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Emerging Technologies


The cloud is just a fancy way of describing a place where you

can store and access things like pictures, documents, and
videos over the internet instead of keeping them on your own
computer or phone. That way, you can use any device with an
internet connection to access your things from anywhere.
Embedded System

Think of an embedded system like a little brain inside everyday

things. It's like a tiny computer that helps things do their job
better. For example, in a microwave, there's a small computer
that makes sure your food gets cooked just right. It doesn't talk
to other things; it only focuses on its own task.
IoT (Internet of Things)

Now, imagine if all those little brains in different things could talk to each other and to you!
That's what IoT is like. It's when all kinds of objects, like your fridge, your toy, or even your
pet's collar, can connect to the internet and share information. So, your fridge might tell you
when you're out of milk, or your toy might play a song when you ask it to using your phone.

In short, an embedded system is like a helper inside one thing, while IoT is when lots of
things can talk to each other and to you through the internet.
Edge Computing
imagine you have a really cool robot friend named Robo. Robo is super smart and
can do lots of things, like play games, help with homework, and even talk to other
Now, think about how Robo's brain works. Instead of having all its smarts in one big
computer inside its body, like a regular robot, Robo has little computers all over its
body. These little computers help Robo do things faster and better because they're
right where the action is.
That's kind of like what edge computing is! Instead of sending all the information to
one big computer far away, like a regular computer in a data center, edge computing
puts small computers, or "brains," closer to where things are happening. This helps
things happen really quickly and makes Robo (or any device) work even better.
So, edge computing is like giving Robo and other devices little brains all over their
bodies to help them do things faster and smarter right where they are. It's like having
superpowers for machines!

Imagine you have a special kind of money that exists only on the computer. We call it
'cryptocurrency.' Instead of having physical coins or paper bills, it's like having digital tokens that
live in a special online wallet.

Now, in the regular world, banks and governments keep track of how much money everyone has,
but with cryptocurrency, there's no one in charge. Instead, a bunch of computers work together to
keep a record of who has how much.
This record is like a big digital book that everyone can see, but nobody can change once it's
written. We call this book a 'blockchain.' It's super secure, like a digital lock that keeps everything

People can use cryptocurrency to buy things or trade it for other types of money, just like how you
might trade your toys with your friends. Some people even think that cryptocurrency might
become as important as regular money in the future.
But remember, just like with real money, you have to be careful with your cryptocurrency and
make sure you keep it safe from bad people who might try to steal it. So, it's like having a secret
digital treasure that you need to protect!"

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