She had been working at that company for three years when it went
out of business.
•How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?
•Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at
•James had been teaching at the university for more than a year
before he left for Asia.
•A: How long had you been studying Turkish before you moved to
B: I had not been studying Turkish very long.
•for an hour
•for 5 hours
•for a day
•for a week
•for a month
•all morning / the whole morning
•all day (long) / the whole day
•all week / the whole week
•all month / the whole month
•all year (round)
•since 5 o’clock
•since last week
•since last month
•since 1991
•since last century
Br it
Br it

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