Persuasive Writing Lesson Year 8 AFG

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L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.

2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.

The Powers of Persuasion

While we’re waiting for everyone to join! Watch the clips and ask yourself: which
one are you?
Clip 1:
Clip 2:
L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.

Organise these techniques into whether they are

language or structural…
Put them into two columns…
Simple repetition

simile zoomorphism

alliteration plosives
paragraphing Put them
om the
metaphor Pronouns Challenge: Can you
and DMA add any more that
you know?
L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.


simile plosives punctuation

zoomorphism paragraphing

alliteration repetition
metaphor Simple
adjectives sentence
and DMA
What techniques do we know to use?
 Amazing vocabulary  Cyclical
 Alliteration  Paragraphing for effect
 Repetition  Discourse markers (however,
 Emotive language consequently, secondly, in addition…)
 Direct mode of address  Varied punctuation
 Facts and Stats (not too many this isn’t  Varied sentence structures
creative)  Varied sentence openers (different
 Opinion (obviously) word classes each time)
 Rhetorical questions (don’t overuse)  Juxtaposition
 Exaggeration/hyperbole
 Puns • As long as you are writing correct to
 Similes purpose, there is no difference between
 Metaphors the mark scheme for creative writing
 Zoomorphism and persuasive writing. You should be
 Personification showing off your skills in the same way.
 Sarcasm/irony
L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.
L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.


Can you identify the techniques I am describing…?
Challenge: Can you come up with an example for each?

A lonely and AMAZING high impact sentence.

Asyndetic and
Isolated listing
This structural technique
This is the time for change. exaggerates the extent to which
This is the time for revolution. something is happening.

Anaphora metaphor
A metaphor that continues throughout the whole piece e.g.
describing sugar as a beast that is feasting on your organs and
clawing at your heart all the way through.
Read this example of persuasive writing written by a student.
Which techniques can you identify?
Young people face many pressures.

The world is your oyster they say; I beg to differ. The world might be my oyster, but it is
sculpted by the sharks of society and I will be molded in place by the force of the waves. One
splash in the wrong direction and I’m pulled under. Pulled under to where I will be beaten
and battered. Pulled under by the overwhelming guilt; the guilt of enjoying life without

From the outside looking in, life is free and beautiful and tranquil. However, the second you
take a dip and duck beneath the surface, it is confined and fearful and disturbed.

There are millions of other fish in the sea, yet thousands of them are the same. I will be
shaped, and I will be scarred to fit your supposed perception of me. I think I will get a say in
my destiny. I could not be more wrong. Despite all this, you still question why anxiety rates
are rising, you question why depression is still very much prevalent. According to you we
have everything, but everything we have is forced upon us to drown us. Everything we have
belongs to you.

The world is your oyster they say; I beg to differ.

L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.
Read this example of persuasive writing written by a student.
Which techniques can you identify?
Young people face many pressures.

The world is your oyster they say; I beg to differ. The world might be my oyster, but it is
sculpted by the sharks of society and I will be molded in place by the force of the waves. One
splash in the wrong direction and I’m pulled under. Pulled under to where I will be beaten
and battered. Pulled under by the overwhelming guilt; the guilt of enjoying life without

From the outside looking in, life is free and beautiful and tranquil. However, the second you
take a dip and duck beneath the surface, it is confined and fearful and disturbed.

There are millions of other fish in the sea, yet thousands of them are the same. I will be
shaped, and I will be scarred to fit your supposed perception of me. I think I will get a say in
my destiny. I could not be more wrong. Despite all this, you still question why anxiety rates
are rising, you question why depression is still very much prevalent. According to you we
have everything, but everything we have is forced upon us to drown us. Everything we have
belongs to you.

The world is your oyster they say; I beg to differ. If you are stuck, listen to the audio note
which will help you analyse the
L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.
Complete this analysis grid by reading the persuasive writing example and identifying the
top grade techniques…
TOP GRADE Example from the persuasive writing What are the effects?

Extended metaphor ‘The world is your oyster they say; I beg to It is suggesting that the pressures of
differ. The world might be my oyster, but it is society are like a vicious predator.
sculpted by the sharks of society and I will be
molded in place by the force of the waves.’

Anaphora ‘Pulled under to where I will be beaten and It exaggerates the idea of being
battered. Pulled under by the overwhelming pressured into doing something.
guilt; the guilt of enjoying life without

Listing for effect ‘However, the second you take a dip and duck It is exaggerating how pressure can
beneath the surface, it is confined and fearful feel.
and disturbed.'

Isolated paragraph ‘The world is your oyster they say; I beg to It suggests that the writer is
differ.’ completely against the idea.

Challenge: Choose one sentence from the piece and improve it. Where can you see
language or structure that hasn’t been used for effect?
Persuasive Writing Task GCSE Exam prep!

Choose one option and write 150 words about it – try to use all 4 TOP
GRADE techniques (and other ones too!)

‘Young people face many pressures.’ Write a speech for or against this

‘Computer games have no value. They encourage young people to spend
hours wasting time that could be spent more usefully.’ Write an article for
a school newspaper in which you outline your opinion on this statement.

 Correct SPG Challenge: Start

 TOP GRADE techniques every sentence
 Other language and structural techniques for effect with a different
 Original and creative word class and
use at least 2

L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.
Persuasive Writing Task

How did we do?

Let’s share some of our work and you can self assess your own
against this criteria.
 Correct SPG
 Extended metaphor
 Anaphora
 Different types of listing
 Isolated paragraph
 Other language and structural techniques for effect
 Original and creative
 Writing is carefully adapted to the task and is convincing throughout.

Please upload your work to Teams so that I

can mark it and provide you with feedback!

L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.
Further reading…
• Opinion pieces in The
Guardian or The Times
• I Hate kids by Charlie
• The Danger of a Single Story
– Chimamanda Adichie

L.O. 1. To understand how writers carefully adapt their writing for specific purposes.
2. To create a piece of effective persuasive writing.

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