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Presentation by Group 1 (RN 1 - 22)
Medical Year 1 (5/2023)
Table of Content

1 What is Down $? 6 Complications

2 History 7 Prognosis
3 Prevalence and
8 Diagnosis
Risk factors
4 Types of Down $ 9 Management
5 Clinical features 10 CONCLUSION
What is Down Syndrome?
• In every cell in human body, there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in
• Typically, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are
inherited from each parent.
• Down Syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of
chromosome 21 and called "Trisomy 21".
• This changes how the baby's body and brain develop, which can cause both mental and
physical challenges for the baby.
When was Down $ discovered?

• First described clinically by Langdon Down in 1866.

• In 1959, the French physician Jérôme Lejeune identified Down $ as a chromosome


• It was later determined that an extra partial or whole copy of chromosome 21 results

in the characteristics associated with Down $.

• In the year 2000, an international team of scientists successfully identified and

catalogued each of the approximately 329 genes on chromosome 21.

• 1 in 700-1000 lived baby born in World wide
• About 6000 in each year in the US
• About 30% of the disease since 1979 to 2003
• Most common chromosomal disorders

What are the risk factors for Down syndrome...

Maternal age: commonly age >35 have more chance. Prevalence increase with maternal
Previous Chile with down syndrome: if previously have a child with this, the risk of
another child increase.
Genetic translocation(~3-4%) if parent has Robertsonian translocation (acrocentric), the risk
also increase.
Types of Down syndrome

Trisomy 21 (Non-disjunction)
01 (47,XY,+21 if male)

Translocation Down Syndrome

02 [46,XY,der(14:21)(q10:q:10),+21),
if male]

Mosaic Down Syndrome

03 (46,XY/46,XY,+21 if male)
1. Trisomy 21 (47,XY,+21)

• has complete extra chromosome 21 and has three

copies of chromosome 21
• total chromosome count is 47
• 47,XY,+21 if male
• due to meiotic non-disjunction
• influenced by maternal age and commoner with
increasing with increasing maternal age
• most common form - about 95% of all cases
• is not hereditary
Non-disjunction in Meiosis I Non-disjunction in Meiosis II
2. Robertsonian Translocation (46,XY,der(14:21)(q10:q:10),+21)

• has extra chromosomal material derived from translocation of the long arm of chromosome 21

on chromosome 14 or 22
• Translocated chromosomal fragment provides the same triple gene dosage as trisomy 21

• They are inheritable because the parent is a carrier

• About 4% of all cases

Robertsonian Translocation Down $ INHERITANCE

Gametes the chance for inheritance is
Fertilization by a normal gamete

Normal Trisomy 21
3. Mosaic Down $ (46,XY/46,XY,+21)

• a mixture of two types of cells, some containing the usual 46 chromosomes and some
containing 47.
• Those cells with 47 chromosomes contain an extra chromosome 21.
• least common form - 1% of all cases
• fewer characteristics of Down $
Does Down $ run in family?

• All three types are genetic conditions (relating to the genes), but only
translocation variant can have a hereditary component.
• Hereditary is not a factor in trisomy 21 (non-disjunction and
• The age of mother is not linked to the risk of translocation and
Physical features and characteristics of Down patient

Although individuals have slightly differences,

Down patients show similar characteristics:

• Flat facial profile; small and flat nose and epicanthic folds
• Upslanting palpebral fissure
• Brushfield spots around the iris
• Protruding tongue
• Low-set ears
• Short in stature ,and short and abundant neck
• Muscle hypotonia, hyper-flexibility
• Simian crease
• Wide gap between 1st and 2nd toes, clinodactyly
• Loss of Moro reflex
Simian crease and clinodactyly Epicanthic fold

Protruding tongue
Intellectual Development and Disability

• have later developmental milestones than other children E.g. walk and talk
• have mild to moderately intellectual disability and difficulty in attention span, verbal memory
• people with Down syndrome usually have an IQ in mild to moderately low range (usually 30-60)
• Slower to speak
• But they can be more self-reliable persons and more independent
Complications and diseases associated with Down syndrome

• Congenital heart disease - 40%

• Acute leukemia

• Alzheimer's disease in their old age (40s)

• Respiratory problems - Reduced muscle tone Dyspnea

• GI problems - Atresia of oesophagus, small bowel, umbilical hernia

• Hearing and visions impairment

• Lungs and thyroid disorders - Autoimmune

Prognosis for Down syndrome

• Without the presence of heart defects, about 90% of children with Down syndrome live into the


• The average life expectancy of a person with Down syndrome is about 60 years.

• People with Down syndrome faced an increased chance of developing Alzheimer's disease in their

old age.

• Most people have a six in 100 risk of developing Alzheimer's disease but people with Down

syndrome have a one-in-four chance of the disease.

How to diagnose
Down syndrome?

Prenatal Analysis Postnatal Analysis

Screening Diagnostic test(Confirmation)

Invasive Non-invasive

Screening in prenatal period

• It can detect the risk for Down syndrome and cytogenetic abnormality of the fetus.
• Most common screening tests include maternal blood test (serum screening test) and ultrasound.
• Screening for Down syndrome can be performed as early as 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy within the first
trimester ultrasound and blood test.
• Screening can also be performed between 15 and 20 weeks by a blood test referred to as the multiple marker
serum screening test..
Diagnosis tests are usually performed after a positive screening test.
Types of Prenatal Diagnosis
• Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) - examines material from placenta
• Amniocentesis - examines the amniotic fluid
• Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) or cordocentesis - take a
Trisomy 21
sample of baby's blood from umbilical cord
These methods are invasive and carry up to a 1% risk of miscarriage

• Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis -

Detecting chromosomal material from the fetus that is circulating in the maternal blood. Take the
maternal peripheral blood and detected by NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) method - Energetic
molecular diagnostic method
Indications for prenatal diagnosis

• Advanced maternal age

• A parent of balanced chromosome rearrangement carrier
• Suspected children for many other genetic diseases
• If ultrasound and blood screening test are positive

Most commonly used diagnostic methods for chromosomal analysis are

• Polymerase Chain Reaction analysis (PCR)
• Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH)
• Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Postnatal Diagnosis
• At the time of birth, if a doctor may suspect Down syndrome in a newborn based on the baby's appearance.
• That can be confirmed by karyotyping method that lines up the chromosomes and will show if there is an extra
• It is most commonly performed on the peripheral blood DNA of the baby.

Indications for postnatal diagnosis

Multiple congenital anomalies

Suspicion of a metabolic disease

Mental retardation and developmental delay

How to Give support and management to children with Down Syndrome...

• There is no special treatment for Down syndrome (no cure treatment)

But there are some ways to help Down syndrome patients.
• Physical or occupational therapy - e.g. maintaining balance, walking,
running, self-care skills such as dressing, hygiene
• Speech therapy - helps to communicate others
• Participating in special education programs in school
• Treating underlying diseases such as congenital heart defects,
hearing and vision impairment , blood disorders
• Wearing glasses and hearing aid to improve hearing and vision

Speech aid technology

Our massage

"Children and adults with Down syndrome should not be categorized as a

Each person is an individual, with a unique appearance,
personality and set of abilities."

Thank you

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