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Composition of air in environment

By: Amal Yasir, Maham Jamil, Tahira Awais, Eman Rashed, Hareem
Siddiqui and Israa syed
What is "Composition of air in the environment?"

 The primary composition of air is nitrogen gas. Air is a mixture

of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapours and some
other gases. Nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and carbon dioxide
account for about 99% of the composition of air. Trace gases
include neon, methane, helium, krypton, hydrogen, xenon,
ozone, and many other elements and compounds in the
composition of air.
Composition of Air

Air is made up of 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93%

argon,0.04% carbon dioxide and other gases in meagre amounts.
Water vapour is also a constituent of air in varying amounts, along
with dust particles. The molar mass of dry air or air with no/low
quantity of water vapour in it is 28.97g/mol.
The components of air
The component of air are Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Water
Vapour. Three elements make up over 99.9 percent of the
composition of dry air: these are nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.
What is the role of air in the
 The atmosphere of Earth protects life on Earth by creating
pressure allowing for liquid water to exist on the Earth's surface,
warming the surface through heat retention, and reducing
temperature extremes between day and night. But the atmosphere
is being damaged by air pollution.
What is the importance of composition
of air?
 It provides us the air we breathe and protects us from the harmful
effects of the sun's rays. Gas such as Nitrogen is very important for
plant's survival. Oxygen is critical for survival and plays a key role
in respiration. This is defined as the process of producing energy in
living organisms. Other gases make up the final 1%, primarily
argon, at 0.9%.
Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

However, there may be some  Conditions such as asthma, heart

small advantages to Composition disease, and lung disease can be
of air in environment: made worse by exposure to air
 Air pollution helps plants pollution.
grow.  Like people, animals, and plants,
 Air pollution slows climate entire ecosystems can suffer
change. Some pollutants we effects from air pollution.
put out heat up the Earth, like  Air pollution can damage crops and
carbon dioxide. trees in a variety of ways.
Interesting facts

 The component of air  Air is made up of 78.09%  Three elements make up

are Oxygen, Nitrogen, nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, over 99.9 percent of
Carbon dioxide, 0.93% argon, 0.00.04% the composition of
Water Vapour. carbon dioxide, and other dry air: these are nitrogen,
gases in meager amounts. oxygen, and argon.

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