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 Describe the significance

of the wondrous deeds of
Jesus and his “I am”
sayings to our Christian
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Ichthys Greek term for “Fish” or the “sign of the
fish” was used by early Christians as a secret
symbol during the time of persecution.
It was due to the famous acrostic consisting of
the initial letters of five Greek words forming the
word for fish.
The cross is a sign of our salvation.
Is a monogram, comprising the first
two letters, Xp of the Greek “Xplotos”
(Christos) (CHI-RHO).
Chapters 2 to 12 of the
Gospel of John is called
the “Book of Signs” for
explicitly mentions the
seven wondrous of deeds
of Jesus.
The sacred author is
primarily interested in the
significance of these deeds
and interprets them for the
reader by various
reflections, narratives, and
The Signs (Wondrous
Deeds) of Jesus in the
Gospel of John are:
1. The turning of water into
wine at the wedding in
(Jn 2:1-11)
The Signs (Wondrous
Deeds) of Jesus in the
Gospel of John are:
2. The healing of
official’s son
(Jn 4:46-54)
The Signs (Wondrous
Deeds) of Jesus in the
Gospel of John are:
3. The healing of the
lame man (Jn 5:1-15)
The Signs (Wondrous
Deeds) of Jesus in the
Gospel of John are:
4. The feeding of the
multitude (Jn 6:1-15)
The Signs (Wondrous
Deeds) of Jesus in the
Gospel of John are:
5. Walking on the waters
of the Sea of Galilee (Jn
6: 19-20)
The Signs (Wondrous
Deeds) of Jesus in the
Gospel of John are:
6. The healing of the man
born blind (Jn 9: 1-41)
The Signs (Wondrous
Deeds) of Jesus in the
Gospel of John are:
7. The raising of Lazarus
(Jn 11: 1-44)
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

The Catechism for Filipino

Catholics teaches us that “our
Christian Faith is centered on
Jesus Christ, who is himself
“the Way, the Truth, and the
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus and what is the

truth about our Lord and
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

1. “I am the bread of life. I am

the living bread which has
come from heaven; whoever
eats of this bread will live
forever” (Jn 6:48-51).
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

2. “I am the Light of the

world; the one who follows
me will not walk in darkness,
but will have light and life”
(Jn 8:12).
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

3. “I am the gate. Whoever

enters through me will be
saved; he will go in and out
freely and find food (Jn 10:9).
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

4. “I am the good shepherd. I

know my own and my own
know me, as the Father knows
me and I know the Father.
Because of this, I give my life
for ,y sheep (Jn 10:14-15).
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

5. “I am the resurrection.
Whoever believes in me,
though he dies, shall live”
(Jn 11:25).
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

6. “I am the way, and the

truth, and the life: (8:32).
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ

7. “ I am the vine, you are the

branches” (15:5).
What Christian acts
can you do as a
testimony to the
“way, the truth. And
the life (Jn 14:6)?
1. Do your duties with a
cheerful heart.
2. Ease the worries of a
family member or a
3. Comfort (and take care
of the sick.
4. Share your food and
blessings with those who
have less.
5. Encourage those who are
feeling down and out.
6. Empathize with those
who are grieving.
The Eucharist as
Viaticum completes
and crowns our
Christian life on earth.
The word viaticum is a
Latin word which
means ‘provision for a
journey, from via, or
How can I nourish
my faith towards
spiritual maturity?
Answer Assessments I
and II on pages 83-84.

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