PPH 415 - GRP 1 Cep

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Group Members.
Mwamkuu Mwazighe-Q32/CE/12925/2020
Jamlick Mwangi- Q32/CE/10149/2020
Lubanga Madona- Q32/CE/11037/2021
Mercy Chepkorir- Q32/CE/10429/2019
Judith Muthoki- Q32S/CTY/PT/28609/2017
PPH 415_Group one 2


Project background- problem statement

Project Justification

Needs assessment Plan

Goal and Objectives

Implementation Methods

Project Timelines
PPH 415_Group one 3


High prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation

in Samburu County, currently at 87%.
PPH 415_Group one 4

Introduction to FGM:
 FGM affects over 200 million girls and women worldwide, constituting a global health crisis and human rights
violation (WHO, 2024).
 This centuries-old tradition, known by various names, requires comprehensive action for eradication (UNICEF,
 FGM infringes upon fundamental human rights, including health, security, and physical integrity, necessitating
urgent intervention.

African Landscape and Vulnerable Demographic:

 Thirty-three African countries, including Benin, Burkina Faso, and Cameroon, grapple with FGM, highlighting
the urgent need for continent-wide action (UNPF, 2024).
 Girls aged 0-15 bear the brunt of FGM, with nearly a quarter affected, necessitating targeted protection
measures (Farouki et al., 2022).
 FGM, often associated with rites of passage, underscores the intricate intersection of tradition, culture, and
gender dynamics.
PPH 415_Group one 5


Sociocultural Barriers and Kenyan Context:

 Deep-rooted sociocultural norms, compounded by limited resources and low literacy,
fuel FGM's persistence, requiring multifaceted strategies (Kandala et al., 2018).
 Kenya, with a 15% prevalence rate, faces heightened challenges in counties like
Samburu and Marsabit which report a prevalence of 86% and 91% respectively
demanding tailored interventions (KDHS, 2022).
 Socioeconomic disparities, lack of education, and early marriage exacerbate FGM
prevalence, necessitating holistic solutions.(AMREF, 2023)
PPH 415_Group one 6

 Health Risks: FGM poses immediate and long-term health risks, including
psychological, obstetric, and sexual health complications, necessitating
urgent intervention to reduce these complications.
 Economic Impact: Globally, treating FGM-related health complications
costs health systems approximately US$ 1.4 billion annually, straining
national budgets and hindering progress towards Sustainable Development
 Focus on Samburu County: Samburu County, characterized by its rural
landscape and strong cultural heritage, faces significant socioeconomic
challenges, including poverty, limited healthcare, and educational resources,
making it a critical target area for intervention.
PPH 415_Group one 7


 Cultural Context: FGM is deeply ingrained in Samburu County's cultural

practices, often tied to marriage customs and rites of passage, which

perpetuate its prevalence despite international efforts to eradicate it,

emphasizing the need for culturally sensitive interventions.

 Economic Conditions: Economic factors, such as poverty and limited access

to resources, further exacerbate FGM prevalence in Samburu County,

highlighting the importance of addressing both cultural norms and economic

disparities in intervention strategies.

PPH 415_Group one 8


 Impact on Education: FGM negatively affects education levels, particularly

for girls, as it is frequently linked to early marriage and dropout rates,

hindering educational attainment and perpetuating the cycle of poverty and

limited opportunities.

 Global Development Goals: Progress towards achieving Sustainable

Development Goals is impeded by the perpetuation of FGM, emphasizing the

urgency of targeted interventions in regions like Samburu County to mitigate

its impact on health, education, and gender equality.

PPH 415_Group one 9


1. Engagement of Community Leaders and Stakeholders:

 Identify key stakeholders, including community leaders, elders, religious

figures, women's groups, and youth organizations, through participatory
meetings and consultations.
 Conduct interviews and focus groups with community leaders to
understand their perspectives on FGM and explore opportunities for
collaboration and advocacy.
 Map out existing initiatives and programs addressing FGM within the
county and assess their effectiveness and reach.
 Develop a stakeholder engagement strategy to mobilize support and
resources for FGM prevention efforts, ensuring representation from
diverse sectors of the community. The needs assessment section is not
PPH 415_Group one 10


2. Comprehensive Assessment of FGM Prevalence and Practices:

 Utilize existing data sources such as health records, surveys, and reports to
determine the current prevalence of FGM in Samburu County.
 Conduct door-to-door surveys and focus group discussions to gather
firsthand information on FGM practices, including effects of FGM, age of
girls at the time of the procedure, and reasons behind the practice.
 Collaborate with local NGOs, healthcare facilities, and community-based
organizations to collect qualitative data on cultural beliefs, attitudes, and
perceptions related to FGM.
PPH 415_Group one 11


3. Assessment of Awareness and Education Levels:

 Administer knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) surveys to assess

the level of awareness and understanding of FGM among community
 Evaluate the impact of previous awareness campaigns and educational
interventions on changing perceptions and behaviors related to FGM.
 Identify gaps in knowledge and misconceptions about FGM that require
targeted educational interventions.
 Explore innovative approaches to disseminate information about the
harmful effects of FGM, including community theater, radio broadcasts,
and digital media platforms
PPH 415_Group one 12


