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Memo is an abbreviation of memorandum which is a concise message,
namely a message written by someone in a short, clear and easy to
understand way. In its use, memos are official and personal (unofficial). An
official memo is used as a statement letter in an official relationship from a
leader to his subordinates. Personal memos are used as informal notes or
statements between friends, relatives or other people who have close
● Memo function.
Memos are created for various purposes, namely:
1.Provide specific information or topics
2.Communicating about the change
3. Introducing a new idea.
● Memo Type

● 1. Official memo | This official memo is usually used by the leadership of
an agency or company to their subordinates or vice versa.

2. Unofficial (personal) memo | This unofficial memo is usually used as an
unofficial note or letter between friends or relatives. This type of memo is
usually written between friends with the aim of conveying messages that are
personal relationships between friends or between personal people who have
close relationships.
Memo StructureA memo generally has 3 parts of the general
structure (generic structure), namely:

● 1. Opening | The section that contains the recipient, sender, date,

and destination of the memo. namely: Recipient (to/cc/bcc),
Sender, Address, Date, Subject/Re.
● 2. Message content (Content) | In the form of a short message
that is concise and easy to understand by the recipient of the
● 3. Cover | The section containing the signature and clear name of
the person providing the memo.
Ungkapan dalam Memo
Tanggapan yang diharapkan diterbitkannya
Beberapa frasa umum: memo:

Please be advised… (Harap maklum…)

Ini merupakan frasa yang sopan untuk You must… (Harus…)

mengatakan we wish to inform you that…
(Employees) are asked… ([Pegawai]
This is to inform… (Memo ini untuk diminta…)
menginformasikan…) … at your earliest convenience. (frasa yang
baik dan sopan untuk menggantikan
Please note that… (Harap dicatat bahwa…)
permintaan “whenever you have time” atau
Ini merupakan frasa yang formal untuk
“as soon as you’re able”
mengambil perhatian orang secara langsung,
namun terkesan tidak sopan jika memo tidak
diawali dengan pendahuluan.
Examples of official and UnOfficial memos
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