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Hydel Power-
Presentation by:
Siddharth K (RVCE22BAS011)
Arjun Sahu (RVCE22BAS022)
Sushanth Gowda (RVCE22BAS035)
Hemendra Singh (RVCE22BAS026)
1. What is hydropower?
2. History of hydropower
3. Why hydropower?
4. Disadvantages
5. Types of hydropower
6. Physics application of hydropower
7. Equation for pipeline system
8. Mechanical Part
9. Reaction Turbine
10. Impulse Turbine
11. References
What is Hydropower?

 One of the earliest and most significant forms

of renewable energy is hydropower, which produces
electricity using the free flow of flowing water.

 The kinetic energy of the water is converted

into mechanical energy in order to produce power.

 It is one of the ways of sustainable energy

production as water is a renewable source of energy.
History of Hydropower

 Hydropower has a long history that dates back thousands of years.

 More than 2000 years ago, The Greek civilization shows evidence to have utilized
water wheels to grind wheat into flour.
 The water wheel itself seemed to have emerged in China around the same period.
 Evidence suggests that other civilizations such as Sumer and Babylonia used
irrigation machines powered by hydropower.
 Water mills were first introduced by the Roman Empire.
 As humans evolved, the use of hydropower increased and thus new methods of
water energy were invented.
 The first hydropower turbine was developed by a French engineer, Benoit Fourneyron
Why hydropower?

 One of the cheapest sources of energy is hydroelectricity.

 Hydroelectricity is considered a renewable source of energy as it

uses the earth’s water to produce electricity.

 One of the cleanliest and environmentally friendly alternative

energy sources is hydropower. Hydroelectric energy doesn't emit
hazardous pollutants into the environment like conventional fuel
energy sources do.

 Harmful influence on the environment.

 Hydroelectric Power Plant Displaces Human

Habitats as well.

 Expensive Dam Construction.

 Hydropower Plants are not as effective During

Dry Seasons.
Types of Hydroelectric power

1. Storage in a lake

 To use the water's energy, a dam stores

water in a lake and releases it.

 In the process of falling, the water's

gravitational potential energy is conver-
ted into kinetic energy, which is then
collected by turbines in the dam.
2. Pump system storage

 Water is pumped up to a certain height by

an outside energy source, and released
when we want to get the energy out.

 This is a way of storing energy like a

battery, but for very large electric grids.
3. Tidal Power

 Captures the energy of rising and falling tides

in the ocean to generate electrical energy.
 A tidal generator converts the energy of the
tidal into electricity.
 Tidal energy has high reliability, excellent
energy density and high durability.
Physics application of hydropower system
 In Hydro Power system we need to see how much energy is being drawn from water.
 All the three types of Hydroelectric power rely on the water having gravitational potential en-

E = mgh (gravitational potential energy)

Where ‘m’ is the mass of water, ‘g’ acceleration due to gravity , ‘h’ is height of water
But in most of the cases we are given volume and height of water
ρ = m/v
Where ‘ρ’ is the density of water, ‘V’ is the volume

Therefore, finally we get E = ρVgh,
But water exist at different levels so we take average height, h`

E = ρVgh`

‘E’ lets us here calculate the energy of water which we will get.

 The very basic principal of the hydro power works on physics principal, that water
gravitational potential energy converts into kinetic energy of turbine which later
generates electricity.
We find out how much hydro energy is generated by mathematical calculations.

Q1. A 30 m high dam holds back water with a surface area of 100 m^2. If the dam has an efficiency of 0.4,
how much energy can it capture from the water?

Sol. ρ = 1 x 10^3 kgm^-3

V = AH= (100 m^2)(30m) = 3000 m^3
g = 9.81 ms^-2
h` = ½(30m)
We know that E = ρVgh`
E = (1 x 10^3)(3000)(9.81)(15)
E = 4.41 x 10^8 J
As 0.4 is the efficiency of dam
E(out) = E(in)*efficiency
E(out)= (4.41 x 10^8)0.4
E(out) = 1.76 x 10^8 J
Pipeline System
The fundamental equation for one dimension:

Where ‘H’ represents the piezometric water head in the pipeline.

‘x’ represents position, ‘t’ represents time, ‘A’ represents average flow velocity of pipeline section, ‘f’ represents
Darcy-Weisbach coefficient of friction resistance, ‘a’ represent velocity of pressure wave.

The main thing here is that how mathematics helps us in solving multiple variable fluid flow equations, here we
used the ‘Partial Differential’ concept.

Above equations can be solved using ‘characteristic method’.

These equations help us in knowing how fluid is flowing through the pipe.
Mechanical Part

Components and their uses:

Reservoir: A hydroelectric dam's reservoir collects a lot of water and uses the water’s potential energy to
produce power.

Control Gate: A wall that controls how much water is discharged from a reservoir to the power plant.

Penstock: Transporting water from the source to spin the turbine and activate the generator.

Turbines: It is one of the most important part of hydropower plant as The turbines are used to convert
the kinetic energy of water into mechanical energy. There are two types of turbines:
a. Impulse turbine
b. Reaction turbine

Generator: Converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Reaction Turbine

 A reaction turbine generates power from the com-

bined forces of pressured moving water.
 A runner is placed directly in the water stream, allow-
ing water to flow over the blades rather than striking each
 Reaction turbines are generally used for sites with lower
head and higher flows.
 Example: Kaplan Turbine.
 Both the blades and the wicket gates are adjustable, allowing
for a wider range of operation. This turbine was developed by
Austrian inventor Viktor Kaplanin 1919.
Impulse Turbine

 An impulse turbine generally uses the velocity of the water to move the runner and discharges at atmo-
spheric pressure.

 A water stream hits each bucket on the runner. With no suction on the down side of the turbine, the water
flows out the bottom of the turbine housing after hitting the runner.

 An impulse turbine is generally suitable for high-head, low-flow applications.

 One example of Impulse Turbine is ‘Pelton Turbine’

Pelton wheel:

• The Pelton turbine was invented by

American inventor Lester Allan Pelton
in the 1870s, A Pelton wheel has one or
more free jets discharging water into an
aerated space and impinging on the
buckets of a runner
• Pelton turbines are generally used for
very high heads and low flows.

1. Hydroelectric Power - IB Physics

1.” A Mathematical Model and Its Application for Hydro Power “(energies ISSN 1996-1073

1. Hydropower Basics | Department of Energy
2. Hydroelectric power plant - Diagram , Working , Advantages (
3. Types of Hydropower Turbines | Department of Energy
Look out for
We are planning to make a working
model of hydropower dam for phase 2

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