Goal: Reduce FGM prevalence to below

50% in Samburu County by 2028.
Objective 1: Increase Awareness and Empower
Community Engagement

Objective 2: Enhance Access to Quality Education

and Life Skills

Objective 3: Implement Comprehensive Economic

Empowerment Programs.
PPH 415_Group one 13

Objective 1: Increase Awareness and Empower Community


Implement comprehensive awareness campaigns, educational workshops,

and community engagement initiatives to increase understanding of the
harmful effects of FGM, empower community members to advocate for
change, and foster a supportive environment for girls and women.

Objective 2: Enhance Access to Quality Education and Life Skills

Improve educational opportunities and life skills training for girls and young
women, ensuring increased access to formal schooling and non-formal
education programs tailored to their needs, thereby equipping them with the
knowledge and skills necessary to resist harmful practices like FGM .

Objective 3:Enhance economic empowerment and social well-

Implement comprehensive economic empowerment programs targeting
individuals traditionally involved in performing FGM, provide
entrepreneurship support, access to financial resources, and psychosocial
counseling to facilitate their transition to alternative livelihoods and foster
sustainable community development.
PPH 415_Group one 14

Objective 1: Increase Awareness and Empower Community Engagement

Conduct Comprehensive Awareness Campaigns:
 Utilize existing community spaces for awareness sessions.

 Collaborate with local media for FGM awareness programs.

Facilitate Educational Workshops:

 Partner with schools and youth clubs for FGM prevention education.

 Organize peer-led workshops during school breaks or after-school hours.

 Train community educators and peer mentors for tailored sessions.

Engage in Community Empowerment Initiatives:

 Establish support groups within existing community centers.

 Train community volunteers for utilizing existing communication channels.

PPH 415_Group one 15
Objective 2: Enhance Access to Quality Education and Life Skills
Improve Educational Opportunities:
 Collaborate with local education authorities to address barriers.
 Support existing school infrastructure and resources.
 Organize community-led initiatives such as parent-teacher associations.
Provide Life Skills Training:
 Organize career guidance sessions in collaboration with local employers.

Objective 3:Enhance economic empowerment and social well-being

Offer Entrepreneurship Support:
 Establish business development services within existing community centers.
 Partner with microfinance institutions for financial aid, literacy and training
PPH 415_Group one 16

• Year 1: Assessment and Planning

1. Conduct Needs Assessment:

 Gather data on FGM prevalence, community perceptions, and existing resources.

 Identify key stakeholders and establish partnerships with local organizations.

 Assess community readiness and willingness to address FGM.

2. Develop Strategic Plan:

 Formulate clear objectives based on assessment findings.

 Define target populations and geographical areas for intervention.

 Establish a timeline, budget, and monitoring framework for implementation.

3. Capacity Building:
 Train project staff and volunteers on FGM prevention strategies and community engagement
 Build partnerships with local health facilities, schools, and community leaders for
collaborative efforts.
PPH 415_Group one 17

Year 2: Awareness and Education

1. Conduct Awareness Campaigns:

 Launch community-wide awareness campaigns using various mediums such as radio,
posters, and community events.
 Organize educational workshops and seminars in schools, churches, mosques, and
community centers.
 Distribute informational materials and resources on FGM prevention and its

2. Enhance Access to Education:

 Support initiatives to improve access to quality education, including scholarships, and
teacher training programs.
 Integrate FGM prevention education into school curricula and extracurricular activities.

 Organize life skills training sessions for students to build resilience and empower them
to resist harmful practices.
PPH 415_Group one 18

Year 3: Economic Empowerment and Support Services
1. Implement Economic Empowerment Programs:
 Provide entrepreneurship support services such as business training, mentorship,
and access to microfinance.
 Engage FGM practitioners in alternative income-generating activities to transition
away from the practice.
2. Strengthen Support Services:
 Establish support groups for FGM survivors and at-risk individuals to provide
counseling, peer support, and referral services.
 Collaborate with local health facilities to offer medical and psychosocial support
for survivors of FGM.
 Ensure accessibility and availability of support services through community
outreach and awareness efforts.
www.website.com 19

Year 4: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Sustainability
1. Monitor and Evaluate:
 Conduct regular monitoring visits to assess project implementation progress and
address any challenges.( This would be continuous in every year)
 Collect and analyze data on key indicators to measure the impact of interventions on
reducing FGM prevalence and improving community awareness.
 Solicit feedback from community members, stakeholders, and beneficiaries to inform
program adjustments and improvements.
2. Ensure Sustainability:
 Strengthen local capacity by training community members and organizations to lead
FGM prevention efforts independently.
 Foster partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders to
sustain momentum and advocacy for FGM abandonment beyond the project period.
 Timeline should be presented using either a simple format or a gantt chart

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