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AVT 2219 - Electronics III

Syllabus of Instruction
Sequence of topic (per week)

• Class Participation
• Class Activity
• Quiz
• Major Examination (periodically)

Syllabus or Instruction
Breakdown of Grade

Major Examination 30%

Quizzes 25%
Class Participation (Assignment, Recitation, Punctuality) 25%
Class Activities (Seat Works, Sample Problem, Performance Task) 20%
TOTAL 100%


Final Output (Overall Productivity, component application, Working principles) 30%

Time Management (Proper procedure, Project duration, Individual Task Interpretation) 25%

Data Presentation (Validation of the result based on Standard Operating Procedures) 25%

Report/Documentation (Project documentation procedure, Portfolio) 20%

TOTAL 100%
Syllabus or Instruction [cont’d]
 Grading System (zero based/Percentage)
Percentage Equivalent General Description

99 – 100 1.00 Outstanding

96 – 98 1.25 Excellent
93 – 95 1.50 Superior
90 – 92 1.75 Very Good
86 – 89 2.00 Good
83 – 85 2.25 Above Average
80 – 82 2.50 Average
77 - 79 2.75 Fair
75 – 76 3.00 Passing
Below 75 5.00 Failed
INC. Incomplete
U.D. Unofficially Dropped
F.A. Failure Due to Absences
Syllabus or Instruction [cont’d]
 Rubrics (Assignment/Essay Types of Exam)
Syllabus or Instruction [cont’d]
Syllabus or Instruction [cont’d]
 Prelim Sequence

 Week 1 – Fundamental of Electronics

 Activities
Class Participation
Seat Work No. 1

 Week 2 – Importance and role of electronics in aviation

 Activities
Class Participation
Quiz No. 1
Syllabus or Instruction [cont’d]
 Prelim Sequence

 Week 3 – Semiconductor Devices

 Activities
Class Participation
Seat Work. 2

 Week 4 – Continuation of Week 3

 Activities
Class Participation/Assignment
Quiz No. 2
Syllabus or Instruction [cont’d]
 Prelim Sequence

 Week 5 – Diode application on Electrical/Electronics


 Activities
Class Participation
Seat No. 3

 Week 6 – Prelim Examination

Fundamental of Electronics
Electronics involve key concepts like inductance, capacitance,
resistance, voltage, and currents. Those familiar with basic
electronics understand how devices manipulate electrons for
control. This knowledge is vital for comprehending technology,
facilitating repairs, and optimizing efficiency. Proficiency in
electronics is crucial in industries using both basic and advanced

 Types of Current

 Alternating Current (AC)

AC is constantly changing in value
and polarity, or as the name implies,
Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
Direct Current
 A Direct Current circuit is a circuit that Electric Current flows
through in one direction.

More sophisticated electrical systems typically involve multiple

voltage or current systems that utilize a combination of AC and
DC buses to supply power to various aircraft components.

AC power are often produce on aircraft electrical Power due to

can be transmitted over long distances more efficiently and with
smaller wires because the voltage can be easily increased or
decreased by a transformer.
Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
 Aircraft Electrical Sources ( Commercial Aircraft)

1.The First power generation typically involves AC produce by the

IDG, with one or more Transformer Rectifier Units (TRUs)
responsible for converting it to DC voltage to supply power to the
DC buses.

2. The second AC generation from an APU is generally supplied for

ground use when engines are not running and for airborne use in
the event of a component failure.

3. A third generation, such as a hydraulic motor or RAT, can be

integrated for redundancy in case of multiple failures. Essential
AC and DC components are connected to designated buses, with
provisions to ensure power supply to these buses in nearly all
failure situations.
Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
4. Fourth, In case of a complete loss of AC power generation, a
static inverter is part of the system to power the Essential AC
bus from the aircraft batteries. The system includes strong
monitoring and failure warning features.

 Ohms Law
 Ohm's Law is a formula used to calculate the relationship
between voltage, current and resistance in an electrical


 The Current [I] is equal to the Voltage [V] applied divided by the
Resistance [R] in the circuit.
Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
 The Resistance [R] is equal to the Voltage [V] applied divided
by Current [I] in the circuit.

 The Voltage [V] is equal to the product of the Current [I] and the
Resistance [R] in the circuit.

In electronics, a circuit is a complete circular path that electricity
flows through. A simple circuit consists of a current source,
conductors and a load. The term circuit can be used in a general
sense to refer to any fixed path that electricity, data or a signal
can travel through.
Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
 How Electronics Circuit Works

In an electronic circuit, electrons come out of the power

source, travel along conductors, go through a load to perform
work and are finally returned to the source. It is called a circuit
because of the circular path that the electrons flow through. The
relationship between the electrical flow and load is described in
Ohm's Law. In a circuit, the electrons travel from the negative
side of the power supply to the positive side.

Most modern electronic devices use printed circuit boards that

have circuit traces that act as the conductors. The circuit boards
will also contain all the connectors and other components
needed for the circuit to perform the needed job.
Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
Three Types of Circuits

Series Circuit
 is a circuit in which there is only one path for current to flow.


Current through each load resistance is the same.

 Total resistance in the circuit is the sum of load resistance.

 Total Voltage drop equals the source Voltage.

Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
 Parallel Circuit
is a circuit in which two or more components are connected
across the same Voltage source.

 Voltage across each load resistance is the same.

Current flow through each load will different if the load

resistance is different.

Equivalent resistance of the circuit is less than lowest load

Fundamental of Electronics [cont’d]
 Total current in the circuit equals the sum of the branch

 Equivalent resistance of the circuit is less than lowest load


 Total current in the circuit equals the sum of the branch


 Series Parallel Circuits

in a series-parallel circuits, current flows through the series
portion of the circuit and then splits to flow through the parallel
Seat Work No. 1
1. Which law describes the most fundamental or basic
relationship in an electrical circuit?

2 – 4. What are the three elements of Ohm's law?

5. If the resistance in a electronics circuit remains the same but

the voltage doubles, what happens to the current flowing in the

6 – 8. What are the three elements required to form an electrical


9 –11. In electronics, circuits can take one of three forms or types.

What are they?
Seat Work No. 1 [cont’d]
12–15. What are the sources of electrical power on commercial
Answer Sheet
1. Ohm’s Law
2. Voltage
3. Current
4. Resistance
5. Increase
6. Source of Electrical Energy
7. A load or resistance to consume the Electrical Energy
8. Wire or conductor to connect the Load and the Source
9. Series
10. Parallel
11. Combination of Series and Parallel
12. Integrated Drive Generator
13. Auxiliary Power Unit
14. Ram Air Turbine
15. Battery

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