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• We are going to study some curves in this chapter namely parabola,
hyperbola , ellipse and circle.
• This names are given by Apollonius.
• This curves are known as conic sections or conics.
• This curves can be obtain by intersection of double napped right
circular cone with plane.
• What is double napped circular cone???/
Let l be a fixed line and m be another line
intersecting it at a fixed point V with angle

Suppose we rotate the line m around the line l

In such a way that the angle alpha remains
constant. Then the surface generate is the
double napped right circular cone.
It is extending idefinietly far in both direction.
• Point V is called vertex , line l is the axis which is dotted line .
• The rotating line m is called generator of the cone.
• The vertex separates the cone into two parts called nappes.

• If we take intersection of a plane with a cone , the intersection

obtained is called conics or conic section.
• Conic sections are the curved obtained by intersecting a right circular
cone with a plane.
• When the plane cuts the nappe of cone otherthan vertex we have
following situation.
• When β= 90 then the section is called circle.
• When α<β<90 , the section is called ellipse.
• When β=α, the section is called parabola .
• In all previous cases plane cuts entirely across one nappe of the cone.

• When plane cuts through both the nappes and the curves of
intersection is a hyperbola.
When the plane cuts at the vertex of the cone we have
following cases.

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